Kind of a bummer but not surprising. The whole fiasco from that Director guy that took over and the constant switching of position on franchise staples(including tna) are not great ways to instill confidence in their product. Not to mention the absolute clusterfuck that is their blatant insult to the consumer in the form of DLC practices. DoA is my favorite 3D fighting franchise, but they've been getting progressively worse over each iteration. Especially in terms of content. What used to be in the base game would be held back or taken out to be added in later as dlc. I appreciate the evolution of the engine and character models, particularly the ladies. In fact DoA and the Xtreme Beach Volleyball games are what my girlfriend and I really connected with back in the day. Beautiful escapist fantasy during difficult financial times.
Thankfully I still have all of the games, save for the most recent browser game. I love the characters and lore, and the connection to the Ninja Gaiden series. I loved finding new moves for characters in each new game. 6's ultimate move was a neat addition, and I still love the counter/parry system. Oh yeah and the grappling is super fun. How the games mix different fighting styles is very well done. But as a prior whale for DoA, and only DoA, 6 just dropped the ball in terms of content. So few arenas, and repackaged costumes to be resold to us again after 5, not to mention fewer costumes and a few censored ones were bound to rustle some jimmies and push fans and potential costumers away. In that sense, especially taking in to account the few stages and huge grind to try and unlock in-game costumes make DoA6 a game I have fun and then get bored of quickly. It also lacks the fun stage breaking paths of prior titles, which are really fun.
I hope if and when the franchise returns it does so with its heritage intact. So smooth with some of the best animations out there in an incredibly pretty package. So many fun characters to play that all handle differently. Honoka, Nyotengu, Mai, Lisa, Brad, Tina, Jesus the whole cast are just great and a blast to play. Hopefully NG4 is really in the works and its great.