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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Cesaro is going to face Khali on Main Event next week? I wonder if they'll have him do the Neutralizer.

I'd expect it to end with a flying European Uppercut from the second rope or something along those lines. Khali's legs are in bad shape and he looks like he's starting to have trouble just stepping over the top rope, so I don't think they'd ask him take the hit on his knees from the Neutralizer even if Antonio could pick him up.



WCW Monday Nitro 5/8/2000

After a fun PPV, let's see how WCW can kill any momentum they gained.

EARLIER TODAY. DDP was mourning over a severely injured Kanyon in a hospital bed when the New Blood attacked and left DDP laying. Kim poured Kanyon's bed pan on DDP.


The Millionaires Club bus has arrived. I like the idea that all of those guys came to the show in individual limos and then they rented out a giant bus just for a 5 second shot of 3 or 4 guys to step out of it.


The New Blood come out for a 20 minute promo segment. Speaking of SWERVES, David Arquette is with the group. And SWERVE is said about 4 times in 10 seconds. Eric says he brought us one of the greatest SWERVES of all time. This whole thing was a set up just to fuck with DDP. From the very beginning. Eric replays all the events from David vs Eric to DDP winning the title in the cage, to David winning the title, to Tank being in on it, to Slamboree. Man, this seems really involved just to fuck with DDP. What if DDP hadn't agreed to the triple cage match? Stupid internet wrestling experts who said it was a disgrace for Arquette to win the title were all SWERVED, just because Eric wanted to fuck with DDP. David's heel promo work is even more annoying than his normal self.


TO THE BACK. DDP has arrived in his car.

They let Mike Awesome talk and DDP hits the ring. It's down to Page and Arquette. DIAMOND CUTTER OUTTA NOWHERE! The New Blood regroup and beat down DDP, but the lights go out and STING IS HERE! Shane and Douglas are out. Kronik follows and gets rid of them.

. Gene is with the NB. Eric books Sting and Jarrett for the title. TRUST ME. Ralphus and Norman are walking around. If they don't beat Funk, they're both fired.

Terry Funk vs Norman Smiley/Ralphus WCW Hardcore Championship

In addition to Sting vs Jarret, we'll also see Awesome vs DDP in a stretcher match at the top of the hour. "Terry Funk was hardcore when he was in kindergarten!" Norman presents Monday Night Ralphus! Funk just tosses tons of shit at Norman after laying Ralphus out with a chair. Norman tries to run Funk over with a golf cart. Funk side steps and Norman just keeps going all the way around the giant insides of the arena. Will gif for the weirdness and as a good reaction gif.


Now he's throwing bottles of water and Funk is chasing Norman trying to drive away. They crash into a bizarrely large stack of empty milk crates that are in the center of a giant open area. They brawl into the kitchen and have a cookie sheet strike battle. ROH ROH ROH ROH! I don't think anyone needs to see Ralphus and his ass crack. Funk pins them both, so Ralphus and Norman are fired. They cry together.

Show run down. Update on Kanyon. Severe spinal cord trauma. He's fighting for his existence. A PPV full of SWERVES. DDP vs Awesome in a Stretcher match, Sting vs JJ for the title.

TO THE BACK. Flair tells Lex and Liz to stay in the back when he talks to David.

