Yep.jhferry said:Maybe its me
Yep.jhferry said:Maybe its me
Darklord said:How do I use special drink powers? I got spitfire, drank it...and...yeah, nothings happening and I can't figure out how to spit the fire at zombies.
duckroll said:Man, just did 2 hours of pure co-op with a friend on a fresh new game loop from my clear save. It was so good. We gathered up all the initial survivors after the first Zombrex shot for Katey, tamed Snowflake (took SO FUCKING LONG that the story mission expired and the old lady at Children's Castle also expired, but whatever! :lol), beat the CURE guy and gathered up 8 survivors and got them back to the safe house. Since the story on this run is now fubar, it's going to be a pure fuck around/achievement farm run until rescue comes now. Soooo awesome.![]()
hitoshi said:But i have a question, could someone help me? This will be my first playhtrough, so a spoiler-free answer would be awesome. So: what should i do for an S ending? I REALLY hate it when you have to go through impossible chores just to get an ending which is not absolutely terrible.
duckroll said:As long as you complete every single story mission, you will eventually get the best ending at the end. That means finishing all the Cases, and making sure any story character who needs Zombrex gets it on time.
Vinterbird said:Isn't that dependent on whether the player gives TK some Zombrex or not?
duckroll said:As long as you complete every single story mission, you will eventually get the best ending at the end. That means finishing all the Cases, and making sure any story character who needs Zombrex gets it on time.
Ferrio said:Anyway to fight with fists even with items in your inventory?
Jigsaw said:why do they always have to killthe hot chicks in dead save rebecca's ass so many times,you carry her around the whole goddamn city and suddenly *boom*, headshot, that's it?why didn't they kill off this cure-the-zombies-bitch,nobody likes her anyway :|
Sadist said:Where can you find more Zombrex. aside from the pawnshop?
Nemesis556 said:Press UP on the d-pad do unequip anything.
Aim (LT) then fire. (RT/X)
Darklord said:Is there anywhere you can change clothes other than the safe house? I mean into things like underwear. I went to a survivor in her underwear and said she'll only come with me if I'm in mine too. Are you kidding me? I gotta go ALL the way back, change, go back then escort her back? Fuck that.
Thanks. It's for PC but I didn't even know there was an unequip button.
Darklord said:Is there anywhere you can change clothes other than the safe house? I mean into things like underwear. I went to a survivor in her underwear and said she'll only come with me if I'm in mine too. Are you kidding me? I gotta go ALL the way back, change, go back then escort her back? Fuck that.
InfectedZero said:Anyone else going for Genocide Achievements? I'm at 30,000 zombies down right now, should have 72,000 by monday night.
InfectedZero said:Anyone else going for Genocide Achievements? I'm at 30,000 zombies down right now, should have 72,000 by monday night.
Sadist said:And how do you collect money fast and easy?
Cause, scrounging up those leftovers at the casino doesn't help
Sadist said:And how do you collect money fast and easy?
Cause, scrounging up those leftovers at the casino doesn't help
Sadist said:Man, I can't beat the CURE guy :lol
Sadist said:Man, I can't beat the CURE guy :lol
Sadist said:Man, I can't beat the CURE guy :lol
don't forget that the main story missions always send urgent calls when they are within an hour of expiring..Aaron said:What are you talking about? Story missions are clearly marked as such, and always second on the list, right under giving Katey zombrex. They're also clearly laid out in the cut-scenes. Don't blame the game when you miss the obvious.
you need to select 'Xbox 360 emulator' option in Motioninjoy DS3 Tool.Kweh said:Is it possible to get the PC version working with the DS3? I'm using MotioninJoy over USB and it all works in windows, but when I load the game up, the Controller option is greyed out.
The difference is, they will actually hold their own and get out without your constant babysitting. Survivors are WAY less of a headache in this game than they were in the first.profit said:Well, it seems the survivors that you need to escort are still batshit dumb/insane.
"Follow me"
"No way, I'll just run into this pack of zombies instead"
NIN90 said:Bait his lunge attack.
Run away.
Whack him twice.
duckroll said:I just beat him him on my replay today, doing co-op with a friend. This strategy probably won't work for you, since we're really high level and all, but what we did was stock up on lightsabers, split up so he can't attack both of us at once, and we just tag teamed slashed him to death whenever he stopped. :lol :lol
I don't think so, you have to save them each playthrough... which makes that Achivement/Trophy as demanding as the rest of themMarshMellow96 said:I'm not sure if I'm reading it right, but your survivors stack right? As in, if I save someone in my first playthrough and then quit soon after, when I start again I will have 'saved' that survivor in my second?
Havent really noticed this to be quite honest, I try to circle around the mob of zombies so the person I try to escort will hopefully not get caught by them. But that person actually runs towards them even if I keep pressing the Y button to make him/her follow me. And then he/she gets constantly grabbed so I have to throw myself into the mass.Shig said:The difference is, they will actually hold their own and get out without your constant babysitting. Survivors are WAY less of a headache in this game than they were in the first.