It's not, it's just not. And I don't mean not good in terms of comic movies. I mean not a good movie period.Damn Icon, you got V For Vendetta up that high? Respect. That's an underappreciated movie.
My personal top five is like
1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman v Superman (either version)
3. Watchmen
4. Man of Steel
5. Batman Begins
Also, lol at BvS not being a good movie.
What's so wrong with the movie?
sometimes all we have is our feelings.
people want nostalgia and for many they can't reconcile that the Christopher Reeve Superman is long gone. we are getting the John Byrne/Mark Waid/Geoff Johns/Grant Morrison Superman and that makes many uncomfortable and angry.
Man of Steel got raked over the coals in this forum by many because it wasn't like the Christopher Reeve Superman. that's not a valid criticism at all. what DC has failed to give people is something that's easily digestible and I would disagree with anyone when they say it hasn't been good.
I still am unsure about the bullet plot point but I understand how killing that warlord would bring a power vacuum, can someone explain it to me? that's my main issue with the movie which I otherwise thought was great.
#6 - I always took it as Lex knows people in the military and Man of Steel shows he can see through objects when he turns himself in. Lois and Clark would have been recorded in that interrogation room and likely analyzed to hell and back by countless people. Rumblings, or maybe even the video, would have gotten to to Lex at some point.
A throwaway line should have been included though.
I kinda hope Wonder Woman explains some of the stuff in BVS. Like how Lex knew about Wonder Woman and similar.
The best funeral scene in film? Sure okay. Alright.A few thoughts:
Lois isn't really that much of a damsel. She's much more likeable in the Snyderverse than in any other iteration that I've seen. Mind you, I like Superman a lot but I'm hardly versed in the comics and the movies he's starred in.
You're right in saying that Superman hasn't really evolved as hero and that's because he's still growing into the role. A year after the events, he's still trying to figure out his place in the world and a bunch of the world isn't comfortable with his presence. So he's figuring things out meanwhile tragedies are occurring around him and he's still ultimately powerless to change the course of human nature. It nags at him which is why he calls his mom in the middle of the night.
Supes death felt earned to me buddy. The way the music swells up when he picks up the lance, the way Cavill delivers those lines to Lois, the way Batman and Wonderwoman look when they discover what has happened, the funeral scene with all of Clark's friends, the obituary in the Daily Planet, the entire world taking a day off to remember his sacrifice after saving the world again...fuck. That's probably the best funeral scene ever put to film. Shit had me choking up in the theater. It works for me primarily because that's how I feel Supes would have handled a crazy situation like that. He will make the sacrifice for the greater good.
Those are just some of the things I love about the movie. I can go on and on about how I think the imagery is nothing short of astonishing particularly the shot of Supes in the middle of the Day of the Dead parade. BvS works on so many levels for me. It's more than just the stuff you see. The movie has depth beyond its surface.
I've seen it 8 times already. I'll probably do another rewatch soon.
That's probably the best funeral scene ever put to film.
The best funeral scene in film? Sure okay. Alright.
Amy Adams Lois is one of the worst versions od Lois I've seen in a while. Especially when held up against something like Smallville.
Smallville Lois was really good. Erica Durance nailed that role.
the DC threads are getting more and more embarrassing
No you shouldn't. I've watched every episode. It was WB good from 1-3, alright in 4, faltering in 5, 6 and 7 were gross, 8 was good to me, 9 was the best season because Tom Welling finally learned how to act, 10 was straight.One day I should commit to watching Smallville.
No you shouldn't. I've watched every episode. It was WB good from 1-3, alright in 4, faltering in 5, 6 and 7 were gross, 8 was good to me, 9 was the best season because Tom Welling finally learned how to act, 10 was straight.
Too many bad episodes. So so many.
When Lana left the show got better.
We doing tops fives yo?
1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Batman v Superman: Ultimate Cut
4. Dredd
5. Ant-Man
The top two switch places all the time, it depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
Smallville has its moments. I'd probably just watch the best clips on Youtube or something. Season 9 was great though.
I love a good Top 5. Sometimes I'll throw out Iron Man for Dredd or Watchmen. Depends on how I'm feeling on that day. Today is Iron Man.
You're right, The Godfather and Lord of the Rings films would've worked better as 90 minute flicks...why does your movie need a 3 hour director's cut to function?
