Can confirm that is indeed the full game. Bought it and it's installing everything right now. The 50 character pack is a rip-off, since it doesn't even contain story mode. If you want the full game you need to go for the 40 "Last Round with Bonus" item on the store.
The EU PSN store is such a mess.
Cheers, do I actually need to have the free edition installed? it's the whole 'add-on' part that is worrying me as the achievements don't seem to occur properly when you just unlock stuff from the free edition. Just wanted to uninstall it, buy retail version off PSN and be done with it.
Also sometimes people should save replays to rewatch the match and see what they did wrong so they work on that.
Does anyone know where the Ninja and Aloha costume catalogs are? I input my preorder code into the PS3 version and transferred the save, but I don't see any of those catalogs available for download.
And to make matters worse I can't use my preorder code on the PS4 version.
lol That Kotaku article.
It's basically "STOP STARING AT MY TITS" which is a valid point, but seems to come off... as... like, extremely whiny.
How does anyone play fighting games with lag lol. It baffles me. I played a bunch of games and lost them all (yes I suck) but I can also tell when I'm fighting good people and bad people. Maybe I'm just getting old (33) but with any lag I just can't fight. Block till opening, attack....nope lag means I attacked to late. Recognise combo, go to counter... Nope lag means I miss. Actually get an opening, attack... Nope attacks to late.
Shooters I can compensate, fighters I just can't. I loved fighters in my youth but never got into them online.
I also assume people arnt experiencing the same lag either because one fight was so bad it was freezing over and over yet my opponent was playing like its fine.
I only moan because I like fighters but just don't get how people play them laggy.
Also I why are fighters always so laggy? When I used too play LoL I never experience it badly or in many shooters. Maybe its because its peer to peer and so fast?
I only ever tried marvel vs copcom on vita and that was sometimes ok but often bad.At least its not Mahvel bad.
Characters with quick startup strike strings like Kasumi do seem to have a distinct advantage online especially in laggy matches. Not going to say its unbeatable but its sure does make it way harder to counter stuff.
How does anyone play fighting games with lag lol. It baffles me. I played a bunch of games and lost them all (yes I suck) but I can also tell when I'm fighting good people and bad people. Maybe I'm just getting old (33) but with any lag I just can't fight. Block till opening, attack....nope lag means I attacked to late. Recognise combo, go to counter... Nope lag means I miss. Actually get an opening, attack... Nope attacks to late.
Shooters I can compensate, fighters I just can't. I loved fighters in my youth but never got into them online.
I also assume people arnt experiencing the same lag either because one fight was so bad it was freezing over and over yet my opponent was playing like its fine.
I only moan because I like fighters but just don't get how people play them laggy.
Also I why are fighters always so laggy? When I used too play LoL I never experience it badly or in many shooters. Maybe its because its peer to peer and so fast?
People underestimate the power of blocking over holds. Haven't had much issues against KasumiCharacters with quick startup strike strings like Kasumi do seem to have a distinct advantage online especially in laggy matches. Not going to say its unbeatable but its sure does make it way harder to counter stuff.
People underestimate the power of blocking over holds. Haven't had much issues against Kasumi
Not a Marie Rose fan, but her theme is pretty sweet! I think the music has gotten better overall in this version.
People underestimate the power of blocking over holds. Haven't had much issues against Kasumi
I wasn't fond of Marie Rose....but she's having a weird effect on me with the latest costumes...
I wasn't fond of Marie Rose....but she's having a weird effect on me with the latest costumes...
Openinng a GAF Lobby which is private to keep it small. Let me know if you want in.
Also on an unrelated note... I'm officially part of the problem. Fuck.
Is there a pack I can just get for the ninja outfits or is it just separate?
I know its your money but damn dude.
If I posted that same screen they would both say purchased. :/
so the preorder packs don't work in europe atm? i downloaded some packs and nothing happened.
Agreed!!!Honoka's the one I've surprisingly grown fond of. She's adorable. Wa-tooo!
I wasn't fond of Marie Rose....but she's having a weird effect on me with the latest costumes...
I think they are still adding costumes to the EU store. I'm in NA so I can't say firsthand, but that seems to be what people are saying about EU.
Im having trouble downloading Catalog 3 for the PS4 in the US. The GFAQs board has a couple people with the same problem, but no solution. My Google-fu also failed me. any help?
It shows the catalog and the costumes in my Library, and the individual costumes are "Installed" (they don't have a thumbnail pic like the rest of the DLC), but the catalog itself is not installed and clicking on the download button does nothing.
So are all the costumes/movies bought for the Core Fighters applicable to when I buy the full version? I guess not because Tecmo is such a cheap bastard, haha.
Mila be all... WTF.
Also on an unrelated note... I'm officially part of the problem. Fuck.
are you on wireless? if not, try to find people with good wired connections and friend them. nothing is worse than playing people with laggy connections.
Cheers, do I actually need to have the free edition installed? it's the whole 'add-on' part that is worrying me as the achievements don't seem to occur properly when you just unlock stuff from the free edition. Just wanted to uninstall it, buy retail version off PSN and be done with it.