Ric Flair is out. Flair has some belts with him. Looks like the NWA Championship and the Big Gold WCW Championship. History lesson starts up. In 1978, Terry Funk told Ric to be a star, he had to get to St. Louis on Friday nights. Jack Brisco told him he might be champion if he worked really hard at it. Then it was Funk, then it was Harley, then it was Dusty, and then it was Ric Flair's turn! This is great. Ric's Big Gold replica looks really weird. It looks more like the AWA Championship. But these titles mean nothing anymore after David turned on him. He's not mad at David right now, but he wants his son to admit he made a mistake. David and Daffney come out. Russo's music hits and he walks out behind them. David is in a I <3 NY shirt. Russo spits in the face of tradition and has a list of those faces he spits in: Dory Funk, Jr., Dick the Bruiser, Jack Brisco, Kiniski, Murdock, Brody, Dusty Rhodes, St. Louis' own Sam Muscnick. David looks really uncomfortable with this angle. Ric doesn't want to air family laundry on this program and wants to do it at home. Russo wants Ric vs David at the GAB. Ric takes his cell phone out and says he'll call Vince McMahon right now and he'll have David on Raw next Monday night. He didn't burn his bridge like Russo did. McMahon will make David a big star. Lol. Ric is shitting on Russo's ability to make a star to his face in the ring by using McMahon's name. Ric grabbed his watch back, but David again busts a Statue of Liberty on his dad's head. Then struts, takes the belts, and Vince takes the watch back.


. A sad Ric leaves as Lex tries to talk him out of it. Flair says he's had it with the business.

Chuck "The Main Event" Palumbo promo.


Palumbo comes out to Lex's music, in Lex's gear, doing Lex's posing. So there are two guys in the New Blood doing full on rip offs of established stars. Chucky P is not a good talker yet. He calls out Luger. Lex comes out and hits a few diving forearms before knocking Chuck out of the ring. R&B security try to take Liz back, but Chuck hits Lex with the Lex Flexer. They get Liz again. This is like the 4th time she's been free and was taken back. Just have her stop coming to shows with you, Lex. You asshole.

TO THE BACK. Lex is asleep on a stretcher is being loaded into an ambulance. Russo kicks all the men out of his room and only keeps Liz and Daffney. He's tired of Liz fighting him. She's going to have a match against Daffney. If she can beat Daffney, Russo will rip up the contract. If she wins, she can go wherever she wants.

Shawn Stasiak vs Captain Rection w/Curt Hennig

I guess Pecker hasn't been promoted yet. His music is just a snare drum. It's really annoying. Hennig kind of sort of SWERVES Boner and Stasiak wins clean with a Perfect Plex. That was a quick push for Dong. The rest of the MIA come in the ring. Kevin Nash comes out. I guess he didn't like Stasiak's win. Jackknife. He'd like to know what Russo was smoking to hit Nash with a bat. He doesn't know what happened to little Vince Jr. that he knew in the WWF. He's calling Russo out. Instead, we get the heel Filthy Animals. I think I'd rather have Vince Russo again. Kidman says Nash is on the bottom of the scrotum pole, which was muted. However, Madden repeated it and it wasn't muted. Konnan says stupid Konnan shit and they all hit the ring. Hogan comes out to make the save. A challenge is made. Hogan/Nash vs Filthy Animals in a street fight. But first, they're going to go to the back to take a Russo and wipe their Bischoffs. And then beat the shit out of those three little punks.

TO THE BACK. DDP walks to the arena with his stretcher.

Eric and Kim come out. Kim looks...fuck.

DDP vs Mike Awesome Stretcher Match

Eric and Kim are on color. Awesome comes out with the stretcher. But DDP had it in the back. These guys aren't even on the same book. Jesus. This is outright bad pro wrestling that you'd expect to see on a local indy show. Kim jumps on the apron with the divorce papers. DDP rips them up. This gave Eric a chance to slide a chair in the ring, which Awesome then used to hit DDP in the MOUTH with. DDP gets off the stretcher half way down the ramp. Awesome brings a table in the ring. Powerbomb through the table. Eric signs the scrap of divorce papers with DDP's hand. Mike Awesome wins.

Russo finds Steiner with his YAKS. Steiner doesn't give a fuck about what Russo wants him to do and says he will break his stupid arms if he touches him again. The next thing we see is Russo talking to Tank. Gene is with Double J.

Steiner is out with his YAKS.


