No lies detected.Say what you will, Kojima is a genius.
No lies detected.Say what you will, Kojima is a genius.
Yes, indeed.Say what you will, Kojima is a genius.
If you can stomach it to get into chapter 3 and still don't like it after that, definitely flush it. There are people who love everything about it, and I think they're crazy. There are people who hate everything about it, and I think they're missing something. I really enjoyed some sections and hated others. It's an extremely unbalanced game (lol @ that pun).I'm about 2 hours in and can't decide if I like or hate it yet. It's certainly unique and definitely feels like a Kojima game which is a good and bad thing. 30 minutes of gameplay followed by a 30 minute cutscene. I'll keep going but I spoiled myself to check the game length and man, I don't know...
Weird, so far I was lucky to not have any crashes. Haven’t crashed once on my Pro alsoah....and it crashes before i can continue playing.
this is the 2nd time it has crashed for me on PC . not one crash on PS4 Pro.
Easy fight. Concentrate and change your tactic. You’ll get him bro!oh hell naw. i loaded back up and have to fight him again. it better not crash this time...
I found being very aggressive to be the best tactic. Storm ahead, and use a route where you can pick up as much weapons and bloodpacks as possible.oh hell naw. i loaded back up and have to fight him again. it better not crash this time...
What does the difficulty affect? Does it just ratchet up all the numbers (more damage, faster timefall, stamina drains more, etc)? I'm playing on Hard and haven't died yet (except for the cutscene in the intro). The game is very accommodating if you play it on its terms and go along with the "simulation".
I love waltzing into a MULE base, bola-ing everyone, kicking them in the head, and then laughing through the camp while taking all their materials and spending it on more auto-pavers. I'm no expert at MGS games but I feel if a player could tackle MGS5, you can cakewalk through Death Stranding. The last four main missions have been breezy S-ranks because I've finished most of the (first) road.
You can't keep the trucks in the garage, but you can park them on one of those charging circles just outside your base in the main cities and it seems to save it. At one point my map had three of those trucks crashed/lodged in random creeks, cliffsides, etc. until one of them finally decomposed lolAlbeit I'm just playing on normal this absolutely has become my tactic, because I'm all about building those roads and the way I see it...those Mules are just gathering resources for me to just bola in and help my fellow porters out. The only annoyance is despite stealing their trucks for transporting my ill gotten gains I apparently can't keep them in my garage
Mules: sniffing Cargo
You can't keep the trucks in the garage, but you can park them on one of those charging circles just outside your base in the main cities and it seems to save it. At one point my map had three of those trucks crashed/lodged in random creeks, cliffsides, etc. until one of them finally decomposed lol
I wonder if the MULEs can be recruited / saved in some way. The characters show some sympathy toward them and repeat that they suffer from a psychosis. Kojima already refined the fulton mechanic in MGS5. It would fit w the lore (so far; I could be wrong) to have me save the idiots from their own cargo obsession. Saving the USA by redeeming the lost ones as well as reuniting the cities.
To be free from cargo, you must become the cargo.
It is great to see other people enjoying it so much too. Not a game for everyone, but a great game indeed.Hello friends,
a little late to the party, but i had to share my thoughts.
This game left me in awe. It is the most creative AAA game i have played in a very, very long time.
Hideo Kojima is a true auteur, and this is the best work he has done since MGS2.
The game is slow, deliberately slow, frustrating at times, deliberately frustrating at times, fast and easy, then slow and hard, all of this meant to create a contrast between a separated world and a connected one.
It's a risky choice, (ironically) it will divide, test our patience, but it's incredibly bold, ultimately satisfying and memorable for those trully willing to embark on the journey and see it to the very end.
The more you find out, the more possible "roads", "paths" open, and you begin to wonder more and more where will all this lead to, how will all of this connect...And you will only find out at the very end, if you have what it takes to stick with it.
The entire narrative is extraordinarily well planned, with bits and pieces slowly being glued together the more you advance in the story. This is Kojima's greatest strength as a writer: the ability to manipulate the audience, to fool it without saying a single lie, and then completely disarm it when the time comes for everything to "make sense". And boy, this game is a perfect example of this.
The entire Death Stranding event and all elements tied to it, are ultimately just a background for the real, intimate, heartfelt story of family, fatherhood, personal loss, love, life and tragedy.
This is so typical for Hideo Kojima, to create this larger than life, completely outlandish yet somehow completely believable context, and then slowly reduce it all to the most basic, deeply human, deeply personal arc.
There is a persistent ominous feeling throughout the entire game, that slowly but steadily grows in intensity. And this happends so naturally, so under the hood, that is an achievement by itself for such a long, multi-layered narrative.
There are moments where heavy story elements are lightened by a quick, unexpected yet effective, lighthearted moment. Hideo Kojima is the only auteur i know that can make this tonality shifts work so well, it's become a 'Kojima' staple.
I'm not gonna talk much about the graphics, motion capture, performances, they're all really as good as it gets, and then some. There are at least a couple of instances where character performance is beyond anything ever done in gaming. It's almost unbelievable it's all running realtime.
As cliche as it sounds, this truly is one of those gems that you can't be 'told' how amazing it is, you really have to experience it yourself.
I'm not telling you that you have to play this game or anything. I had plenty of my own issues with it and I don't think it's for everyone.Uh boy, I just discovered that Death Stranding has over 11 hours of cutscenes. And that nearly all of the first two hours are cutscenes.
