Does anyone know what the source art is for the Kasumi/ Phase 4 elven costumes?
Does anyone know what the source art is for the Kasumi/ Phase 4 elven costumes?
Does anyone know what the source art is for the Kasumi/ Phase 4 elven costumes?
Where Bananakira?
Is doax3 getting a special edition?
Feb is indeed spring quarter according to the financial statements.25th Feb for X3.
Does Spring = Feb in Japan or something? I remember when they said DOA5LR would come in Spring, and it came in Feb.
Cool pic seen on twitter with all the announcements together.
Order of release is top left > bottom left > 2nd top left > etc
edit: so voted costumes for halloween, nothing announced for december (something like santa and reindeers before I guess), and tatsunoko sometimes in early 2016
The greatest.
Shin, this is what we need:
Arf, replied in the wrong thread :/ .
Found my old post. There's a Tatsunoko pack coming after the Christmas one and before the new character, but there was no date estimate (apart from early 2016).
There's a Tatsunoko pack coming
Man, I want that PS4 Collector's Edition for DOAX3.
Pre-orders WHEN
Really worrying trend when people are referring to Marie fans as degenerates.
Hilarious too.
Calling those fans pedos or sickos is referencing them as degenerates.
Roll call for weekend lobby.
And a moment for the fallen.
What? Where'd you hear that?I think Helena and Christie got the best and most noticeable redesigns. Lisa is the only one I think that got changed for the worse. Something about her face is off.
Also didn't know Mila is Spanish. Just assumed Aussie from all her Victoria clothing.
From the DOA5 wikipedia page
"Mila (voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi), an ambitious Spanish female mixed martial artst who works as a part-time waitress at a diner in New York."
She'll be DLC. Hell for the US you might get her and miss out on either Marie or Honoka.