Steiner says he fought a guy named Hugh G. Rection last night (which was muted), and then he went back to the hotel with his YAKS and found one of his own. "And Booker T, you're an amoeba, because you have no back bone." Wat. Tank Abbott comes out and hits Steiner in the dick and then hits him with the KO punch. The YAKS are very sad.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Sting. He's going to win the title tonight.

The Mamalukes, Harlem Heat 2K INC., Harris Brothers vs Kronik

Ahmed gets fatter each week. This is a 4 way in name only. It's a 6 on 2 handicap match in practice. Buff and Shane come out as well. Steiner is throwing shit in the back. Harlem Heat and the Harris Brothers start arguing, which gives Crush the time to pin Vito. Then Wrath pinned a Harris Brother. Buff and Shane get in the ring and as handled easily. Stevie Ray hits Big T. with the slap jack and walks out. Crush and Adam Bomb hit Ahmed Johnson with the High Time for the win. A pissed off Scott Steiner comes out. He drills Shane and Buff on the ramp (which led to Kronik stealing the titles back again), throws Kash in the ring, and says he's not leaving until he gets Tank Abbott.

TO THE BACK. Tank is telling Doug Dillinger to not mess up.

After a break, Goldberg's music hits. Tank does the full Goldberg entrance.


Scott Steiner is not impressed. SHOOT t-bone suplex! SHOOT spinning belly to belly! Steiner gets his hooks in and has Tank in a rear naked choke. RICK Steiner comes out from the crowd to stop his brother. Scott wouldn't listen to Rick, so Rick starts beating on Scott. Rick and Tank double team Scott.

TO THE BACK. Vince Russo was watching this and thought it was great. He tells Liz to hurry it up. He tells someone that he wants them on stand by.

Liz vs Daffney

Liz might be a member of the MIA. She PAINTBRUSHES Daffney. Madusa comes out. She must have been the one on stand by. But before she can do anything to Liz, MONA (Molly Holly) comes out to save Liz. She gets dropped on her head. Liz gets a chair? This fucking bell guy. He won't stop ringing the bell. Fucking guy. Russo security take Liz away. That was really weird seeing Liz wrestle and hit someone with a chair.

Hogan and Nash are heading to the arena.

Hogan/Nash vs The Filthy Animals Street Fight

I already hate Rey. Mike Awesome is a member of the Filthy Animals now. DA JUICE has arrived. After a minute of brawling, the Animals bail and Hogan follows them. Juvie missile dropkicks Nash in the ring. In the back, Horace attacked, but was put down. The Animals ambush Hulk, put him in a trunk, and they leave. Nash powerbombs Da Juice in the ring. I guess Hogan and Nash win.

The Filthy Animals are leaving when GOLDBERG'S MONSTER TRUCK pulls out in front of them. Does Goldberg drive his own name branded monster truck around town? Hogan has escaped the trunk. BUT WHO OPENED THE TRUNK? AND WHO WAS TRUCK?!?!


Jeff Jarrett vs Sting WCW Championship

Sting is doing Japanese arm drags. How weird. A suplex from the floor onto the ramp. Sting then tried a splash, but missed. Jeff is working over Sting's leg with a chair. Awesome diving lariat from the ramp over the ropes. Looked like it decapitated Jeff. Sting went all the way to the other side of the ring.


Sting fights out of the figure four. Two Stinger splashes. Scorpion Death Lock! Vampiro pops out of the ring and pulls Sting down again. An obvious fire extinguisher sprays. A few seconds later, Vampiro drags Sting up, who is now covered in RED LIQUID.
Jeff Jarrett wins. The rest of the New Blood come to the ring as Goldberg chants start up. We get Kevin Nash instead. Nash and Hogan are the only guys left. Of course the stooges come at them one or two at a time.

Golberg's truck runs over and gets stuck on Tank and Rick Steiner's limo. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!

To recap, before anyone gets excited for Goldberg's return, let us remember that Russo's big idea to save WCW so far has been to turn everyone heel and push the old guys even harder while saying they're old washed up has beens who need to retire or die.

