I have it for PS3. Some others have complained about the lack of players, but as far as my personal experience, I always see several other players, and the number of players seem to be increasing.
The random groups I have joined for co-op missions have all been pretty good/fun and the random players were friendly.
The text chat system kind of sucks ass, so unless your on a mic (which, in it's current state, isn't great either), communication is limited.
The show starts on the 14th.also when does the show that it is linked with begin?
so generally speaking, would you recommend it for PS3?
The number on the gun is the required ego level. I've not encountered a gun I can't equip yet though, so I think maybe that's mostly just to keep you from trading super high stat guns to a low level character.
You don't have stats in the traditional sense, but gain more proficiency with weapon/vehicle types as you use them.
Ego level unlocks things like more perk slots, more inventory space, extra loadouts, and other stuff.
There are stores labelled on the map. They basically look like dumpsters.
Mods are very confusingly handled, your gun needs to have the appropriate type of empty slot, you can eventually unlock the ability to add slots to it.
Thank you - that helps a lot. It´s also pretty disappointing since this means there is no grinding in this game.
So I will basically never encounter a mission that I´m not powerful enough for?
One more question: What is my "power level"? Where can I see it and how do I increase it?
The game scales with you as you get higher up in the EGO ranks. Right now I'm Rank 1,044 and i still can get killed from enemies at the beginning of the game.
The game scales with you as you get higher up in the EGO ranks. Right now I'm Rank 1,044 and i still can get killed from enemies at the beginning of the game.
OK thanks, I´m selling the game today.
The game scales with you as you get higher up in the EGO ranks. Right now I'm Rank 1,044 and i still can get killed from enemies at the beginning of the game.
Wait a second, your selling the game due to enemies scaling level with you? Huh okay i guess. I can understand that a bit. Me personally i rather have it that way, its boring as hell running around older areas and just kill everything in one bullet.
Becoming more powerful is what I like the most about games like this.
This game has no stats, no "levels" and enemies that scale with you.
As an MMO this game is almost pointless to me.
It´s probably just not the game I thought it was.
Actually, although the outcome is very much the same you are not strictly speaking correct in this statement.
General mobs (outside of Arkfalls) do not actually scale with you. In fact unlike most MMO's your own character does not really increase in power/strength except through the increase in available perks/loadout slots which is why mobs in the "lower" areas can still pose you problems if you play carelessly. Weapons similarly don't get massive boosts as you progress but modification options etc. do.
Arkfall mobs do however scale but that is dependent on the number of player characters in the immediate vicinity.
Okay, this sums it up and makes it more clear even for me. Thank you correcting my misleading statement.
In fact unlike most MMO's your own character does not really increase in power/strength (....) Weapons similarly don't get massive boosts as you progress (....)
Does not change what I think is a fundamental problem with this game:
Funny, I consider that a plus. I always thought it was silly to segregate content by level. Makes it harder to stay on par with friends and makes lowbie content a ghost town after launch.
Does not change what I think is a fundamental problem with this game:
That's a big reason why I like this game as well. I'm not a big fan of traditional loot and progression systems.Funny, I consider that a plus. I always thought it was silly to segregate content by level. Makes it harder to stay on par with friends and makes lowbie content a ghost town after launch.
That's a big reason why I like this game as well. I'm not a big fan of traditional loot and progression systems.
Right now my two best ARs are a blue Votan Blast Rifle with electrical and a a purple carbine. Don't use either because they're leveled already.
I tried the Frontier SAW I was fond of in Beta.
The Frontier SAW is going to get nerfed right? It's a PvE monster. On a major Arkfall I finished with 500k more points in damage than the second place individual. I wasn't even trying for damage. I was going for kills and revives. After that Arkfall finished I found a minor Arkfall that was half-way done. Did the most damage there as well @_@ This is the cheap SAW that's available in front of Happy Pow Farms with mods from Iron Demon Ranch.
That's a big reason why I like this game as well. I'm not a big fan of traditional loot and progression systems.
Right now my two best ARs are a blue Votan Blast Rifle with electrical and a a purple carbine. Don't use either because they're leveled already.
I tried the Frontier SAW I was fond of in Beta.
The Frontier SAW is going to get nerfed right? It's a PvE monster. On a major Arkfall I finished with 500k more points in damage than the second place individual. I wasn't even trying for damage. I was going for kills and revives. After that Arkfall finished I found a minor Arkfall that was half-way done. Did the most damage there as well @_@ This is the cheap SAW that's available in front of Happy Pow Farms with mods from Iron Demon Ranch.
Thank you - that helps a lot. It´s also pretty disappointing since this means there is no grinding in this game.
Overcharge does the trick nicely.I love the Frontier SAW! Is there a mod to improve recoil? Rather than going for headshots I usually start shooting characters in the legs and let the recoil work its way up, lol.
Two quick points:
A.) Lock boxes are a lie. I'm only going to buy mod caches from now on.
2.) I just topped three million points of damage in a major Arkfall.
Frontier SAW @_@
I have the first shield (Von Bach Industries defense screen) that I've upgraded from, but I can't sell it at the merchant kiosks so it's taking up a slot. What gives?
I have the first shield (Von Bach Industries defense screen) that I've upgraded from, but I can't sell it at the merchant kiosks so it's taking up a slot. What gives?
This happened to me and really pissed me off for about 5 minutes until I figured this out...If you can neither sell nor delete an item, you have it equipped in one of your other unlocked loudouts. Make sure you unequip it from all slots before trying to sell or delete again.![]()
If you can neither sell nor delete an item, you have it equipped in one of your other unlocked loudouts. Make sure you unequip it from all slots before trying to sell or delete again.![]()
If you can neither sell nor delete an item, you have it equipped in one of your other unlocked loudouts. Make sure you unequip it from all slots before trying to sell or delete again.![]()
This happened to me and really pissed me off for about 5 minutes until I figured this out...
You can switch loadouts by hitting Start and then Triangle on a PS3.
I imagine Forward + Y on a 360.
I confess that it took me a TAD longer than 5 minutes to divine a solution. Just a tad.
Bloom is how fast/slow your reticule widens while firing. Bigger the number the faster it widens. Which means lower = better.More questions! What's the bloom stat on guns mean?