question, costume wise, what does the$40 ps4 version of last round have?
Are the PS3 versions of the new DLC transferable/crossbuy like the DOA5U ones? Are the PS4 versions working with the PS3?
Wondering in the off chance I do decide to go to a PS4.
http://teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround/us/costumes.htmlquestion, costume wise, what does the$40 ps4 version of last round have?
Azuardo was telling me earlier in Shin's lobby that SCEE didn't even put up the catalog.
I believe it only goes from PS3 -> PS4, not PS4-> PS3, just like how newer DOA5U stuff didn't work in DOA5 vanilla. If you're asking about cross-gen play, then no, that's not a feature.
For those in EU:
RT to win a set of this before 5PM GMT today. Don't forget to give @marvelous_games a follow too! #DOA5LR #KTfamily
There's also the same contest on Facebook, but this one ends Friday.
2 chances of winning, great contest by Marvelous and KT!
Azuardo was telling me earlier in Shin's lobby that SCEE didn't even put up the catalog.
I like messing around with the models tbh.
It says that all DLC purchased on the Japanese PSN store for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate can now be transferred to the PlayStation 4 version of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (some of the DLC was a few weeks late).
Why are most of the DLC categories greyed out in the in-game store? Is it the same for everyone else?
Sony Europe.
So roll call for evening lobby
Will join soon.
Anyone know why the selection of DOA4 music tracks in this game is only three? Are there licensing issues? Or did DOA4 reuse many tracks from the previous games, so the selection is limited? Just odd to me that you get the full DOA1, 2 and 3 music in the game, but only three from DOA4.
Was the DOA4 OST any good? I should check it out on YouTube tbh.
All the character themes are from DOA4 (excluding characters new to DOA5). If I remember correctly the original DOA5 release only has stage music?
Ahh really? That's a bit cheap. From what I remember, vanilla DOA5 did have all character themes from the start, though. Although I did get the game after launch, so they could have been patched in? But I kinda doubt that.
I would assume the training room in last round is all new so it wouldnt carry. I havent done any yet since Ive been waiting for PC howeverFinally got the new LR characters. Migrated all my data from 5U. Except my 100% training room completion didn't carry over? Fuck me, I have no interest in re-doing everything from scratch. Especially some of the commands for Hayate, and Akira. Is it not supposed to carry over?
When you know a Mid Kick is coming and you do f+H and it comes out AFTER the mid kick comes out...5 times in a row over 3 matches.
Thanks lag.
Downloaded this thing for free.
Doesn't show up in the game though.
Also when the hell am I getting the costumes I bought on PS3 on the PS4?
For those interested, Ayane will be playable (DLC) in Senran Kagura Estival Versus
MmmmmmFor those interested, Ayane will be playable (DLC) in Senran Kagura Estival Versus
Credit to artist Yaegashi Nan for making the DOA character design look tame in comparison.
Clothes getting destroyed should be a standard feature in DOA 6.Well wait until all the clothes come off, might not be so tame.
Well wait until all the clothes come off, might not be so tame.
Sorry, I didn't show up for lobby. I was doing important things. Like beating up Yumi.
I've been playing online for the last hour or 2 and there's one thing I can't seem to get right in this game.
When I get hit, it feels like the hitstun lasts for quite awhile in this game. Is there a way to shake out of hitstun fast enough to not have to deal with the high/low/mid counter hold guessing game that I've been going through tonight?
If it helps, a similar situation I see in Tekken a lot is getting hit with a 10-string combo, but if I block one or 2 of the hits correctly, I am able to punish with a faster move such as a low jab, hop kick, or a 12 frame move etc. and then move in because I am at frame advantage on counter hit.