Suicide Squad Extended Cut
Its happening
Its happening
WB is officially destroying the directors vision.
What a bad company to work for.
Release it the way it was intended.
DC Reactionary Universe
The theater version is 123 minutes, so 136 adds up.
The 130 is an error.
The reason the Squad is put together is awful to begin with. No saving that movie.
Apart from this cut not being able to be shown theatrically, nopeThe extended cut is unrated right? Does it mean anything that this version wasn't screened for a MPAA rating?
Yeah even with those added scenes it would still be a pretty bad movie imo. It would just fix the joker/harley thing a bit. But the script is still mostly awful. A few gems from the fresh prince tho
BvS theatrical cut was already a better movie imo.
Somewhat related, today I walked by a Halloween costume shop and a sex shop...both had Harley Quinn costumes in the window.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!Suicide Squad Extended Cut
Its happening
Gonna hit up the clubs this Halloween like
With whiteface? Is that a thing? >_>
Somewhat related, today I walked by a Halloween costume shop and a sex shop...both had Harley Quinn costumes in the window.
I liked the way it was structured. Suicide Squad is entirely new territory for the media, and there's plenty of good characters in play here, so the movie kept focus on them. Each act revealing a bit of backstory and motivation. It worked because the actors were strong on top of working with already engaging characters, and also because there wasn't much of a villain to divert to -- just a threat. The main villain is Squad. Everything was Squad... Even Joker's involvement since all his scenes are support for Harley.Wrote real quick on why it intrigues me
BvS has its flaws, but felt (and think proven) could be easily fixed with additional content. Squad's problems seem to be more built into how the movie is designed.
Yeah, by making another movie. We talking about this one tho.
is a first entry, ensemble introduction story that doesn't stick to the standard 3 act template; or on the opposite end, the predictable formula approach that follows each Marvel movie no matter what it is.
I mean bullet point, checklist, assembly line filmmaking where a similar pattern is followed from beginning to end with each movie regardless of what it is. When it's not just the 3rd act that follows a formula, but the entire film.You mean the Generic 3rd act CGI gore,
that was in Man of Steel?
or BvS
you mean the formula where the are no stakes, where superman was killed off just to be brought back at the end of the movie?
you mean the formula where the main villain is usually trash? like Adderall diaries or Doomsday?
I really don't know why people hate MoS third act so much. I found the action and fighting to be pretty damn spectacular. I don't remember it going on for THAT long. Is it just because of the "collateral damage"?
I really don't know why people hate MoS third act so much. I found the action and fighting to be pretty damn spectacular. I don't remember it going on for THAT long. Is it just because of the "collateral damage"?