Mm, I got a little situation. I'm already talking about it too much with people I know so I figure I'll throw something out to the crowd.
Basically I've got a 4ish year relationship that is coming to an end - she's kind of over me now, and really we were never right for each other, but I don't deal with break ups well so I'm pretty upset about it. Goes up and down, I hope it'll be the best thing for us both in the end, but in the short term, it's hard.
Anyway I know I need to start detaching and thinking ahead to the future and taking an interest in other women. The thing is I dunno how exactly I'll meet people. I'm 28, which isn't old I know but I have a very limited social life and right now I'm out of work. I'm going into a coding course soon, so I'm moving on with my life, but as far as socialising and relationships I feel really out of the swing of things.
So I know the kinds of things people normally suggest are online dating and going to 'events' (i'm kind of in the dark about what these 'events' actually are). What are other people's experiences with getting out into dating once you are out of college/uni and kind of trying to find a career for yourself? I met a woman through work once, we hit it off and had a little thing, but it didn't work out. I know that's an option, a frowned upon one, but it happens.
I don't drink (alcoholic, which is another bit of an issue, but more of a 'once you've found someone' problem, and maybe not even a problem, just a conversation), so going to bars and stuff is tricky because I'd be totally sober and it's not really the kind of place I should hang out.
So in terms of events, what does that mean? I've gone on a couple of online dates years ago, honestly they weren't very good experiences, but they did help me move on from a previous relationship. The main thing was I was in university and there were single women of a like mind all around me so it was so easy just to slip back into meeting people. Now I feel a bit lost with it all.
Me and my soon to be ex are still hanging out for a few more weeks until she leaves the country, but I'm already thinking about this. I know I'll need to wait until my feelings about her subside before I'm ready for a proper relationship but getting out and reminding myself I can still do this will undoubtedly help, because it did before.
Any tips?