What is Datura?
Datura is a new PSN game from Plastic, the development team behind Demoscene title "Linger in Shadows" on PSN.
In Datura, you utilise the PS Move controller (though DualShock3 is supported) to manipulate a hand in the game world, and solve puzzles. As the Game Director puts it, "you are immersed into the game's unique experimental narrative and original way of interaction, which enables you to experience the world not only visually, but also empirically - an illusion that you can actually touch trees, faces, and other objects"
You will also be faced with many choices throughout the game.
Where can i buy it?
Datura is for sale NOW on Playstation Network
US $9.99
EU £6.49, €7.99, AU$12.95
There is an additional 20% discount for PS+ subscribers for the first 2 weeks
This strikes me as a game which is hard to explain with words, so i thought it best to include a couple of youtube links to better show off the game.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BV3Gt-QnLMA - initial trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ng8UW1_F1g - Game Director talks a little about Datura
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vktlNnql7mA&feature=player_embedded - Launch trailer
NeoGAF user TTP has worked his magic on a Datura analysis video - check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7rtL8Caqhg&feature=youtu.be
Playstation Universe 7/10
Despite being woefully short and lacking some genuinely challenging puzzles, Datura is still a captivating and unique experience worth checking out.
GamesRadar 7/10
Datura is arty, a tad obtuse, and the clumsy Move controls don't make it any more accessible. For more methodical, curious gamers, we recommend you download Datura, and play it with a DualShock. Moments from the game have a way sticking in your mind, calling you in for a replay.
Game Revolution 7/10
Even though it doesn't have a high production value and it's short even for a $9.99 game, its core message is that this is an artform that has the power to have players experience something that other artforms can only dream of.
GameTrailers 6/10
Even its most attention-grabbing moments can come across as a little dull. With gimmicky motion elements, threadbare puzzles, and a ghost's whisper of a narrative, Datura ends up as an underwhelming experiment.
Official Playstation Magazine UK 6/10
While it's short there is some interesting imagery (although visually the polish varies between adequate and woefully poor) and with an open mind it's a fascinating experience you'll mull over for a while.
Datura is a flawed experiment that's worth a look if only because it reaches towards - and occasionally touches - something that feels genuinely fresh.
Edge 4/10
You'll trudge endlessly around the forest, cursing your protagonist's languid walk speed as you wander from one already visited landmark to the next in the vague hope of triggering the next bit of scripting in a narrative which goes out of its way to confuse the player.
Kotaku: Don't buy it
Two Things I Loved
Bizarre experiences, like throwing potatoes at a pig.
Feeling the texture of birch trees like a hippie on MDMA.
Two Things I Hated
Having to fight the game to do basic things.
The unsatisfying ending.