I have completed my 100 online fights. Now to work on the rest of the Platinum. Any suggestions on who is easiest in Combo Challenge? Mila being my main I thought to do hers but I'm stuck on the last tag combo. My brain just goes to mush after about 4 moves in.
There is a save data erasing bug in 360 Last Round.
I don't know if that's your issue.
Yes that sounds exactly like it. Crap. On the plus side, did they add some extra costumes to the base game? I spotted a 5th costume for Momiji that wasn't part of the original 4.
Tina, Leon and Hitomi are all the easiest. I spent a hour looking this up today. I did all 3 when I was bored and they were all pretty easy. Marie Rose wasn't too hard either.
That Mila Ninja looks sick.
Free Training, set Throwdowns to Accept, works brilliantly for me.I can't seem to find an online fight, can't find any lobby or play ranked.
I have my setting in 3+,any region and all ranks but i always get unable to find opponent, my nat is moderate
Free Training, set Throwdowns to Accept, works brilliantly for me.
Weird that you can't find any lobbies, though. I've only had issues finding ranked fights.
Sucks. Hopefully not too bad of a loss for you.
They added fan design costumes into this one, yeah.
Haven't been able to get a match yet on XB1
Any ideas?
Anyone have any luck playing this online in Australia? Downloaded Core Fighters but wanted to test online before I buy the full version but couldn't find a single "nearby" match at all, "any" gave me half a second delay on everything, even character select.
Ninja costumes trailer
English version will probably be up later/tomorrow.
Ninja costumes trailer
English version will probably be up later/tomorrow.
Spin-off pls.
Isn't this what Code Chronos would've been essentially?Dead or Alive Ninja Musou.
Isn't this what Code Chronos would've been essentially?
Anyone use Leifang? She looks kinda cool. I mostly like her stance. She seems gimmicky with all those special holds though.
Leifang is really fun to use! Those parries and that shoulder drop frame trap are soooooo buttery. Sadly I don't see a lot of other people using her.
Anyone use Leifang? She looks kinda cool. I mostly like her stance. She seems gimmicky with all those special holds though.
I love using her.=pAnyone use Leifang? She looks kinda cool. I mostly like her stance. She seems gimmicky with all those special holds though.
sure its been asked a million times, and easy way to unlock costumes?
Can lisa get in on the new costume action? Damnnnnn
Tag Survival Mode at Rookie difficulty.
fuuuuuck i dont know who to main everyone looks so good!
That Mila Ninja looks sick.
I KNOW RIGHTI'm an E- and yet everyone keeps cancelling these fights. I AM NOT GOOD I JUST WANT TO FIGHT ANYONE.
Why are these chumps declining matches? It's not like they're exactly spoiled for choice.
Why are these chumps declining matches? It's not like they're exactly spoiled for choice.
Anyone in a lobby? I can't get into a Ranked match to save my life :/