Which one if you is Destroyer2761344 on PSN. You mudda#$&#. No but what the hell is wrong with the Bungie app for group finding, I never get invited after joining a group. Do people just not know how to use it?
Have they said when we can expect the next new event? Not got much interest in continuing the grind for the sake of it.
Was there any mention of adding vault space or adding more slots for mods, shaders, ghosts, ships, and sparrows? Because great all that stuff is coming, but as it stands right now I have barely enough space for everything I have now. Even if I paired down my armor sets to three per class and dumped any guns I don't use at all right now that's about half my vault still full. If every season is going to add a ton of new stuff I'm going to be 100% out of space by the end of season 2 no matter what.
What's going on over there? Salt storm?Made the mistake of going into Bungie forums
Random rolls would almost certainly lead to even more guns that aren't worth using. The entire goal of the perk system in Destiny 1 boiled down to getting a weapon that conformed as closely as possible to the 'best in class' archetype. In Destiny 1 it didn't really matter which high rate of fire auto rifle you used because you were just chasing something that was as good as Doctrine of Passing. In doing so you'd be using weapons that were 'good enough' and throwing everything else away.Honestly I'm not sure we could have more useless guns than we currently have. A couple youtubers did some polling, and of the >150 total guns we have, only ~25 were listed as worth using. That isn't even guns classified as good, that is "worth using". So right now, probably 8% good guns, 8% worth using but not good, 84% bad. Random rolls would probably leave us with a bigger range, with some guns being god rolls, some being excellent, some being good, some being acceptable, and some being bad/terrible. Hard to tell if this would lead to more or less total guns being good, but it would definitely mean that some guns right now that aren't worth using could roll perk sets that could make them worth using in the future.
But I don't think purely back to random rolls is the answer. I just wouldn't mind if there was a chance that guns right now that seem cool but are bad have a chance to roll perks making them actually good.
Can you carry more than one of the same type of labyrinth keys? So like can you carry two Drain keys, for example?
Super disappointed there's apparently no Halloween event. The game could really use the boost. And yes, before someone points it out I know there wasn't a Halloween event in Y1 Destiny, as though that means something.
I get that people are upset that certain aspects of the game aren't up to the standards they expected, but the sarcasm in this post seems is a bit uncalled for. A simple "Nope they haven't said anything about vault space," would have been enough. People get upset that devs don't communicate well with the player base, but post like that do make their silence seem justified.Of course not. You expect the space to collect things in what Luke Smith calls a collection game (lulz)?
It probably has more to do with the PC release rather than it being Year 1 of Destiny 2.
I'm not sure another cosmetic-based event is what this game needs right now anyways.
What's going on over there? Salt storm?
I get that people are upset that certain aspects of the game aren't up to the standards they expected, but the sarcasm in this post seems is a bit uncalled for. A simple "Nope they haven't said anything about vault space," would have been enough. People get upset that devs don't communicate well with the player base, but post like that do make their silence seem justified.
Bungie already announced that at least Iron Banner and Faction Rally guns will be getting new rolls addressing some of the complaints people have about that stuff. It's not random rolls, but its more stuff to strive for that isn't just cosmetic. It sounds right now at least like a reasonable compromise. They also talked about adjusting Iron Banner tokens, and maybe tokens in general to not be 100% random and to be more self deterministic. Those are important changes that can't happen over night.
I get it the game seems to have taken some steps back from Destiny 1. Things like having Trials cancelled for a couple of weeks over an emote or Exodus Crash being broken again is incredibly frustrating and aren't helping the lack of serious endgame for the more dedicated players. However there needs to be some give and take here and post like above aren't working.
Looking for a normal raid! Havent run it yet but have 3 toons @305.
Just looking to do the Acrius quest!
Whos in?
In January I'll be 10 years on Bungie. As a Mythic member, seeing the state of those destiny forums is disheartening. Nothing but kids complaining. I know better than to start boycotts and ask for Bungie members to be fired. It's crazy how badly moderated it is there now.
I'm at dogs in normal raid with a solid PUG, need 2. PS4. Anybody interested?