I haven't watched a movie in years, because I just don't have the patience to sit through a 90 minute movie. I get bored after 20 minutes or so. So, I think I'm probably out. I can't stick with a game that includes 11 hours of movie. That's more movie than I've watched in the past 3 years, combined.
I'm not blaming the game. I've never played a Kojima game before, but I've heard about his penchant for long cutscenes. I just didn't realize how heavy it would be. I should've done a little more homework on the game, before purchasing it. Oh well, I only paid $20, no biggie.
p.s. I know I have the option to skip cutscenes, but I wouldn't want to do that. I value story and characters in games. I don't like operating without context or motivation. So that's not really an option for me.
GIT GUD.Uh boy, I just discovered that Death Stranding has over 11 hours of cutscenes. And that nearly all of the first two hours are cutscenes.
I'm not telling you that you have to play this game or anything. I had plenty of my own issues with it and I don't think it's for everyone.
But if you can't even get 20 minutes into a movie, you may need to work on your attention span. Force yourself to read a few books or something! We live in an awkward time when people are so tied to their phones and switching from one 15 second retarded video clip to another for 4 hours straight that people can't even watch a movie anymore without desperately wondering what is on snapchat.
It's just something I've seen in basically every single person I've grown up with along with some family members, so that's what it sounded like. Everyone used to be able to watch a good TV series, or a movie, or sit down and just enjoy something.You've got me wrong. "Read a few books"? I love reading. My house is full of books and bookshelves. "Tied to a phone"? I didn't even own a smartphone until two years ago. I don't spend more than a minute a day on it, max. I'm not one of these people who is tethered to their phone -- not even remotely.
I don't have trouble focusing attention when something interests me. I just don't find the vast majority of TV shows or movies interesting. I haven't watched a normal TV show or movie for over 5 years. I try to do it occasionally, but I get restless. I quickly become aware of all the other things I'd rather be doing. It feels like a waste of time.
Not that I don't waste time in other ways (e.g., here, or on Youtube, or playing games). I'm not one of those guys who brag about how little TV he watches. I'm not bragging, just trying to explain. Movies and TV shows just don't interest me enough to warrant the investment of my time and attention. It's just a personal preference.
Uh boy, I just discovered that Death Stranding has over 11 hours of cutscenes. And that nearly all of the first two hours are cutscenes.
I haven't watched a movie in years, because I just don't have the patience to sit through a 90 minute movie. I get bored after 20 minutes or so. So, I think I'm probably out. I can't stick with a game that includes 11 hours of movie. That's more movie than I've watched in the past 3 years, combined.
I'm not blaming the game. I've never played a Kojima game before, but I've heard about his penchant for long cutscenes. I just didn't realize how heavy it would be. I should've done a little more homework on the game, before purchasing it. Oh well, I only paid $20, no biggie.
p.s. I know I have the option to skip cutscenes, but I wouldn't want to do that. I value story and characters in games. I don't like operating without context or motivation. So that's not really an option for me.
Awesome. It’s exactly like thatJust started Chapter 3. This is the most beautiful game I've played since Chrono Trigger.
I trudged through both MULE and BT territory in the timefall, no ladder, my cargo was quickly deteriorating, BB stressed, was cornered into a rock face until I shattered my last grenade at my feet. Then I finally emerged onto a cliff with a sunny, majestic view, the rain let up, and the music swelled as I ran down the green hill to the shimmering lake where my compatriots were waiting for me.
I can't stop thinking about it and I end up listening to the soundtrack while I work. Listening to it as I type this.
This is an atmospheric gamer's dream.
They are long, but I've just come off of months of Yakuza games and I'm in like cutscene heat mode right now
Will Death Stranding be worth playing in Nov. when I pick up a PS5? I know the game has a community element, so wondering if less people would lessen the experience.
Yeah, finished it not super long ago.. Everytime I logged back in I had heaps of notifications of people using my infrastructure & likes by people, my lost cargo found by others.Will Death Stranding be worth playing in Nov. when I pick up a PS5? I know the game has a community element, so wondering if less people would lessen the experience.
Keep on keeping on!been coming back to this after getting distracted by new games. so relaxing to go on these solitary travel journeys. just now expanding into the final map area, but i know there is still a ways to go. just unlocked the ziplines which is already making things fun. right now i'm building roads across America!
I just don’t know how he can top this game.I pulled this off the backlog a few days ago and just got through chapter 2. It's such an innovative and interesting yet cohesive and well-executed game that I think Kojima actually earned the label of genius here more than he did with Metal Gear.
I just don’t know how he can top this game.
The tone, the look, the way the mechanics tie in...
Yeah, we saw MGS2's storyline become completely true as well (with tech companies becoming the GW that controls the flow of information and programs people to believe what is convenient).Death Stranding might be the most thematically relevant game, given our current status in society. I came back to it to try the platinum.
Wish me luck!
Death Standing may not be for everyone. But for those that it clicks, it’s probably a game for the generations. Any gamer that misses out is worse off for it.I’m looking through the Halloween sale on the PS store and staring this one down pretty hard. It’s either this or the RE2 remake. I can’t decide if I want to hold off on Death Stranding until it hits $20
wAlso the sheer detailed richness of the world with BBs, Chiralium, Q-Pids, voidouts, timefall, beaches, etc. They could easily be seen as ridiculous, yet the game manages to make them convincing and consistent. You end up feeling like you're really living in that reality.