You say that likes it easy. I suppose they could do a BvS and show something from every major scene in the movie in the trailers and not leaving anything in the way of a surprise.
I'm really curious, why don't folks count the SDCC trailer as a trailer or teaser?
I'm really curious, why don't folks count the SDCC trailer as a trailer or teaser?
I'm really curious, why don't folks count the SDCC trailer as a trailer or teaser?
INST is a bitch, fuck that guy.
I thought it was that guy INST? Didnt he run away because he was so ashamed?
Do you guys still use Discord channel?
Thanks!To whoever is in charge could I get a invite to the discord channel in a PM please.
Thanks!To whoever is in charge could I get a invite to the discord channel in a PM please.
Looks like I'm sitting out of the Suicide Squad release. Few things were added to improve it. Such a bummer.
I could use one as well. Thanks.
How much longer is the SS extended edition anyway, compared to the theatrical release?
How much longer is the SS extended edition anyway, compared to the theatrical release?
Seriously, there's nothing wrong with more. You don't like it don't watch it!
Leto is the biggest miscast to date in the DCEU (we'll see how things shake out in JL). I don't think he's a particularly good actor, but got lucky with Dallas Buyers Club. Honestly, I don't even know what he's done prior to DBC that deserves praise.
Extended Cut is worthless. Stick to the TC.
Wait so TC is better?
Wait so TC is better?
Man, how did they fuck up this movie so bad.
The added scenes don't add anything to the already barely there narrative so they just end up messing up the pacing even further.
Naw fam. Biggest problem with BvS and Suicide Squad was lack of action
Ahh Suicide Squad. The movie that even DCEU fans hate. I just finished watching the extended version and having enjoyed the theatrical version, I enjoyed this as well. IMO this is a slightly better version but as with BvS if you didn't like the shorter version you probably won't find much here either and this is a far less of an improvement compared to the BvS extended edition. The strength of the movie for me is the characters and in this version everyone gets more character moments so thats a plus. I was completely fine with Jokers screentime in the original version so I wasn't disappointed with it here. TBH if I could change anything about SS I would change the entire plot.
where is your avatar from?
Its a picture of my Hot Toys BvS Batman figure. Figured if I spent $300 on it I should make the most of it. The thing is beautiful though.
So gentlemen and women, we are just one year away!
364 days for me.
So gentlemen and women, we are just one year away!