Ultimately, I have no idea where you put the Knightmare sequence as it doesn't pay off in the movie.
I'd suggest putting it at the very beginning because would help feed Batman's paranoia about Superman, but I love the intro and you also miss out on Bruce during the Black Zero event from MoS.
Put it at the end and it's more of a WTF ending than some curious hook.
Aquaman movie should be a horror movie with an r-rating.
Ultimately, I have no idea where you put the Knightmare sequence as it doesn't pay off in the movie.
I'd suggest putting it at the very beginning because would help feed Batman's paranoia about Superman, but I love the intro and you also miss out on Bruce during the Black Zero event from MoS.
Put it at the end and it's more of a WTF ending than some curious hook.
Ultimately, I have no idea where you put the Knightmare sequence as it doesn't pay off in the movie.
I'd suggest putting it at the very beginning because would help feed Batman's paranoia about Superman, but I love the intro and you also miss out on Bruce during the Black Zero event from MoS.
Put it at the end and it's more of a WTF ending than some curious hook.
Theres really still nothing to talk about? 4chan/reddit crap every other day it seems
trying to think of what other movie with 3D is coming relatively soon. Is the screening pass from WB, or a third party?
This thread is moving fast so far.
While not the best actor it saddens me that we only saw welling as superman in comic form.
Ultimately, I have no idea where you put the Knightmare sequence as it doesn't pay off in the movie.
I'd suggest putting it at the very beginning because would help feed Batman's paranoia about Superman, but I love the intro and you also miss out on Bruce during the Black Zero event from MoS.
Put it at the end and it's more of a WTF ending than some curious hook.
I suggest getting rid of it altogether. I can imagine sitting in the office, Snyder doodling his little doodles, thinking to himself, "goddamn this would be fuckin' awesome!" And it is. If it was just part of some Injustice movie adaption. As it is it has no benefit within BvS. It's entire point was basically the beating of a dead horse. Like he put it in just in case he never got to do it later on.
I suggest getting rid of it altogether. I can imagine sitting in the office, Snyder doodling his little doodles, thinking to himself, "goddamn this would be fuckin' awesome!" And it is. If it was just part of some Injustice movie adaption. As it is it has no benefit within BvS. It's entire point was basically the beating of a dead horse. Like he put it in just in case he never got to do it later on.
I... was told that during initial test screenings people suggested it was remove.
We heard that Terriro took it out of his screenplay.
So it was truly Zack's baby and he wanted it above all else.
I'm wondering if the rumored Superman nightmare sequence is in the Ultimate Cut. Maybe the Knightmare sequence fits better thematically if Superman has a similar experience. I know Snyder mentioned it in the EW article and we'd heard rumblings about it here and there.
That's probably what it was on Snyder's part. How often do you get to do a project like this anyway? A project where you're giving a massive budget and creative leeway on pretty much everything? Snyder going all in seems pretty plausible especially if you take into account that he is going to be working on these movies for almost a decade. If I were in charge of something like this, I'd definitely want to make sure that what I was working on was something I really wanted to do.I suggest getting rid of it altogether. I can imagine sitting in the office, Snyder doodling his little doodles, thinking to himself, "goddamn this would be fuckin' awesome!" And it is. If it was just part of some Injustice movie adaption. As it is it has no benefit within BvS. It's entire point was basically the beating of a dead horse. Like he put it in just in case he never got to do it later on.
If there is a nightmare scene for Superman that that helps to better explain the conversation he has on the mountain. While as it stands it leads one to believe Clark has nightmares about what happen at the Capitol but maybe he continually has them. Him coming to terms with that by remembering he has Lois in his life, via the talk, plays into his final words to her.
On that note, I don't really understand why the Knightmare sequence has to be taken out. Can most people just be okay with it being this tiny part of a larger movie? There's this fixation in a lot of people to want all these movies to be pristinely constructed where every second counts for something and I don't know if I'm okay with that. I like it when things get a little messy sometimes. Maybe the Knightmare scene doesn't really fit anywhere, but it might work as a tease for other things that could happen in the future.
Third party, and can't be Tarzan because it said an R rating could be given.
The Knightmare sequence is a big problem because it's not clear whether it's the future or a dream. If it is the future it should have been put at the end. If it's a dream if should have replaced the bat nightmare.
I must be the only one liking the knightmare scene.
I must be the only one liking the knightmare scene.
I... was told that during initial test screenings people suggested it was remove.
We heard that Terriro took it out of his screenplay.
So it was truly Zack's baby and he wanted it above all else.
Oh boy, a Forbes article by Scott Mendelson talking about DC. This guy should tithe his earnings to WB or Zack Snyder at this point.Pack it in guys, the dream is dead. Forbes: 'Ninja Turtles 2' Box Office Is Terrible News For 'Justice League': http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2016/06/06/ninja-turtles-2-box-office-is-terrible-news-for-justice-league/#417e6957318f
Oh boy, a Forbes article by Scott Mendelson talking about DC. This guy should tithe his earnings to WB or Zack Snyder at this point.
They're available from ToyWiz, which is where the pictures were posted...but they're $46-$50 there, and these should be $30 in retail stores, so I'd just wait if you were interested in picking them up.
I think the 6-inch ones look a lot better so far than their larger counterparts. No pictures of the 6-inch Harley exist, though, as far as I'm aware.
Pack it in guys, the dream is dead. Forbes: 'Ninja Turtles 2' Box Office Is Terrible News For 'Justice League': http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2016/06/06/ninja-turtles-2-box-office-is-terrible-news-for-justice-league/#417e6957318f
The Knightmare sequence itself is really good.
The Knightmare sequence in the context of the movie isn't... since there is no context
A MoS sequel should adapt a semminal Superman story, it can't be "another movie" as it's a miracle it's even happening. Any suggestion other than All Star?
Superman vs The Elite.
Oh my...
Like said, Rick seems like he'll be as fun as Ayer was
Snyder and Jenkins weren't as gnarly
I loved it. It does feel out of place though.I must be the only one liking the knightmare scene.
Those look like the new 52 runs, awful.
He just needs to read Waid & John's run, and maybe Silver Age Flash.
Two two on the bottom are the new Johns Wally West collections, the third from the top is Rebirth, and I'm guessing the other non N52 spines are Johns pre Flashpoint Barry run.
He's just probably reading all sort of material to get a feel of the universe. No foul in that.
Two two on the bottom are the new Johns Wally West collections, the third from the top is Rebirth, and I'm guessing the other non N52 spines are Johns pre Flashpoint Barry run.
Suicide Squad - Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence
and action throughout, disturbing behavior, suggestive
content and language.
Yeah, I figured as much, still not the complete run though :/, DC should be able to supply him with the omni's or just give them all to him digitally.
My hype for IJ2 grows, and that ultimate edition sounds way different in a good way than I anticipated.