If they put Christie, Helena, and Tina in the same DLC pack, it would save me some money!
Biker Mila is a pandering costume itself. It's a blatant fetish.
If TN wanted to be lazy, I wish they'd recycle Lisa or Christies swimsuits, instead of this Bavarian-barmaid and bunny bullshit.
If TN wanted to be lazy, I wish they'd recycle Lisa or Christies swimsuits, instead of this Bavarian-barmaid and bunny bullshit.
i thought those were for gamers only. you can't buy them with money.
Just watched bloodburgers DLC vid on youtube.
Christies outfit doesnt even have a proper thong
For those of us who like scantily clad females, this pack has been a considerable disappointment, IMO.
Just watched bloodburgers DLC vid on youtube.
Christies outfit doesnt even have a proper thong
For those of us who like scantily clad females, this pack has been a considerable disappointment, IMO.
No more sexed up outfits, I guess. I predict the Xmas stuff will resemble the below... or maybe, Kasumi will have antlers on her head and a glowing red nose?
I bet she could teach me lots of things....
Q: Are there Japanese and English voices in this game? Wondering if Jann Lee has his DOA4 voice track.
Q: Are there Japanese and English voices in this game? Wondering if Jann Lee has his DOA4 voice track.
Could you post the vid? Can't seem to find it.
So is this game dead?
I just went online on the PS3 version. Couldn't find any quick or ranked matches. Only a few lobbies up. :/
360 version has plenty of players to choose from.
Number 99 on the leaderboard. *pats self on back*
So is this game dead?
I just went online on the PS3 version. Couldn't find any quick or ranked matches. Only a few lobbies up. :/
I wonder if we'll see any more costume DLC after the Christmas stuff?
I loved most of the DLCs and basically bought all of them, but I have the feeling they dramatically bombed and 99% of the people who got the game must have ignored them. That's why I believe we won't get anything else after the Christmas outfits.I wonder if we'll see any more costume DLC after the Christmas stuff?
To those of you have Lisa/La Mariposa's yellow dress dlc outfit and are able to take and export screenshots, I have a favor to ask. Can I get two screenshots, one of dat ass crack, and the other in a pose that you think would be good for a wallpaper. Like her win pose or something. In the one official screenshot of her the right side of her face is really blurry and its very noticeable, especially on an HDTV. I was just hoping I could get something better so I can use it as my PC and PS3 wallpaper.
That outfit has got to be on of my all time favs for any character in any game. Oh how I wish we could get a figure of her in it.