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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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Thats so not true. Maybe that'd work in a cartoon.

And like I said it'd be terrible to just pit girls against girls for no real reason. Wouldnt put it past a David Ayer type though to be honest

Im just saying its an option.

Its certainly true though for better or worse, look at Katana in Suicide Squad(and that was a far worse and less reasoning)

Nightwing movie as a certainty though I think Nightwing has to be in this regardless.

Sounds (dare I say it?) kinda dark.

I Iike the idea of Nightwing taking on assassins like Chesire from the DC universe. While Bats is out saving the world, Nightwing could be doing Young Justice type shit and leading black ops against villain organizations.
This just don't have the world scale plot behind everything.


Sounds (dare I say it?) kinda dark.

I Iike the idea of Nightwing taking on assassins like Chesire from the DC universe. While Bats is out saving the world, Nightwing could be doing Young Justice type shit and leading black ops against villain organizations.

I would say it's inline with Dick, like his Uncle Clark dick is someone who for all the bad shit that happens to him is still the nicest and upbeat guy in the world.

It's why people forget that Robin is apart of the worlds Finets and his outlook is eqally influenced by both Clark and Brucr. He's batman with Supermans outlook of life.

Plus I trust Mckay considering he got dick right in Lego Batman


So yeah. A few people asked me to do a point by point breakdown as I did with Superman in the Snyderverse explaining why the characters on film are faithful reflections of their comic book counterparts. I think with Superman it was quite easy to bulletpoint by bulletpoint explain why Cavil's Superman is a valid and accurate representation of the character but Batman requires a lot more discussion and nuance, I am not a skilled enough writer, and this might surprise people passionate enough to write a decent essay about the movie. However I am gonna shoot from the hip and explain why the character is a good interpretation of the character.

The film never explains why Batman is fighting Superman?

I have heard this argument many times and honestly I don't know how people can argue that with a straight face if you paid attention to the film, or watched the trailers. You see Batman lose his friend/employee at the start of the film due to the MOS collateral damage. However people's opinion on Superman is mixed in part cos of the positive press from the Daily Planet and cos they'd seen Kryptonians threaten the world on TV in MOS. So it's understandable why people may see Superman positively in spite of the collateral damage in MOS. His opinion on BVS starts changing when Lex instigates a false flag attack which leads on to:

Batman is an idiot

So yeah. I can understand the confusion cos of the theatrical cuts editing, but everything that happens in the false flag attack is logical and it makes sense why Batman would blame Superman. From the ultimate cut, you can see the woman was blackmailed and paid to lie and give an ambiguous testimony that supports the idea that from initial reports Superman came in to save Lois, initially attacked the villagers, burnt the bodies and that the power vacuum allowed the govt to come in and kill everyone. This was the woman's testimony.
African woman said:
"The women in the village
heard a noise.
Like the sky crack open.
He came down, so many dead.
Even worse came after.
The government attacked.
No mercy in the villages.
My parents tried to run..."

So a lot of people will say, "But Bleepey an autopsy will show a shit tonne of bullets, Superman (and Batman for that matter) doesn't use guns!" To that I say, no shit. The point was the initial testimony was ambiguous, "he came down, so many dead". The ambiguity by the woman is intentional, think of how modern media report stuff and how that will mould the narrative if something like that were to happen". Then, she being the only person to testify I think it's understandable why people will think Superman at best accidentally caused a power vacuum like how you see in places like the middle east where the regional power is toppled and at worst slaughtered villagers. I find it weird that people can understand the Avengers being blamed by the public for not being able to stop a suicide bomber surrounded by 100s of witnesses and cameras showing they tried to stop Crossbones releasing a disease of some sort, but people find it impossible that Superman would be blamed when there's only one "witness" to the incident. Also, to those who asked why didn't Batman investigate, the Senate investigation, was to find out what happened in Nairomi. Also to clear up the bullet subplot, the special bullets were there to get the gov't who were watching what went down to be involved in the cover up, as explained by Swanwick they didn't want it to look like one of their contractors was using research funded by the US gov't to play and profit of both sides of a war as well as for it to get out they were trigger happy with the drones.

Batman's Stupid how could you not tell White Portugese was a boat?

This is stupid, imagine googling White Portuguese You're gonna get on the first few pages a Wikipedia or other articles on the demographics of Portugal. Maybe on page no 1234344 it might say something about a boat. But i doubt even Batman is that fastidious Thank goodness the ship wasn't called black Russian or he'd get nothing but cocktail recipes.

Batman never tried to talk to Clark

I guess if you ignore the ballroom scene completely. I do think the Superman V Batmobile crash could be improved with more dialogue stoking tensions and Supes should have brought KGBeast to prison. KGBeast could have overheard the "light in the sky line". Lex could have got this info from bailing him out and that would be a good way to show how Lex knew when Batman would fight Superman. Don't let anyone say I can't point out legit plotholes.

How could Bruce not tell Lex was manipulating him.

Why would he suspect Lex? Lex is just this annoying guy who keeps inviting him to waste his time.

