Honestly, I'm wondering if people would even give a shit if he was replaced. Remember when Edward Norton was kicked out of the MCU and nobody cared because they still got the Avengers movie they wanted?
I think everyone here would sacrifice Ben if it meant getting another chance at a godtier Batman film. If WB gets Reeves, you think he can't pull it off without Ben? Please lol
Like someone else said before, Batman is bigger than Ben. Everyone here would be lining up if The Batman looked good.
But whatever. I just don't see Ben walking away from this at all. The potential upside is tremendous for him. If he walks away from this, that would probably hurt him more than it would hurt WB.
Probably, haha. The amount of hate Watchmen gets for not "understanding" the source material is asinine. Snyder adapts it 100% faithfully until the end, he even lifts panels and dialogue straight from the book and yet he "doesn't get it." If he went the other way, they would have said the same thing.