You think it's "uncalled for" to laugh about the fact that they are making this into a collection game and at the same time giving us a pathetic amount of space to store our collect stuff? lulz, one of the original complaints from D1 early days is a very small amount of space. They could give us a legendary kiosk to rebuy all of our stuff that we already got but they never did it.
What are the NF modifiers this week?
I'm at dogs in normal raid with a solid PUG, need 2. PS4. Anybody interested?
Typing lulz into any post immediately makes its derisive and that's the uncalled for part. Be critical and expect more from Bungie! Hey be a little angry as long as the vitriol is kept in check. Just always be constructive in those arguments. I imagine that Bungie actually appreciate constructive criticism, because it gives them some direction and something to strive for when they do updates.
These people almost certainly busted their asses to get the game out, and they're probably really upset that their biggest fans aren't happy with the game right now. I think it's important to always remember that game development pays alright, but these people could probably work in other industries and get paid more working less stressful jobs. This doesn't mean one should expect less from them because their jobs are hard, but it does mean people should treat them more fairly than they usually seem to.
Example: "Destiny is becoming a collection game" (But we are not gonna give you nearly enough space to collect stuff because money reasons).
Nice. Double pulses all around then!
Are they selling extra storage space? Because if not, this rings a bit hollow. More of a design failure than a sign of corporate greed.
Well it's actually the whole industry. Gamers of today are like that. You should see what happens when a fighting game developer nerfs or buffs a certain character.
Are they selling extra storage space? Because if not, this rings a bit hollow. More of a design failure than a sign of corporate greed.
It seems like the only thing they've commented on in regards to storage space is they are looking into a way to delete stacks of shaders. It's good they're working on that, but that's just a really small part of the problem. It's hard for me to get excited at the prospect of new stuff when that's going to entail even more inventory management. I'm sure there are hardware limitations preventing Bungie from giving each player like 1000 vault slots, but there really needs to be some system put in place to make it easy to use stuff the player has already earned once. Preferably something a little better than the collections tab now, because deleting an exotic and then having to infuse it back up again to use it again later is not great.
I can do another ~1PM EST.Still looking for the Nightfall on PS4 if anyone is down.
PSN: Squadon
There is no local hardware limitation. Look at a game like Nioh that allows you to store like over 4000 things. But Nioh has a local save. The issue is that Bungie stores your save on their server. This prevents a lot of cheating and makes the game much better. But it also means Bungie has recurring costs for your storage for the full amount of time that the game remains live.
I'm in if it's a rat king runStill looking for the Nightfall on PS4 if anyone is down.
PSN: Squadon
Random rolls would almost certainly lead to even more guns that aren't worth using. The entire goal of the perk system in Destiny 1 boiled down to getting a weapon that conformed as closely as possible to the 'best in class' archetype. In Destiny 1 it didn't really matter which high rate of fire auto rifle you used because you were just chasing something that was as good as Doctrine of Passing. In doing so you'd be using weapons that were 'good enough' and throwing everything else away.
Now I don't know the methodology that created an 84% number for useless weapons, but I can look at my own inventories and spot the differences between D1 and D2 immediately. Even though I have access to DIM in both games I kept duplicates of far more weapons in Destiny 1 because they clearly stood above everything else. With Destiny 2 I'm only keeping one of each weapon. Sure I use Nameless Midnight and Wardcliff Coil extensively, but not enough to keep a copy on each character as I would have done in Destiny 1. Energy weapons are the perfect point for comparison. Had it been available I would have jumped at the opportunity to keep a Hung Jury (fixed roll from vendor) with each element. Even though I can do that in Destiny 2 I don't. I could have had Void/Solar/Arc Pleiades Correctors, but instead chose to keep only an arc. I also have a Conspirator arc scout and a Tone Patrol arc scout. I don't find myself using the same weapon loadout across all characters for every encounter in Destiny 2 like I did in the first game.
I'm in if it's a rat king run
I actually need that too, ive done everything up to the NF for it. But dont know if we can do it with 5 mins left.
I actually need that too, ive done everything up to the NF for it. But dont know if we can do it with 5 mins left.
We did it this morning with 4 minutes left, and that was without running past any of the enemies or rushing
Wanna do a bit of a practise run to see which sections we can run past now?