Canis lupus
Cleared all time attacks, cleared the whole Arcade. The only thing left is Survival mode and I won't bother with that shit.
Interesting, you got combos for all the characters 3-hit CB's?
If the opponent blocks Eliot's fully charged 4H+K, he then gets a free 3k. To CB from here he could do 7p, and then CB with 1P+K
Interesting, you got combos for all the characters 3-hit CB's?
Okay Team Ninja.
You gave me back my life preserver for Bayman, but now you must do that which I have wanted since DoA2!
Bayman is an homage to the ultimate bad ass of cinematic history -- Arnold Schwarzenegger, and it's only fitting you give him his ultimate bad ass DLC costume!
I want to beat people up people Red Heat style!
It'd be cool if TN gave Bayman a 'Ghost' outfit (from MW2). So awesome!
Suffer through the game endlessly. =(In other news I bought DOAX2 and holy crap at the load times.
What's the fastest way to make money?
In other news I bought DOAX2 and holy crap at the load times.
What's the fastest way to make money?
In other news I bought DOAX2 and holy crap at the load times.
What's the fastest way to make money?
In other news I bought DOAX2 and holy crap at the load times.
What's the fastest way to make money?
Don't update the game and do this:
Fuck I tried this and wasn't really paying attention and I lost all my money.
I just want the skimpy suits blarghhh.
Gain about a million and play Christie's slot machine. Very huge risk in losing all your money, but also big rewards.
Wait so do you need to buy the DLC costumes to use them offline, or did this new patch allow you to unlock the DLC costumes for offline use?
Wait so do you need to buy the DLC costumes to use them offline, or did this new patch allow you to unlock the DLC costumes for offline use?
Wait so do you need to buy the DLC costumes to use them offline, or did this new patch allow you to unlock the DLC costumes for offline use?
Amazing bullshots as always (pretty sure a few of them were even used for the PS360 version, back in the days): really curious to see how the game will really look on the Vita.
Tecmo said:The screenshots we have in the DEAD OR ALIVE 5 PLUS album are from the console version. We will be releasing more screens soon!
What are you talking about?
Not the DLC costumes, only in-game costumes (most of them).When I was browsing this thread two days ago it sounded like they were releasing a patch that would allow you to unlock the DLC costumes for offline use only.
From twitter, What could it be ?We're working on the "surprise" update for next week already! #DOA5
Fuck I tried this and wasn't really paying attention and I lost all my money.
I just want the skimpy suits blarghhh.
Tecmo themselves said that they're not from the actual Vita version.
In other news I bought DOAX2 and holy crap at the load times.
What's the fastest way to make money?
Sure, they did. Like an hour after the screens were posted and everyone started calling bullshit because they always do this.
From twitter, What could it be ?
Play story mode and do all the missions or whatever they're called during each fight to learn all the game mechanics. Hit up the internet when you can't do something or it doesn't make sense. That helped me out.
Also, it's important to know that when you're getting beat up in a string of attacks and you can't block, you can still perform holds (counters) unless you get critical bursted upon. Story mode missions should teach you about all that crap.
I've had trouble finding players since Day 1 (PS3 version).Hey friends!
I haven't played this in aaaaages. Is it safe to assume that Ranked is dead at this point?
I've had trouble finding players since Day 1 (PS3 version).