Major Gripex
How these make me feel;
Didn't take Joker as a hugger type. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How these make me feel;
If I had a concern about WW, and Black Panther to an extent, is having the leads with thick accents. Make me wonder if other amazons will adopt her accent or go with a standard English accent.
My daughter is watching Power Rangers: Dino Charge and I have to say this show puts the collateral damage in Man of Steel to shame, lol.
I'd let her punch me in the nuts.
Here's hoping. Probably the movie I'm looking forward to most this year.Suicide Squad is going to be great isn't it
Suicide Squad is going to be great isn't it
Going to avoid further spoilers/trailers, want to go in fresh this time. Hope it does not disappoint. You assholes better spoilertag everything, even little details.
I'm going to write them out in pig latin and you're just going to have to deal.
You say that, but after the moment a drop of spoiler ectasy drips down from a white bar post, you will lick it like the hype leeches you are.
Suicide Squad is going to be great isn't it
You say that, but after the moment a drop of spoiler ectasy drips down from a white bar post, you will lick it like the hype leeches you are.
I believe in Ayer, but those two recent spots have me a bit nervous. I'm not a fan of them leaning to heavy on the quips.Suicide Squad is going to be great isn't it
I believe in Ayer, but those two recent spots have me a bit nervous. I'm not a fan of them leaning to heavy on the quips.
I told you people, but you did not want to listen! My man Zack ain't letting me down, it's the Batverse now.
Though, killing Supes in the sequel to MoS....
That was just kicking the fans while they were down. You poor souls. updated their long range predictions list
New Predictions:
Suicide Squad - $98M OW - $275M total
The Founder - $8.5M OW - $32M total
Nine Lives - $9M OW - $33M total
Shouldn't predictions wait until like two weeks from release. That's when people are usually talking and what not
That's why it's a "Long Range" forecast.Shouldn't predictions wait until like two weeks from release. That's when people are usually talking and what not
Suicide Squad (Warner Bros.)
A strong recognisable cast top-lined by Will Smith who is about as experienced as it gets for summer blockbuster hits.
Social media has been electric for the release, both Twitter and Facebook. It has been in the top 10 weekly Twitter charts every week of 2016 so far and is one of only two films (the other being Avengers: Age Of Ultron) to see two separate trailers generate over 200,000 tweets in a single day.
Sequels have had trouble at times this summer living up to previous expectations. Suicide Squad is a net new film property which, though based off of popular comic characters, is a very different type of superhero film. Walking partially in the tracks started by Deadpool it focuses on anti-heroes and villains which should prove to be a refreshing deviation from the numerous comic adaptations that have come before it.
Arguably the most famous villain ever is The Joker, and this film will mark his first return to the screen since the late Heath Ledgers Oscar-winning performance in The Dark Knight. Jared Letos performance is already drawing a lot of attention to the film in and of itself and is yet another reason for its huge social media footprint.
Aside from The Joker and arguably Harley Quinn many of the characters in the film are not household names which could limit its overall reach.
The fact that the film pushed for a PG-13 rating could work against Warner Bros. in the longrun since this will severely limit the type of carnage and gruesome acts that can be portrayed. Effectively pulling out much of the teeth the film could potentially have had, especially in light of how effective Deadpool was at offering an adult comic adaptation without sacrificing box office revenue.
Is that forecast good?
That's why it's a "Long Range" forecast.
More info though...
link?ICYMI: there's a guy apparently who's seen the BvS extended who posted some stuff about it in the thread for the trailer.
- DC films will be changing and WB will be announcing new films at SDCC 2016.
Suicide Squad- August 5th, 2016
Wonder Woman- June 2nd, 2017
Justice League- November 17th, 2017
The Flash- March 16th, 2018
Aquaman- July 27th, 2018
Suicide Squad Two- October 5th, 2018
Shazam- April 5th, 2019
The Batman- June 14th, 2019
Justice League Two- November 1st, 2019
The Man of Tomorrow- April 3rd, 2020
Green Lantern Corps- July 24th, 2020
Birds of Prey- October 2nd, 2020
Crime Syndicate- April 16th, 2021
The Bat Man 2- July 2nd 2021
Justice League- November 5th, 2021
- A Man of Steel sequel is in development. The film is expected to be more character driven. General Sam Lane will be the main antagonist alongside a terrorist group that uses stolen Apocalyptian and Kryptonian weapons.
- Deathstroke will be in Suicide Squad Two. Deadshot, Rick Flagg, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Katana and Captain Boomerang will be returning. Onslaught will be the villain.
- Justice League will have a definitive ending. I won't be a two part film.
- Barry and Victor are best friends in Justice League. Both will bond on the fact that they lost their mothers and life didn't turn out how they expected. Flash is a huge Batman fan and geeks out every time Batman complements him.
- The Crime Syndicate film will focus on the origins of the characters and how they dominated the Anti-Matter universe. Zack Snyder will reunite with his Watchmen team for the film. The film will also introduce the Anti-Monitor.
- Maxwell Lord and Vandal Savage have been discussed as future Justice League villains.
- Reverse Flash will be the main villain in the Flash movie. Ares will be the main villain in Wonder Woman.
- Xebel will appear in the Aquaman film.
So much of this is just recycled rumors, especially Skwad2's rumors.
They told me you would stumble and fall before you joined us in the sun.
The Bat Man?
What shitty title is that!
The Batman is an okay title. Can;t use TDK so yeah.
I for one can't wait for Seaman to come.
The Bat Man?
What shitty title is that!
Sure. The Batman is fine.
But the space between Bat and Man. Nope. Sounds wrong.
Sure. The Batman is fine.
But the space between Bat and Man. Nope. Sounds wrong.
I don't think theaters would fly for The Goddamn Batman. Compromises must be made.
I don't think theaters would fly for The Goddamn Batman. Compromises must be made.
Well the first entry is "The Batman," I assume "The Bat Man 2" is just a screw up.