sure, ive got till 3pm est (so about 2 hours).
PSN: Squadon
Want me to try and get a third?
sure, ive got till 3pm est (so about 2 hours).
PSN: Squadon
I can get on now if you want a third? Also need Rat King.Want me to try and get a third?
I can get on now if you want a third? Also need Rat King.
Number45I've just invited a bunch of people on my FL but nobody has joined yet
What's your PSN? (assuming you're on PS4)
That's one point where we agree to disagree and that's fine. I considered a gun with sub-optimal rolls as basically trash I was forced to use while hoping the god roll finally drops. I'm still left with one or two guns of each type worth using while everything else is just stuff I have to use.I guess I wasn't exactly clear, I think random rolls would certainly introduce more DROPS not worth using (because of bad perk sets) but more GUNS worth using (since a "worse" gun with god roll perks is worth using).
The same thing that happened in Destiny 1. Once you had Doctrine of Passing you were done and I owned god roll Arminius, Soulstealer's and several others. While Destiny 2 has stand out rolls for Uriel's and Prosecutor I'm also doing just fine with Perseverance, Jiangshi, and The Number among others. I recognize the disconnect in using 'sub-optimal' loadouts in one game vs the other, but at least this way I'm using a weapon because of its unique value and not its value as cheap knockoff of something better.One of my main issues is that because of fixed rolls, some guns are just better forever. For example, once you get an Uriels/Prosecutor, you're "done" in terms of energy auto rifles.
I do the same. This is actually my biggest concern with fixed perks. Nerfing one weapon too hard may leave us with no viable options for certain perk combinations. I don't have to have explosive rounds on my primary, but if Better Devils and Nameless Midnight get hit hard then that option no longer exists.That said, I still keep one of each gun in my Vault, cause you know what they say about the worst gun in the game. It is one balance patch away from being an OP FOTM monster.
maybe its just an off day but I have noticed a big drop in ppl on my roster when it would usually be pretty busy
Anyone dog whisperers/doggie guides want to run a fresh raid tonight at 11pm est? Everyone is experienced, but need a dog expert.
Anyone want to help with the rat king quest??
I need the whole thing starting at the 3 patrols. Even if you can help with some of it that'd be great..I've beaten this Nightfall a couple times and did it yesterday with over 5 minutes left so it shouldnt be too bad.
PSN tommy7154
no mic
There are ghosts with perks relevant to each PvE location.Wait.
I just found a Ghost shell with a perk that only activates in Crucible.
PLEASE PLEASE have this for perks that only activate in PvE too. Make my PvE experience more fun please. Thanks.
:(So near yet so far
Those adds in the last Pyramidion stage are brutal when you're trying to rush the boss
I'd be down. PSN: violentp69
Ok need one more I imagine? Not sure if we can the first part in a 2 man fireteam?
I've only done the first on accident. Fairly certain is was done with just one other, however.
There are ghosts with perks relevant to each PvE location.
Still online if anyone else wants a go at it.
Still online if anyone else wants a go at it.
Ive got a friend coming online at ten. If youre still on Ill give you a shout.Same
Just changed my armour round a bit to try and get a longer arc-staff duration
Ive got a friend coming online at ten. If youre still on Ill give you a shout.
3 more story missions and then I'll have my damn Sparrow. I'm not a fan of NOT having it.
I will be home in half an hour if you need a 3rd guyAnyone for the rat king quest starting at the 3 patrol missions?
PSN tommy7154
Ok need one more I imagine? Not sure if we can the first part in a 2 man fireteam?
Edit nvm I still have to unlock patrols on my titan lol. Lemme do that first
We need 1 more for a raid tonight PS4. We've been going in blind, and only know how to do gauntlet.
Would prefer someone who is also going in blind, and willing to play for 4ish hours.
Starting around 9pm PST, on PS4. My PSN is OHRye.
Do you need a Pollen Guide or a Prism Expert?
The other guy has called it off so Im going to call it a night. Do give me a shout if you want to have another go. As long as its not Exodus Crash. *shudders*Okay
I'll probably be playing Dota, but we'll see
There's a tonne of people playing the raid today it seems, is it always like that on Saturdays?
Ground/pollen guide
Good luck to you, going in completely blind in this Raid can rough. It took us 3.5 hours to complete the Newbie Raid last night, and that's WITH 2 of us knowing the mechanics.
i joined you fireteam ,Need 2 for rat king quest. I still have to do the 2 crucible missions before doing the nightfall. Only need 1 person for that then 2 for Nightfall.
No mic
PSN tommy7154
I know, but it's so much more satisfying figuring it out yourselves and beating it with your friends.
That's one point where we agree to disagree and that's fine. I considered a gun with sub-optimal rolls as basically trash I was forced to use while hoping the god roll finally drops. I'm still left with one or two guns of each type worth using while everything else is just stuff I have to use.
The same thing that happened in Destiny 1. Once you had Doctrine of Passing you were done and I owned god roll Arminius, Soulstealer's and several others. While Destiny 2 has stand out rolls for Uriel's and Prosecutor I'm also doing just fine with Perseverance, Jiangshi, and The Number among others. I recognize the disconnect in using 'sub-optimal' loadouts in one game vs the other, but at least this way I'm using a weapon because of its unique value and not its value as cheap knockoff of something better.
Although I am still waiting on Mananan and Antiope.
I do the same. This is actually my biggest concern with fixed perks. Nerfing one weapon too hard may leave us with no viable options for certain perk combinations. I don't have to have explosive rounds on my primary, but if Better Devils and Nameless Midnight get hit hard then that option no longer exists.
Its not impossible but very hard. There are YouTube clears of every part of the raid with fewer than 6 people.Kind of a weird question, does anyone know if anything in the raid is mechanically impossible with 5 people instead of 6? My group of friends who will be playing on PC is 5 people, and while I'm sure we could grab a random person each time (and we probably will, by grabbing someone from Guided Games each week to give them a free run), the first time we do it I would prefer it to be a blind run. Much like Nightfall with 2, wouldn't mind if it was harder, just wondering if anything was mechanically impossible. I believe people have said the prestige raid hard requires 6, but mostly curious about normal mode.
Fair enough, I definitely see your perspective. I guess for me, I played a lot of Destiny 1 and I never got a single "god roll" where all 3 perks were exactly what I wanted that I can recall in my entire time playing, and it never really bothered me. But I can see how it would for other people. To me, 2 of the 3 perks being "perfect" was good enough, felt like a marked improvement over my previous gun with 1 "perfect" perk out of 3, and always left me wondering if my next drop would have the 3 perfect combo. But as long as the gun felt strong, I didn't mind that it could theoretically be better. I can totally see though that some people would mind this more than I did though.
we can do this!Need another for Rat King Nightfall
PSN tommy7154
Look for the invite link in the first page of the OT.
Well if you can't find anyone else, I've got a pretty good handle on the dog patterns and flower order. Typically like doing 4 stacks on the first phase, 2-3 on the second phase based on damage remaining.