DC should try and bring back Cillian Murphy for a role. He's a great actor
That DC burn in the new South Park game. Lmao.
DC should try and bring back Cillian Murphy for a role. He's a great actor
Whole list of changes. Yeah, spoilers.
This is the movie we deserved. WB owes a big, long apology to Zack Snyder, whose reputation got tarnished to no reversal.
So someone on /tv posted a webm of the Assfleck scene, which means someone is hopefully uploading the whole movie
Please hurry
Yep shows him as Wayne staring at the suit, then he walks upstairs to the showerYou sure that's from this movie and not Gone Girl?
Saw Warcraft today, and it's crazy how it falls to the same problem as BvS did, like it was edited by a blind man. The first 30 minutes of Warcraft were way worse than the editing issues in BvS as you could tell entire scenes are straight up missing.
So someone on /tv posted a webm of the Assfleck scene, which means someone is hopefully uploading the whole movie
Please hurry
Over my dead bodyYou should apologize to him first!
1) You must be new here. Piracy dude!
2) it's real for those who care 145861634472
Close the gap for Assfleck action
what am I clicking on1) You must be new here. Piracy dude!
2) it's real for those who care 145861634472
Close the gap for Assfleck action
Sorry! I thought the no piracy discussion rules only applied to games
No squad game at E3 basically means it's dead right?
IJ2 is slotted for next year, squad movie comes out in august... if they had it they would have shown it at e3... been in development for like 5 years now.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.
Nothing about the Superman game either. I'm honestly disappointed Rocksteady is just working on VR Batman.
It goes beyond the DC stuff, but where was WB in general? I really expected Shadow of Mordor 2 at one of the conferences in addition to a DC game from WB Montreal.
No squad game at E3 basically means it's dead right?
IJ2 is slotted for next year, squad movie comes out in august... if they had it they would have shown it at e3... been in development for like 5 years now.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.
This was me during the Arkham VR reveal
No squad game at E3 basically means it's dead right?
IJ2 is slotted for next year, squad movie comes out in august... if they had it they would have shown it at e3... been in development for like 5 years now.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.
Hype.Hold me
@DavidAyerMovies 57m57 minutes ago
Get ready folks. So many cool things about to happen! #SuicideSquad
Don't know what he could be talking about though. Suicide Squad comes out in a few weeks. The trailers are done. TV spots are out there now. What else is there to expect?
The last time he said that, the first ever look at the skwad in costume came out.
So final trailer?
Hopefully it's a game...the dream is still alive.
I'm not really feeling VR right so that Batman announcement did zero for me. All the VR games look like N64 games so it's tough to get excited about anything.
I'm not really feeling VR right so that Batman announcement did zero for me. All the VR games look like N64 games so it's tough to get excited about anything.
I doubt it. They would've brought it out at one of the conferences. This is really a miss for me. I'm so burnt out on Batman games. Hopefully WB announces that Superman game soon because I think a lot of people feel the same way.Telltale batman was announced months ago, E3 is just when first details and screens hit
I think it's possible WB still has something in the wings, they just didn't want it buried on the first day.
I'm actually with you guys. Gimme a good Superman game.
Probably saying N64 is too harsh, but none of the games are catching my attentionOh come on now. That's a silly thing to say and you know it.
DC should try and bring back Cillian Murphy for a role. He's a great actor
I would love a rope guy game.
Official HD versions of new Suicide Squad spots:
Probably saying N64 is too harsh, but none of the games are catching my attention
and graphics are certainly a part of that. I wont lie. I feel I have to experience them to understand the appeal and I can't justify 400 bucks on it. So, I'm just indifferent to VR at the moment.
It's not for me right now basically.
- Enchantress is the main villain of SUICIDE SQUAD, with the Joker and Monster T as secondary villains.
- The main villains of WONDER WOMAN are Ares, played by Danny Huston, and Circe, played by Elena Anaya. The Olympians have lost their power as Humanity has stopped believing in them, but Ares is able to seduce Circe, an Amazon sorceress, to engineer World War I in order to restore his powers. He only participates of the final battle.
- Steppenwolf is the main villain of JUSTICE LEAGUE. He's being played by stuntment through motion-capture technology, and they scouting high-profile actors to provide additional voicework. He invades Earth to retrieve the Mother Boxes left behind on Earth and enslave the population. Doctor Bedlam is featured as a secondary antagonist, and will also be CGI.
- They're using the Reverse Flash for THE FLASH. He's Eobard Thawne, a mad scientist from the future who is obsessed with the Flash and is dying of a failed attempt to harness the Speed Force that the Flash wields. He becomes a speedster over the course of the movie. Leonard Snart is featured as a mercenary employed by Thawne, but is a throwaway villain and only uses a cold gun once. The studio wants a younger actor in the same line of age as Ezra Miller for Thawne, with Adam Driver being the favored choice. Garrett Dillahunt has been approached about playing Snart.
- AQUAMAN has Aquaman's evil brother Orm, Atlantis' military commander who believes Aquaman is unfit to lead their people due to his human heritage and association with Earth's heroes, and masterminds a coup that involves the Trench, a race of "Lovecraftian" underwater monsters that the Atlanteans are sworn to keep exiled. Keanu Reeves has been approached to play Orm, due to his Hawaiian heritage and his contrast for Jason Momoa's burly physique, plus Warner wants a cast with star power and popularity among the young crowd to counter the "Aquaman" is lame mentality. The Trench will be all portrayed by stuntmen through motion capture.
- Black Adam won't be the main villain of SHAZAM, it'll be Mordru, who is the wizard Shazam's nemesis, a powerful warlock hellbent on unleashing chaos upon the world. Black Adam is an anti-hero that joins forces against Captain Marvel against Mordru in the end. There's interest in casting an older, accomplished actor in the role, someone in the caliber of Ian McKellen or Anthony Hopkins.
- Darkseid will the main villain of JUSTICE LEAGUE 2.
- Jared Leto's Joker will be the main villain of the standalone BATMAN movie.
- Sinestro is the main villain of GREEN LANTERN CORPS. They want to distance themselves from the 2011, including already beginning with Sinestro as an exiled Green Lantern wanting revenge.
- Grid and the Thinker Virus are the proposed villain for CYBORG. Red Tornado and the Metal Men might make appearances.
- SUICIDE SQUAD 2 will feature Deathstroke in an antagonistic role and the Onslaught, a superhuman terrorist cell.
- There's a proposed BIRDS OF PREY movie in discussion, and the favored pitch features Talia Al Ghul as the leader of the League of Assassins, with Lady Shiva as her enforcer.
- The proposed BLUE & GOLD movie would feature Jonar Carter and Jarvis Kord as the antagonists.