This was my favorite part:It's funny how we have all this PR about Wonder Woman being a caring person with a good heart, yet she has this reputation among people where she's kind of ruthless when the situation calls for it.
I'm really interested in how the movie is going to portray her. Like it or not, this movie is going to define the character for a lot of people.
Diane Nelson: “That’s a pretty good way to think about the way she fights. She’s not choosing to fight for the thrill of battle. She’s fighting because she believes in something and she’s quick to put down that sword when the opportunity is there.”
Zack Snyder/Gal Gadot: "I remember after we did that take, Zack came to me and he said, 'Did you just have a smirk?' I said 'Yeah.' And he asked, 'Why? I think I like it, but why? Well if [Doomsday's] gonna mess with her, then she's gonna mess with him. And she knows she's gonna win," Gadot said, "At the end of the day Wonder Woman is a peace seeker. But when fight arrives, she can fight. She's a warrior and she enjoys the adrenaline of the fight".