Jamie OD

Big E Langston catching Dolph Ziggler outside the ring on Smackdown last night was more of an awkward moment than they probably intended.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Paul Ellering's daughter tweeted to me. Minor brush with related fame.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I just watched a preview of the approx 75% done GWF show, and I'm so fucking hyped. Gonna be airing on New Year's Day in the evening. So excited. So many new debuts, new music for some, great feuds, 5 star matches

I'm seriously so excited, guys.


Man, I just watched a preview of the approx 75% done GWF show, and I'm so fucking hyped. Gonna be airing on New Year's Day in the evening. So excited. So many new debuts, new music for some, great feuds, 5 star matches

I'm seriously so excited, guys.

Nice! I cannot wait to watch it.


I fucking hate snow. I cleared 6 inches off the drive Wednesday and I wake up to another 6 inches of snow today. We were only supposed to get 2-3. The only thing that will cure my winter woes is some wonderful WCW. After I SWERVE this snow, it's gonna be time for Thunder!


The weird thing about Big Show is that he's funny and interesting in shoot interviews, and then boring as hell on the mic.

What up wit dat?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
The weird thing about Big Show is that he's funny and interesting in shoot interviews, and then boring as hell on the mic.

What up wit dat?
"Big Show, go cut another promo about how you're the most dominant big person in sports entertainment"


The weird thing about Big Show is that he's funny and interesting in shoot interviews, and then boring as hell on the mic.

What up wit dat?

Big Show has been around long enough to know you don't get yourself over in any way otherwise you get Zack Rydered

Jamie OD

Man, I just watched a preview of the approx 75% done GWF show, and I'm so fucking hyped. Gonna be airing on New Year's Day in the evening. So excited. So many new debuts, new music for some, great feuds, 5 star matches

I'm seriously so excited, guys.

Getting hyped!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Man, I just watched a preview of the approx 75% done GWF show, and I'm so fucking hyped. Gonna be airing on New Year's Day in the evening. So excited. So many new debuts, new music for some, great feuds, 5 star matches

I'm seriously so excited, guys.

Is there a stream for this?



WCW Thunder 5/10/2000

WCW followed up a good PPV with a pretty decent Nitro, so let's see if they can keep up a full week of good shows.

Chris Candido vs Crowbar WCW Cruiserweight Championship


Bold choice to start a wrestling show with a wrestling match. Skip has a pre-match promo. Basically Sunny is awesome. Was Candido strung out during this time period? He's just...off all the time. DVD from Crowbar followed with the slingshot Arabian press. Sunny gets on the apron. This distracts Crowbar and Skip back suplexes him to the floor. Followed up with a pescado. Sunny gives skip a chair, which is baseball slid back into his face. Crowbar hits a diving splash off the apron. He sits Candido on the chair and does a diving clothesline off the apron. Then he goes in the ring and elbow drops the mat. Skip suplexes Crowbar from the ring on to the ramp and then hip tosses him from the ramp back into the ring. Sit out gourd buster almost gets Crowbar the win. Super rana countered into the superbomb. Skip goes for the diving headbutt, but Daffney hits a Frankenscreamer. CAT FIGHT!!! Candido hits the Greetings from Asbury Park, follows it with a diving headbutt, and retains his title.

Show run down. An interview with Vampiro. Footage of how Russo won over David Flair. Liz vs Rhonda Singh (Bertha Faye). Horace vs Kidman. Horace is fired if he loses. Sting vs Mike Awesome in an Ambulance match.

TO THE BACK. Funk is with Eric, The Cat, and Kim. They want Funk to give up the title. Cat is sent to get Harlem Heat. Rick Steiner and Tank arrive. As does Goldberg's monster truck. Rick was wearing some vintage Axl circa 1991 shorts.


TO NEW YAWK. Russo took David, Daffney, and Crowbar to New York. They have Daffney play in traffic while the men go into a peep show.