Top 5, that's tough
The Dark Knight
Days of Future Past
You're right, The Godfather and Lord of the Rings films would've worked better as 90 minute flicks...
Not that I'd ever say BvS is of a similar quality to those movies, but there's nothing wrong with a three hour run time.
No joke haha. It gets me this a joke? It has to be. Has to be.
A few thoughts:
Lois isn't really that much of a damsel. She's much more likeable in the Snyderverse than in any other iteration that I've seen. Mind you, I like Superman a lot but I'm hardly versed in the comics and the movies he's starred in.
You're right in saying that Superman hasn't really evolved as hero and that's because he's still growing into the role. A year after the events, he's still trying to figure out his place in the world and a bunch of the world isn't comfortable with his presence. So he's figuring things out meanwhile tragedies are occurring around him and he's still ultimately powerless to change the course of human nature. It nags at him which is why he calls his mom in the middle of the night.
The JL stuff, I love it. It grows the universe and really works as a great tease for what's to come. You have to remember that this movie was like three years in production and it would be another year and a half before we finally see the JL in action. That shit was for the fans and I appreciate the tease. It only last like five minutes. I don't get why people get so caught up in it.
Supes death felt earned to me buddy. The way the music swells up when he picks up the lance, the way Cavill delivers those lines to Lois, the way Batman and Wonderwoman look when they discover what has happened, the funeral scene with all of Clark's friends, the obituary in the Daily Planet, the entire world taking a day off to remember his sacrifice after saving the world again...fuck. That's probably the best funeral scene ever put to film. Shit had me choking up in the theater. It works for me primarily because that's how I feel Supes would have handled a crazy situation like that. He will make the sacrifice for the greater good.
Those are just some of the things I love about the movie. I can go on and on about how I think the imagery is nothing short of astonishing particularly the shot of Supes in the middle of the Day of the Dead parade. BvS works on so many levels for me. It's more than just the stuff you see. The movie has depth beyond its surface.
I've seen it 8 times already. I'll probably do another rewatch soon.
You know what works in it's theatrical cut? The Godfather, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King. You know what doesn't? Batman V Superman.
So I repeat. Your movie shouldn't NEED a 3 hour director's cut to function. It needs it and it still fails at being good.
I think you guys are really letting GAF get to you on this whole "Snyder is out after JL" talk. I really don't see that happening.
Hopefully it's not Snyder's last movie. If JL knocks it out of the park financially, maybe WB keeps him on. It all might depend on Snyder tho. He might want to get away from these giant productions for awhile.
I think I like your pick of V For Vendetta much better. Tho I did like Blue is the Warmest Color.The true greatest CBM of all time is Blue is the Warmest Color.
I think I like your pick of V For Vendetta much better. Tho I did like Blue is the Warmest Color.
I'll throw out Oldboy as the true champ of comic book movies. Anyone care to challenge?
I think I like your pick of V For Vendetta much better. Tho I did like Blue is the Warmest Color.
I'll throw out Oldboy as the true champ of comic book movies. Anyone care to challenge?
My point is that those movies work and function with their Theatrical Cut. They are still great. They do not need a 3 hour DC that feels like it's 3 hours of my time I could be using doing anything else.But the theatrical cuts of LoTR and The Godfather are still around or over three hours long.
It should also be mentioned that the UC of BvS was intended to be the theatrical before WB had it chopped up.
It's sort of a joke. I've only seen certain "scenes" of Blue, lol.
My point is that those movies work and function with their Theatrical Cut. They are still great. They do not need a 3 hour DC that feels like it's 3 hours of my time I could be using doing anything else.
The Extended Editions of LoTR and Godfather are better, but are not needed to make those films good.
When Lana left the show got better.
Yup. She greatly overstayed her welcome. Not the actresses fault but the it was very clear the writers didn't know what they wanted to do with her and kept including her when it didn't make a damn bit of sense. I think it's season 8 where this is 100% clear if one had doubts before. Season starts off with her no where to be seen. Season is going really well and then when she shows up it takes a nose dive and that last until her small arc is over and she's finally gone and then the show is really good to great from that point on until the show finally ends with a dud here and there.
Seasons 4 to 7 are the worse parts of the series. There is just enough there that keeps or kept you watching though. Looking back thought seasons 1-3 and 8 (majority of it) to 10 are the best parts of the show. Some of the later seasons problems are more budget related then anything else instead of actor, story, etc related if I'm remember correctly.