That technology though, lol.
Sara's going to get that ass.
Sara's going to get that ass.
You know that can be interpreted in two ways, right?Sara's going to get that ass.
You know that can be interpreted in two ways, right?
You know that can be interpreted in two ways, right?
Aaaaaaaand here we go.There goes Rory's dislike in Clowns. Everything's about to go down now.
Okay this episode is surprisingly awesome!
Literally laughing in the face of certain death. I love this team.
This team is the best at being the worst team. I also love this team!
Where my Zatanna yo?
This team is the best at being the worst team. I also love this team!
Where my Zatanna yo?
Lol. I'm good my dude. I've cut down on my drinking immensely due to personal issues.
Awwww, little grown Saber-toothed Cat is adorable!
I wonder how much he can actually see...
Hmm, thinking more on it, I would REALLY like an arc that explains Rip's confidence in the team.
Like if a hyper-competent future version of the Legends existed. That would be hilarious.
Also potentially hilarious: if Agent Sharpe met them.
Um I'm sure this was mentioned before, but 1870s had cell service?
It's no wonder Rip thinks the Legends will be the key to stopping this new threat. They routinely make things much worse for themselves before making it better. Who could effectively plan against that?
The Time Bureau are easier to plan for due to their competence. The Legends? Ain't no method to that madness.
They're replacing Stein with his future grandson right?
Man that would be a weird dynamic for Jax
*moves Legends to top of Arrowverse ranking*
*moves Legends to top of Arrowverse ranking*
*moves Legends to top of Arrowverse ranking*
*moves Legends to top of Arrowverse ranking*
No way. Legends fix their mistakes. If we're living in wrong version of this universe there's only one person to blame:He's President in Doomworld, but not the main Arriwverse.
We are living in Doomworld. Somebody find that spear and save us all.
No way. Legends fix their mistakes. If we're living in wrong version of this universe there's only one person to blame:
He sucks. Don't worry, he goes away.Finally started Legends
I really do not like Hawkman, he just gets on my nerves.
Finally started Legends
I really do not like Hawkman, he just gets on my nerves.
*moves Legends to top of Arrowverse ranking*
You are much better off skipping most of the first season.
Anyone have a good list of episodes? I make it a habit not to re-watch the first season, so I do not remember which are worth watching.