Harlem Heat vs Terry Funk WCW Hardcore Championship

Funk comes out with two chickens. He comes to fight a group of black dudes with a couple of chickens? Ahmed does a running dive over the ropes from ramp to ring. They could have had Funk beat, but they argued over who would get the pin. Stevie held Funk so Ahmed could hit him with a trash can lid, but Ahmed wouldn't. Then he intentionally hit Stevie Ray and then decked Kash just for fun. Funk laid Kash out with a chair to retain the title.


TO THE BACK. Eric, Cat, and Kim are not pleased.

. One on one interview with Tenay and Vampiro. They open up the interview with Tenay bitching that this was supposed to be a personal interview and Vampiro showed up in character. Vampiro says he's never in character and that's just how he is. His issue with Sting is that Sting dresses up in character twice a week and is babied. No one gives him shit like Vampiro always gets for looking how he looks. Vampiro has stolen Sting's bird, Steve. He tells the story of Ozzy biting a dove's head off and would like to do something similar. Sting arrives on the scene before Vampiro could bit the bird's head off. Vampiro laughs during the beat down.


Shawn Stasiak vs Lash LeRoux

But Lash was fired. How is he booked to wrestle? He's now going to be known as Corporal Cajun. Curt Hennig joins for color. Hennig denies helping Stasiak. This is a pretty meandering match that is really just here to further Curt Hennig's deal. He says he got the MIA reinstated, but he toss Lash onto the the announce table before throwing him in the ring for a Perfect Plex.

Russo says Liz has underestimated him.

Daffney bows to a human sized Statue of Liberty in front of a store. Russo says they move it around every day so everyone can get a piece of the old lady.

Rhonda Sing vs Liz.

Liz has new gear. Which is her gear from Nitro, but less of it. I don't know why Russo thought people were interested in seeing Miss Elizabeth wrestle 12 years after she was of any importance in wrestling. She was hot, though. Bertha kind of looks like Kim if she put on 300 pounds. Lex comes out to stop her from literally squashing Liz. He puts Bertha in the torture rack!


Lex has Liz once again. But Russo sends Chuck Palumbo out. He hit Liz in the back with a bat and then went to work on Lex.

Russo, David, and Daffney come to the ring. They have Flair's replica belts. Russo implores David to tell the real story of the Nature Boy. Ric Flair was a father on the phone only. Wait, David is talking about the long legged blonde hanging on his neck from time to time. But he's with Daffney. Why doesn't she care about this? They call out Uncle Arn. Arn says he never even knew or met his parents. Russo is a groupie. Arn talks about Ric having panic attacks because he couldn't be there for his kids. Because of Ric "not being there", David never had to worry about sleeping on the streets. David only had to worry about where he'd go to school or what kind of car he'd get. Russo books Arn vs David tonight.

TO THE BACK. Eric, Cat, and Kim are talking to Palumbo. A Dodge Charger arrives and it is HULK HOGAN! Only an hour late. The fuck. What other profession is it cool for staff to show up half way through the work shift with no reprimands?

I guess instead of a Nitro Party.

TO THE BACK. Funk is again talked into giving his belt away. Funk isn't New Blood, he's not a millionaire, he's not a Misfit. He's going to have another match tonight.

Chuck Palumbo vs Terry Funk WCW Hardcore Championship

Funk gets Italian whipped through a table in the corner. A brawl through the ground has now spilled into the production area. They keep going and now they are outside. Chuck attempts to slam Funk off the parking garage I think, but Lex saves him. Funk wins in a dumpster. R&B security show up and again pepper spray Lex. He's handcuffed (in the front, which is stupid). Chuck beats on him.

Hulk and Horace head to the arena. I guess Horace only gets fired if Hulk interferes?

TO THE TAIL GATE. Sure. Why not.

. Nash arrives in his limo. In the background, Norman and Ralphus were standing with a sign that said "Will Wrestle For Food".


Kidman vs Horace Hogan.


