Eh, whatever. People in this thread actually like Arrested Development, so nothing really shocks me anymore regarding people's tastes.
You're an active member in Sonic GAF, fuck off.
You're an active member in Sonic GAF, fuck off.
Oh damn Beefers I didn't know you liked Sonic THAT much. Is this true?
You're an active member in Sonic GAF, fuck off.
You're an active member in Sonic GAF, fuck off.
He made the community thread LOL
Are there any Soulplaya equivalents in the SonicGaf community?
It's funny how even recent Sonic games have managed to rise out of their deep dank pit of awfulness yet WWE is incapable of doing the same, oh well, that Sonic GAF am I right guys? I hear they've got some real characters in that thread, characters that may or may not be myself.
No I lied, WWE hasn't ever fallen down to that depth yet.
It's funny how even recent Sonic games have managed to rise out of their deep dank pit of awfulness yet WWE is incapable of doing the same, oh well, that Sonic GAF am I right guys? I hear they've got some real characters in that thread, characters that may or may not be myself.
No I lied, WWE hasn't ever fallen down to that depth yet.
How long have you been saving that silver bullet of a post, BIONIC-ARRRMMM?
- New WWE storyline with potential starts (eg: Nexus, Pipebomb Punk, currently Shield I guess), possibly using the POWER OF JUNE!I wonder if there's a WWE Cycle?
The 2007-2008 period was pretty close actually if I recall.I'd say it's pretty close. There's always something that keeps us watching though.
The first thing that came to mind when I saw your post. I don't "save up" comebacks.
Oh just let it go you big baby.
Holy fuck I want this but it's $700 on eBay.New page!
But you obviously had me and the Sonic thread in mind when you saw me post. So either you've been saving that one and are currently lying, or you just have an ax to grind simply because I don't like AD.
But you obviously had me and the Sonic thread in mind when you saw me post. So either you've been saving that one and are currently lying, or you just have an ax to grind simply because I don't like AD.
I'm not into e-fights bro, I barely post on GAF as it is.
I just find it funny that you'd call something that is almost universally loved like AD trash, while at the same time go to the point of making a community thread of something that is mostly disliked by people. Well at least the newer games, fan art, comic/cartoon crap, etc.
Wait, so sonic-gaf isn't about people wanting to fuck hedgehogs and bats?
The only place I've ever seen AD get any praise is on GAF. Everyone I know IRL can't stand the show or has never heard of it. The Sonic Community thread was also a request by some GAF members too! And yes, the newer games rightfully get shat on (Sonic 06 and Sonic 4, naturally).
We're pretty much going to have to agree to disagree on this, though. I'm done with it if you are. *shakes your hand*
Yeah I guess lol. Especially since they look like they came from a vhs of some sort.
Veda Scott gets absolutely murdered by The Batiri at AIW's Hell on Earth 8;
I haven't seen many of the early PWG shows, but Maffew of Botchamania fame did a 2003 PWGamania video that featured clips from that era - hilarious hearing Excalibur bury his own matches on commentary.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Answer my PM, you jerk.
Wait, so sonic-gaf isn't about people wanting to fuck hedgehogs and bats? It's about the actual games?
Generations and Sonic CD are pretty dope.
New page!
You were avoiding it because you thought it was filled with that shit? :lol :lol :lol
Why is Rouge the Bat so damn hot?
Seriously, it's REALLY hard to tell when Sonic is being used sexually or just about the games without people wanting to MARRY him and his furry companions. Note: everyone else thinks like me too and automatically assumes the worst. Sonic fans in general are TERRIFYING folks.
Seriously, it's REALLY hard to tell when Sonic is being used sexually or just about the games without people wanting to MARRY him and his furry companions. Note: everyone else thinks like me too and automatically assumes the worst. Sonic fans in general are TERRIFYING folks.
There is a lot of Kane & Sonic fan art, and a lot of it has already been posted on here.I bet there is a Sonic x Kane fan art page and it makes Soul's dick explode.
Oh dear, I drank too much I feel squiffy.
That's the Sonic influence. Wanna collect some rings? Maybe write a fic about Tails being grounded and forced to sleep in your room?
That's the Sonic influence. Wanna collect some rings? Maybe write a fic about Tails being grounded and forced to sleep in your room?