Cesar said:Can you still get loot from exploded cars?
Goldrusher said:How does it rank the countries ?
Does it take into account the number of players and/or the country's population ?
Goldrusher said:How does it rank the countries ?
Does it take into account the number of players and/or the country's population ?
Kittonwy said:Last night I checked my country is no. 2, this is unacceptable. >:|
canadia will never catch up. be happy they are #2 for now.Kittonwy said:Last night I checked my country is no. 2, this is unacceptable. >:|
Norway?Snuggler said:it makes sense that the no. 1 country would be also no. 1 in Dead Nation
Snuggler said:I think it's just number of players and how many zombies they're killing because USA is wayyyy ahead.
Great game but I really wish it did save checkpoints. The missions are fairly wrong and I don't always have time to 'keep playing', I've already lost progress a few times because I had to quit out. Thankfully it's fun enough for me to keep coming back either way.
Snuggler said:it makes sense that the no. 1 country would be also no. 1 in Dead Nation
Man said:Norway?
I personally think they should have included a non campaign mode for straight score challenge with increasing waves of difficulty. I'm sure they can add something like that, but I hope they don't try and charge like they did with Super Stardust HD
magus said:Um, the game is crashing on the main menu for me. Anyone else having this problem?
Full friends list? Delete one person.magus said:Um, the game is crashing on the main menu for me. Anyone else having this problem?
u serious?Snuggler said:whatway?
honestly never heard of it
RockmanWhore said:How long does the -20% discount last? I'm not sure if it's the first 24 hours or if it's just a PSN Plus deal. I want to buy it, but I'd rather wait a week or two if possible.
Lince said:edit: fucking awesome, played coop with a friend, oh if we had got this in the SNES era...
gluv65 said:I haven't read the thread.
Is their a way to shoot in this game like SSHD? with the right analog stick? I don't like th R1 configuration.
gluv65 said:I haven't read the thread.
Is their a way to shoot in this game like SSHD? with the right analog stick? I don't like th R1 configuration.
YoungHav said:2 questions: 1) You can only save save between levels right? If you turn off in the middle of a level you lose all progress? 2) What is the red number? for ex: 32X (in red)>?
Enk said:Well there was Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Come to think of it, that game screams for some kind of resurgance.
kyo_daikun said:1 Hour till im home from work... hurry up!!!!
What's the best equipment to use? The flares duration looks pretty poor from what i've seen (im guessing you can upgrade the length of time?)
alr1ghtstart said:Upgrade your ammo count on all the explosives early on. I've found the shotgun to be quite shit. I've been going with the rifle (unlimited ammo) and the SMG when there's a crowd of zombies.
jigglywiggly said:Full PS3 lockup on the main menu in 2 out of 2 attempts to play the game. What the fuck.
CozMick said:Do you have a full friends list?
jigglywiggly said:I do, actually. How many do I have to cull to play?
Please don't be 50 again (I'm lookin' at you, WipEout HD)
Man said:Norway?
DMPrince said:oh look. canada is about to get surpassed by UK in a few :lol
that one day lead sure helped :lolSnuggler said:that's been the only interesting thing about the online kill count stuff, UK and Canadia have been neck n' neck
USA has been everyone else combined and more, it's not even fair
Snuggler said:that's been the only interesting thing about the online kill count stuff, UK and Canadia have been neck n' neck
USA has been everyone else combined and more, it's not even fair