Is the new fan costume DLC up for you guys in US? Nothing in Europe. Thanks, Andy.
Yes it is up in NA
Is the new fan costume DLC up for you guys in US? Nothing in Europe. Thanks, Andy.
?And seeing how the new character comes out after the 3rd pass ends
He/she's part of the 3rd pass.
Are there any plans for skins for dudes? I would love a badass skin for Ryu for example.
So do I just give in and pay for these Season Passes? Or wait for FINAL Round for real?!
Looking at the season pack, it looks like you will only get 2 more costumes for Ryu/dudes in general.
1 Valentine skin - either sexy or a joke and will most likely be 3 or so skins that are copy pasted for all the characters
1 Mash up skin - No idea.
Think I watched the gif too much, it is now bothering me. No matter what hand she slaps with the right butt cheek bounces more. Give me separate butt cheek collision.
What are the exact inputs for these OSs? I can't really guess at how they would work, since it's not like this game has zero-frame throws or anything.When you see some people abusing holds, you should option select them sometimes, I'd love to see the computer double fuck itself. One of the option selects I have is with Momiji where I move forward and do the throw notation, but if they press a button it's a hold because of the notation and them rising causing some issues, if they hold they get thrown. It's amusing. It also works with some of Ayane's things but it's worked best for me at walls. Which makes Ayane and Momiji option selects extra deadly because if they have high counter dmaage + wall that means all your life is going to melt.
Maybe they will twerk around the pole and you will see dem ripples in all their wiggly butt glory.
Cannot wait for Fortune Marie.
When I get home I will try to set up states for it to workWhat are the exact inputs for these OSs? I can't really guess at how they would work, since it's not like this game has zero-frame throws or anything.
Thats not interesting at all
They should just keep it to incidental fan service
Thats not interesting at all
They should just keep it to incidental fan service
Click on link to see what OS is suppose to work against cheating AI holds, listen to a discussion about genocide/population control. I'll look at the VOD later.
Welcome to chat with Voda. And it's not what you think. I will link the VOD later.
Bought some new outfts yesterday and some Paradise videos finally). Now that they're more reasonable. Seriously, didn't they used to be much more expensive each? Like 16 bucks? I'm out of the loop.
Anyways, what I didn't know is that it included Photo Mode. While fun, I wish the PS4 took higher quality screens though. Sadly came out of it with an awesome album of shitty compressed-to-hell screencaps. Worth it for the Paradise vids in new outfits though.
You can change your PS4 screenshot settings so that it takes PNGs instead of JPGs.
You can change your PS4 screenshot settings so that it takes PNGs instead of JPGs.
Bought some new outfts yesterday and some Paradise videos finally). Now that they're more reasonable. Seriously, didn't they used to be much more expensive each? Like 16 bucks? I'm out of the loop.
Anyways, what I didn't know is that it included Photo Mode. While fun, I wish the PS4 took higher quality screens though. Sadly came out of it with an awesome album of shitty compressed-to-hell screencaps. Worth it for the Paradise vids in new outfits though.
Not sure if this is known or new, but this is now available for free on Xbox one.
I assume it will be same as PS version?
""PS4/PS3"『DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round』基本無料版 第5弾『年末年始大セール』実施中!『はじめてのセクシーセット』等人気DLCがお得な限定価格で提供中"
Posted on Twitter, have the JP sales pretty much matched up with NA/EU? Should we expect a "big" sale?
Merry christmas!
No Santa costumes in DOA this year![]()