WickedLaharl said:no new game+, rehashed areas, and only an hour long make this a tough sell @ $7.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:Maybe it's cause Gabe's just ruggedly handsome and British.
Oh, I thought the ending was powerful too. But I just feel ending that powerful should not be in a short DLC story like this. It should be a part of a bigger game. So we, the players, have better context of the characters and their interpersonal relationship.Nemesis556 said:I thought the ending was very powerful and unlike anything I had played in a video game before. I really enjoyed it.
Though I understand your concerns, Replicant.
SafeinSound said:Wait. This is only an hour long? I thought it was like a four to five hour DLC for some reason. Guess I won't be picking this up then.
SafeinSound said:Wait. This is only an hour long? I thought it was like a four to five hour DLC for some reason. Guess I won't be picking this up then.
dankir said:There's co-op for the campaign in this right?
Replicant said:Oh, I thought the ending was powerful too. But I just feel ending that powerful should not be in a short DLC story like this. It should be a part of a bigger game. So we, the players, have better context of the characters and their interpersonal relationship.
It'd be around that time if you try to earn the trophies, play harder difficulties, etc. For the record, I tried for the best possible result in my playthrough and it took me 2 hours to complete.
Nemesis556 said:That's fair enough, though I like the fact they're not "dumming" the DLC down just because it's DLC. It's something that feels substantial and worth it.
I hate single player DLC that's just more of the same and doesn't add anything overall.
That's how I feel, at least.
Alucrid said:Oh yeah. Is there any way to get Gabe's suit in the main game or no?
Replicant said:It'd be around that time if you try to earn the trophies, play harder difficulties, etc. For the record, I tried for the best possible result in my playthrough and it took me 2 hours to complete.
Alucrid said:Oh yeah. Is there any way to get Gabe's suit in the main game or no?
AlStrong said:Both the suit and the special seeker rifle show up in the store once you finish the DLC. They're free. You will have to upgrade the seeker rifle again from what I can tell.
Frester said:I played through it twice (normal, zealot) and got all the achievements and it only took about 2.5 hours.
badcrumble said:I finally sucked it up and bought the weapon/suit DLC packs. I am a Bad Person![]()
Alucrid said:Great. Is the suit like all the other special suits? Aka, it gives you the max number of item slots that you've upgraded to?
Alucrid said:Great. Is the suit like all the other special suits? Aka, it gives you the max number of item slots that you've upgraded to?
badcrumble said:I thought it does have new game+?
brandonh83 said:No. You're supporting good horror.
badcrumble said:At least it'll make my eventual Hardcore run easier (especially if I cheese the economy with the DLC Detonator trick).
DLC detonator is free in the store. So: fire out all of its Detonator rounds, pick them up with TK and put them into your inventory, sell the empty detonator back to the store, re-buy it and it'll have full ammo. Rinse and repeat, and sell the ammunition whenever your inventory fills up.Alucrid said:wut?
badcrumble said:DLC detonator is free in the store. So: fire out all of its Detonator rounds, pick them up with TK and put them into your inventory, sell the empty detonator back to the store, re-buy it and it'll have full ammo. Rinse and repeat, and sell the ammunition whenever your inventory fills up.
Replicant said:Did you try for the most amount of loot you can get though? Because re-playing the games from check points again and again to get the best loots will take you at least 2 hours on normal. Also, it'd be faster if you run through everything instead of going through every single crevices/corners of the game, checking/re-checking, trying to find some loot/files.
Replicant said:Oh, I thought the ending was powerful too. But I just feel ending that powerful should not be in a short DLC story like this. It should be a part of a bigger game. So we, the players, have better context of the characters and their interpersonal relationship.
badcrumble said:DLC detonator is free in the store. So: fire out all of its Detonator rounds, pick them up with TK and put them into your inventory, sell the empty detonator back to the store, re-buy it and it'll have full ammo. Rinse and repeat, and sell the ammunition whenever your inventory fills up.
Ellie became one of my favorite characters in Dead Space 2 after sheScarecrow said:Maybe you're playing as Ellie. As you make your way through the city with her crew, they slowly get picked off one by one, as they don't have weapons. The climax would be Ellie finding her Plasma Cutter and holding out against the wave of slashers in the mall where you first meet her in the main game.
BeeDog said:The trophy that relates to the quarry platform, how do you get it? And how should one get the grinder trophy?
NotTheGuyYouKill said:Looks fantastic. Hour One.
knee slapper.Rated-Rsuperstar said:You probably only need an hour.
Scarecrow said:Next DLC they do I want them to do an entirely different scenario. Like, maybe you'd play as one of the random citizens of the Sprawl (or better yet, the [now] one armed survivor from Extraction) trying to escape, but you can't use any offensive weapons. You're limited to stasis and TK only. Take some cues from Amnesia where it's better to run from enemies.
badcrumble said:I thought it does have new game+?
Wario64 said:I don't think this was worth $7. I'm more ticked off that it just reuses areas about 85% of the DLC
Wallachia said:is that 85% claim really true??