Batman never kills. Never.

Except for the many times he did. Some people try to justify it by saying Nolan's Batman tried to avoid it and that it's not really murder per se. One that is stupid even Jonathan Nolan admitted he killed. Also by that rationale, you shouldn't complain because every person Batfleck killed, shot first. Batfleck just shot last. The writer of the Punisher said: when did Batman kill, or carry guns


and the answer to that is Detective comics 27, Batman's first appearance. It seems some of the people who write comics don't read them or watch the movies that don't star George Clooney for that matter.

  • Bat fleck is a pretty accurate depiction of Batman. It shows him being smoother with the ladies than any other Batman,
  • You genuinely see him progressively lose his shit throughout the film
  • You seem him doing proper detective work
  • He is hyper paranoid to the point he can't see reason.
  • Better combat than any other Batman.

As forr Lex Landis

  • He is rich
  • Manipulates Batman, Superman, the press, the Govt and the public in a plan that though tough to follow logically makes sense and isn't reliant solely on omniscience and luck.
  • Intelligent
  • Scheming
  • Scientist
  • Profits by causing conflict
  • Has an irrational hatred of Superman. I guess an irrational hatred of Superman is something most audiences can't grasp and that's why they cheer on depictions of Lex that hate Superman because he keeps intervening in Lex's nefarious real estate swindles.
Suicide Squad concept art...


i'm glad we didn't get any joker/batman interaction in suicide squad. as cool as that scene is in concept it would have been a piece of crap in suicide squad.

save that for batman. and by then hopefully leto will have improved on his performance by then as well.


Junior Member
I am not sure if you're being sarcastic. I'll try to do a breakdown as to how Batman and Lex were very faithful but it will literally just be me saying "Batfleck wasn't the first to kill"/ Lex in BVS was intelligent, resourceful, manipulative, businessman mad scientist who manipulated both superheroes and public opinion but because he's eccentric people are saying not my Lex.

Oh my God no. I think your post was really spot on. And my post asked for your opinion about Harley (whether you think her character was represented nicely or not in DCEU)
Suicide Squad concept art...
First shot would be good in the Batman solo.

Second one would be funny if Joker barely tries to reach for the food and makes the teller damn near fall.

Looks like they had a lot of ideas... too many in fact. And didn't have the best story to tie them all together. Loved the characters and most of the acting tho.


Oh my God no. I think your post was really spot on. And my post asked for your opinion about Harley (whether you think her character was represented nicely or not in DCEU)

I don' feel I can give a truly informed opimion. It would be based pretty must just on animated series and the Arkham games. Very little comic stuff. I liked her in Suicide Squad but then I can over look the movie's plotholes and be entertained by it.


I gotta figure out if it's possible to write an extension that automatically inserts "academy award winning" every time I write Suicide Squad.
I can and will do this easily. Like Malcolm X referring to The Horonable Elijah Muhammad.

The Academy Award winning Suicide Squad teaches us so and so.
I can and will do this easily. Like Malcolm X referring to The Horonable Elijah Muhammad.

The Academy Award winning Suicide Squad teaches us so and so.

I know that you can do a read substitution (like that Trump->Drumpf thing), but I hadn't heard about inserting it into text while it's being written.

Additional point of hilarity: Suicide Squad has more Oscars than the entire MCU combined.


fun fact from Reddit

"With Batman (1989), The Dark Knight and now Suicide Squad, every live-action DC movie featuring the Joker has won an Oscar."


Suicide Squad gets a lot of shit, but I always thought the film looked the part: The costumes, the makeup, the sets and the cinematography all felt on point. I'm glad some people on that production got recognition.
Suicide Squad gets a lot of shit, but I always thought the film looked the part: The costumes, the makeup, the sets and the cinematography all felt on point. I'm glad some people on that production got recognition.

Only one I felt was overdone was Joker in some scenes (his tux look was perfection though). Otherwise I did find it to be a well done visual movie. Just did not see that win happening at all.
Suicide Squad gets a lot of shit, but I always thought the film looked the part: The costumes, the makeup, the sets and the cinematography all felt on point. I'm glad some people on that production got recognition.
I know the movie had split opinions even between DC fans but I loved it and I'm so happy it won the Oscar. Poor trolls going to lose sleep tonight.


Harley and Joker left an impression, but said it from the start that Squad deserved the nomination on Croc alone. He was clearly the highlight of the reel the Academy used.

Squad was pretty bold with its designs in general, and it paid off.
Happy about Reeves. Like really happy.

WW still looks like The First Avenger, which is actually fine, since I have low expectations for it. Only.real memorable things about that film were Agent Carter and Red Skull. Evans is a perfect cap though.

I'm just hoping they get more imaginative with her fighting skills and powers.
star trek has some cool makeup work in it but ultimately Suicide Squad deserved it for their joker and especially Croc.

can't believe we're discussing a makeup award though. people get salty over the stupidest shit lol. the nerds online are actually mad it has an oscar, just google "suicide squad oscar". despite it being a technical category and not writing or something.
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