hdn said:Been busy lately, so haven't checked in for a day or so, but to answer your question, YES, we have discussed a sequel. Obviously, how Darksiders sells will impact on if there's an actual sequel developed though.
The latest vg-chartz show a decent first week.
MarkMclovin said:As this is being compared to Zelda a lot, does it have the gameplay of having to obtain a certain weapon or equipment, in order to progress through to another place/dungeon?
Wood swordKingpen said:Could someone do a spoiler list of the weapons you get in this game?
I may trade some stuff in that I don't play for this at lunch as I like Zelda and GOW but don't have their respective systems to play on.
Kingpen said:Could someone do a spoiler list of the weapons you get in this game?
I may trade some stuff in that I don't play for this at lunch as I like Zelda and GOW but don't have their respective systems to play on.
Einbroch said:Just beat the game last night, and...wow.
I really don't see how anything except maybe Mass Effect 2 or Final Fantasy XIII can top this for my GOTY 2010.
Absolutely stunning. Loved the art, loved the combat, loved the story (it did it's job), loved the ending (ENDING SPOILERS:, loved everything.When War said "Not alone..." and three balls of light flew by in the background I literally said "Fuck yeah."
neorej said:There's a tree growing out of the building with two lamps on the branches. There's a hole there.
Yes, but where can I do my High Flier trophy when I missed it during the first set of challenge rooms?Mejilan said:It's a pretty easy game to 100%, in that sense.
It can all be done in one pass, instead of requiring multiple runs (fuck you Uncharted), and only 3-4 of the trophies/achievements are miss-able. All in all, it's a fairly straight-forward 1000/platinum.
glaurung said:Yes, but where can I do my High Flier trophy when I missed it during the first set of challenge rooms?
I think the Open Air Parking is the single hopelessly missable trophy.
Open Air Parking is the easiest of all the miseable ones. It takes about 5 minutes to start up a new game and get it.glaurung said:I think the Open Air Parking is the single hopelessly missable trophy.
You can only get it during that one sequence and you have to get 160 all in one go.glaurung said:In that case I need to get it during the second playthrough. Do the kills stack?
I am pretty sure they do or at least there are so many of them that it doesn't really matter. I honestly don't know what kind of a person it would take to manage to break every single parking meter and street light to be able to miss out on the achievement. Although it is easier to get in the beginning.Mejilan said:Depending on who you ask, the Improvised Kills trophy might be miss-able as well, since most environmental objects do not respawn when destroyed.
Well if you are looking at it from that point of view than you only need to replay the last section since thats where you get most of the kills.Mejilan said:Well, not exactly. You do have to get all 160 kills during the entire Angelic Mount sequence. However, since there are check points where the game saves your progress, you CAN do the run in parts, reloading and redoing the current segment for an optimal number of kills. In other words, you don't have to play through the entire Angelic Mount sequence in one shot.
:lolKanZolo said:I played through the first dungeon and I liked it. It's fun and it emulates other games well. I know if I played through it I would like it even more but I'll wait a year when it drops to $20.
There was something off to me about it and I couldn't put my finger on it but I think I may have figured it out.
In a game similar to Zelda, I would rather play as a character more like Link, ICO or Wander. Someone who is not a total badass (though Kratos would kick the shit out of War).
MarkMclovin said:As this is being compared to Zelda a lot, does it have the gameplay of having to obtain a certain weapon or equipment, in order to progress through to another place/dungeon?
canova said::lol
You wish. War would bitch-slap Kratos back to Mt. Olympus
War is a lot less emotional that Kratos really. There is supposed to be that deep smoldering rage/anger somewhere underneath but he is never as manic as Kratos is. War doesn't go for any kind of flashy stuff like caving some ones head in with a door or trying to rip somebodies head of, just fist through the chest and rip the heart out, done.canova said::lol
You wish. War would bitch-slap Kratos back to Mt. Olympus
canova said::lol
You wish. War would bitch-slap Kratos back to Mt. Olympus
KanZolo said:(though Kratos would kick the shit out of War).
Again I just don't think War has the emotional capacity for that to happen.andymcc said:and bayonetta would emasculate them both. : )
ZealousD said:Bullshit. At full power, the 4 Horsemen alone are enough to bring both the full powers of Heaven and Hell to their very knees. Kratos has trouble with a single god. War just needs to go into Chaos form and Kratos is fucked.
Pimpbaa said:It is more Soul Reaver than Zelda. Almost to the point where it seems like a spiritual successor to the Soul Reaver series.
War. Just like Death both are merely personifications of concepts, its impossible to kill them entirely. Its like asking how do you kill Santa Claus?KevinCow said:The embodiment of War vs. (a guy who was at one point) the God of War? Interesting concept. I'm not sure who I'd put my money on.
Its like asking how do you kill Santa Claus?
Lostconfused said:War is a lot less emotional that Kratos really. There is supposed to be that deep smoldering rage/anger somewhere underneath but he is never as manic as Kratos is. War doesn't go for any kind of flashy stuff like caving some ones head in with a door or trying to rip somebodies head of, just fist through the chest and rip the heart out, done.
Maybe for Straga, really it was just business. Better example would be the griever._tetsuo_ said:Have you killed Straga? That was personal.
Lostconfused said:War. Just like Death both are merely personifications of concepts, its impossible to kill them entirely. Its like asking how do you kill Santa Claus?
MentalNoiz said:I won't be using these so here are some free Avatar codes :
War Armor (female version) code: FBG7F-W3GWM-C47HX-67MH9-TXMJJ
Ruin Mask (female version) code: RX3VX-HYHW9-G87TT-Y867K-Q34PM
KevinCow said:Speaking of killing War, that's something I didn't totally get. In the intro, it seems to imply that Straga kills War and it just sends him to the Charred Council.
Neuromancer said:My money's on War. Kratos is too easily distracted by female breasts. His head's just not in the game.
MrOctober said:What the fuck how do you fight in this game? I'm at the very early stages where the mini boss or whatever jumps over the broken parts of the bridge and throws cars at you. He then jumps to my ledge and proceeds to hit me twice and drain 3/4 of a life bar. I try hitting him but then he just hits me and there goes almost all my life. I try blocking but I have no idea what you can and can't block in this game because some things just fuck my shit up even though I'm blocking. I try hitting him and then dashing away but his second swipe still hits me because you have to fucking pause after a dash. What the fuck am I doing wrong that I'm finding every single fight in this game so fucking hard? I'm playing on normal as well.
I also just bought the Scythe and it's not helping.
This is the only thing about combat. There is usually a pretty good and easy way to beat almost all enemies (especially when you get Chaos form) but its not very clear. Blocking and counters I haven't used since the challenge arena and its kinda sad._tetsuo_ said:Earthcaller stuns/knocks back enemies. Abuse that against those guys.