Bischoff and the rest of the Filthy Animals are out as well. Okay. The rules are if Horace loses, he's fired, and if Hulk interferes, he's fired. Kidman drills Charles Robinson trying to get DQ. I mean drilled, which Charles pretty much no sold. Eric changes it to no DQ. This led to Horace hitting a chair shot. Rule change: Handicap match. I fucking hate Konnan. I really do. Juicy Elbow! Bronco buster. Rey looks as big as he was in 2006ish. Horace fights them all off, then hits the DVD and pins Kidman clean. Kidman can't even beat Horace! Rule Change: Texas Death Match. Kidman makes it up before 10. Eric hits Horace with a chair. Rule change: I quit match. Eric offers Horace a chance to join the New Blood. He spits in Eric's face. The Animals dog pile for the win. As soon as the bell rings, Hulk hits the ring. "Right gimmick, wrong man." I don't know what that was supposed to mean. That was Tony's call after Eric hit Hulk with a chair. Hulk chases Eric away, leaving his nephew for a beating. Tenay says Eric SWERVED Hulk. This brings out Kevin Nash with a bat. This brings out Vince Russo. Russo talks about Vinnie Vegas, Oz, and Diesel. Russo will make Nash cool again. IT'S THE RED LIQUID! Barely. Most of it missed Nash. Nash didn't really seem to care too much, either. He slowly strolled to the back.

TO THE BACK. Vince and Eric run out of the building. They get into the white limo that was actually Nash's. Hulk and Nash bust it up with bats.

Arn Anderson vs David Flair.

So let me get this right. Arn Anderson, who retired because he couldn't use his arms and any bump is at risk for literally paralyzing him, is STILL fighting Ric Flair's battles for him? Are you fucking serious? And Ric has shown over and over that he doesn't appreciate it at all. So not only is he a shitty dad, he's a shitty friend. Crowbar hits the ring. SPINEBUSTER! He was about to hit Daffney, but it didn't work out. David busts the statue of liberty on Arn's dome and puts him in the figure four. Pretty bad looking cut on Arn's head.


Vince offers to buy David a life size teletubbie. Then they all dance on a keyboard, Big style. He has a lightsaber battle with a kid, but tries to hit the kid with a crowbar when he started to lose.


Rick Steiner comes out. You know, considering that Scott turned on Rick TWICE in the past 2 years or so, I don't think he really has much to explain either. He brings out Tank, again with the full Goldberg entrance. With sparklers, Gillberg style. Rick explains that he's tired of keeping Scott out of trouble, brings up the NWO turn, and says they are even. Kronik's music hits. Well, Kronic at this point. They're really impressed with the SHOOTING backgrounds of the men in the ring. They're going to shoot their boots right up some asses. Shane and Buff have hit the ring. Douglas and Buff get their belts back. This is the shittiest shoot fight I've ever seen. Scotty fucks up all the security on his way to the ring. Rick and Tank bail.

TO THE BACK. The Goldberg monster truck crushes the Tank/Steiner car. And gets stuck again.

TO NEW YAWK. Daffney wants a ring. David wants to marry Daffney and proposes. But he was talking about the long legged blonde he has earlier in the night.

Mike Awesome vs Sting Ambulance match.

Awesome is now known as the Career Killer. Or killed career. Sting's crow is now part of his entrance. About 30 seconds in, Awesome gets a table. Sting drop kicks it in his face and then stomps on it. Sting leans it against the ropes on the ramp and backdrops Awesome through it. They're fighting on top of the ambulance . Awesome attempts a powerbomb, almost does a shoot pile driver, then starts the spot over again so Sting can slip out and hit the death drop on top of the ambulance. Vampiro was in the ambulance and spits RED LIQUID in Sting's face. Mike Awesome wins. The ambulance takes off with Awesome still on top of it.

I had an alternate angle of Kanyon's big bump, but gifsoup is SWERVING me right now, so I'll upload it for another show I guess.
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