Shadow of the Colossus is one of my 3 litmus test go-to games to get people's thoughts on. I'm sorry you didn't like one of the best games of a console's generation. But it's objectively NOT hot garbage.
I think that a problem here is that people are not exactly arguing in good faith.
People are trying to objectively "prove" that the game is bad.
So when you say that you liked it they will say that the open world is "empty" or it's just a game about taking things from A to B etc.
I think people misunderstand that the "open world" can be effectively used for world building.
The problem with this is that a player who is in a hurry to finish the game does not want to deal with that.
For Shadow of the Colossus I really feel like the controls are not great, not very responsive, but in the context of building a world and telling a story and providing legitimately surprising and awe-inspiring moments the game is indeed a masterpiece.
Put yourself in the shoes of someone trying to "prove" that the game is bad though.
There's no combat. The world is empty and quiet. It's just a boss-rush game.
The main character is just silent and not cool like Niko Bellic.
I think you can probably do it with any game.
"I think Game X is great"
"yeah, but it doesn't have A, doesn't have B, doesn't have C. Game Y has all of that!"
For me I see the open world as a good vehicle for world building and immersion.
For others they just don't see the point in having a large game if it isn't going to be crammed full of stuff.
It's kind of like reading a book written in a fantasy setting where all the history and locations etc need to be built up over many pages and then comparing to a book that is set in the modern day and just goes from action scene to action scene because the world is set up already.
Some people prefer one and some prefer the other.
What we seem to be dealing with is people, who prefer one particular thing, trying to prove that anything that doesn't fit their preference is bad because of that.
"The open world is dead and empty." Almost sounds like the game takes place in some kind of post apocalyptic setting.