
Hi there everyone and welcome to the OT for the World of Final Fantasy! In this game you will travel the wondrous world of Grymoire, fight and imprism fascinating creatures
from all the previous Final Fantasy games, meet fan favourite characters and follow the story of our two protagonists, Lann and Reynn, as they try to remember what they
have forgotten and unravel a great mystery. Don't forget to use light GAF for maximum immersion

World of Final Fantasy is an RPG for Sony Playstation 4 and Sony Playstation Vita following the story of Reynn and Lann as they travel the world of Grymoire. During the
game you fight and capture monsters during turn based battles with classic (and new) Final Fantasy menu system where players can choose which action to take once their
turn is up.
The entire game is stylised to have a more cartoony/fairy tale look instead of the recent, more mature, looking Final Fantasy games like XIII or XV. All inhabitants of the
world of Grymoire have a chibi look to them instead of realistic proportions that these characters have in their own games.
During the game players will encounter a great number of favourite characters from the previous Final Fantasy games such as Lightning or Shelke.

The two main characters of the story are Lann and Reynn, twins who have lost their memories of Grymoire and what their role was in the world. They both posses a mysterious
power in their arms that allows them to summon an armoured gauntlet and use fantastic powers.

Since they are not inhabitants of Grymoire they can still retain their human-like appearance but they are able to chibify themselves at will if they want to (except during combat).

Creatures and characters in the world of Grymoire are called Mirages. Lann and Reynn can interact with them either through dialogue (character Mirages) or combat (feral or
generally hostile Mirages). When they enter combat our protagonists can capture them (imprism them) and use them as either mounts, travel companions or combat partners.

There are many Mirages in the world of Grymoire and as they participate in combat they gain experience and can even transform into more powerful Mirages. A simple example
would be a Chocobo chick turning into an adult Chocobo.

In World of Final Fantasy you control both main characters at the same time during combat and you can switch between them as you travel the world of Grimoire. Just like
previous Final Fantasy games the game features an open world gameplay with random and scripted combat encounters.
When outside of combat you can play as either Lann or Reynn as you look for treasures, travel across famous locations from the previous Final Fantasy games, take in the
sights, ride all manner of creatures including the staple of the series, the Chocobo, and interact with all manner of NPCs new and old.

During combat the player controls both characters at the same time but with an interesting twist. Both Lann and Reynn work with their own team of mirages that they stack
on top of each other to enhance each other's abilities. As a team they share HP (health points), AP (used for skills and spells) and turn order.
The stacking system is very simple. Each team consists of a small (S), medium (M) and large (L) character. In their normal form both Reynn and Lann occupy the large slot,
so they can put on top of themselves one medium and one small Mirage.

In their chibi forms Reynn and Lann occupy the medium slot so they can ride one large Mirage and then put one small Mirage on top of themselves.

The options allow players to use either turn based, semi-active, or active combat system. Generally speaking the flow of the combat is dictated by the speed of individual
stacks or characters and the fastest ones go first. Order of battle is indicated by a bar on the left side of the screen that shows when the characters will be able to act.
When a PC's character turn comes the player is presented with either a classic Final Fantasy menu or a more streamlined version of it which will allow players to pick their
actions such as attack, use magic or an item, flee from combat, defend, summon legendary characters for exceptionally powerful attacks and imprism Mirages.

If a stack takes too much "topple damage" the stack will fall, characters will lose their team benefits and will become much more vulnerable since they aren't sharing HP
and AP anymore. On the other hand they now act individually so there might be situations when unstacking is advantageous. During their turn they can choose to stack
up again and use all the advantages they had previously.
Imprisming Mirages requires specific conditions to be met, some need to be weakened, others need to be healed, some need to be toppled from their stack or will require
some other conditions most of which can be discovered using the Libra spell. Once the imprism spell is cast an energy ball flies towards the Mirage and attempts to
capture it. However, the spell is not always successful and may require multiple tries before the Mirage is captured.
Once a Mirage is captured it can either be put into a storage system or placed into active reserves. The advantage of having a Mirage in active reserves means it will gain
XP even if it doesn't participate in combat, Mirages in storage do not gain combat experience.
Reynn and Lann can have up to 4 builds made up of Mirages kept in active reserves, two for each character and then one for each size. Before they enter combat Reynn
and Lann can individually change their size to employ individual active builds.

- The game features both English and Japanese dub as free DLC
- Here are the options that are available in the game.

- Many voice actors have returned to reprise their roles such as Ali Hillis as Lightning, Troy Baker as Snow Villiers, Heather Elizabeth Burress as Yuna or Ariel Winter as
the voice of Moogles.
- A demo is available for download on the Playstation Store
- Release dates are as follow:
United States of America 25.10.2016
Japan: 27.10.2016
Europe: 29.10.2016
- A couple of guest characters have been confirmed as Mirages, specifically from Xenogears and Einhander
- Official web site
This thread has been approved by More_Badass: "Hey, looks good to me"
Now go out there, buy the game and enjoy your time in the magical world of Grymoire