Gunsmith casino, it's the only way to get that mod.
It's a way different context. You will see reskins in a game like this through out it's overall lifespan, not 1 month after the game released. Literally the 2 live events have been reskins of coin slot machines LMAO.
It makes the whole loot problem even worse, this game has been in development for years and can't even get unique items for an activity? really? And they fucking introduce the activity WITH A RESKIN MAP.
They don't even have a lore tab, literally just a paint job.
Rise of Iron had unique weapons and sounds models for iron banner, it was developed in a single year, apparently doing the same for the game's sequel IS WAY TOO HARD BUNGIE.
I'm sorry for all the swearing but i'm goddamn done with this, what's their excuse now?
Got the full IB Warlock set. It only took 18 rank ups...
Should I even bother doing the Cayde chests this week?
Anyone else notice it being harder to get fireteams for raids etc?
Anyone else notice it being harder to get fireteams for raids etc?
Anyone else notice it being harder to get fireteams for raids etc?
Should I even bother doing the Cayde chests this week?
People are steering to players they trust
So now player pools are shrinking and some becoming static or people just want to play with like-minded players
The mechanics of this Raid are unforgiving and people do not want to be stuck now on runs or encounters or even teach
Like sorry if you want to go in Blind, but now, it's really difficult to get 5 others in the same way as you
Most request to watch and figure out how the encounter work and will work refining those with you if you join them
I've beaten the Raid every week since release x3 on all Guardians
So for me I don't need to run it, it's just stuff to do now.
I think we're reaching that moment in time where people who run it every week several times a week will only do it with people who also run it every week several times a week. Most of them will be in predetermined groups of friends who they always run it with and the only way for someone else to get in is if one of them can't run it as scheduled for whatever reason. But they'll want someone who also has a lot of experience.
And then there's people who already did it and don't care to do it again.
So people who haven't raided are going to have to find the ever gracious sherpa or other elusive people who have never done it either but want to.
Seems kind of shitty, but the reality is that one single inexperienced player can hold back a team for hours or indefinitely. One person can easily turn a calm and chill 2 hour raid into a shouting and hair pulling 5 hour raid. Especially in this one.
Good luck to you.
Look to join a clan perhaps? Speaking from experience we raid each week but are still focusing on getting people in ours up and experiencing what it has to offer before we're looking to PUG or GG. We will later on but for now it's a combination of either doing it efficiently to both practice and get loot, or focusing on teaching people who haven't done it inside the clan how everything works and witnessing their first experience of raids.Man that sucks for players like me. I have beaten the raid every week since the second week of it's launch but never played with the same groups. Guess I should have tried to but changing life schedules always made that difficult.
Man that sucks for players like me. I have beaten the raid every week since the second week of it's launch but never played with the same groups. Guess I should have tried to but changing life schedules always made that difficult.
I enjoy playing with new groups as well and trying to teach them the mechanics. That feeling of completion is always great to share. I understand what is being quoted though... Many people want to get it over with quick and move on to the next thing.
I enjoy the raid so really sucks it is difficult to find groups.
Just barely miss killing boss a few times.
Finally kill him with ~1:48 left on the clock.
Head back to the tower to collect my loot.
Destiny 2!
Thank you Deku and Uff for the Prestige Nightfall. Learned a lot of good strat tweaks.
Post milestone went from 269 to 284. Feeling pretty good.
I did the Sturm exotic quest solo. That last mission was rough, was that intended to be soloable?
If the system works, behaviour like this should fuck their rating and ultimately remove them from the GG pool.Fuck Guided Games if what I just did is the normal experience
15 minutes to get in, nobody talks, leader quits after one failed attempt
Is there any way of checking my character stats online like in D1? The app has inventory management but I can't find my character and I can't find anything of value through the website any more...
If the system works, behaviour like this should fuck their rating and ultimately remove them from the GG pool.
So, I finally got my first exotic engram from a PE today, and you know what? The dude sent the chest flying right as it appeared. I think there might be something to making it fly far away..
Should I even bother doing the Cayde chests this week?
Having a great time with IB.
Maybe even the best time I had so far in D2 and that´s specifically because of the grind-y nature of it.
80 tokens for my first armor piece.
Love it.
Does anyone know if the milestone for getting 10 packages on IB this week is on a character or account limit?
Ta. I use DIM, but was wanting somewhere that has the actual character portrait with gear equipped etc.since bungies site went to shit i've been using,, and
Put something else on? oOWish I could deactivate the celestial nighthawk perk for PvP
Wanna use the golden gun for multikills
Should I even bother doing the Cayde chests this week?
Keep forgetting to keep a backup helmet for itPut something else on? oO
I'm not seeing any posts on the prestige raid. Is it not available yet?
Is there any other difference between, say for example level 16 weapon and a level 20 weapon besides the the attack power? I can infuse a weapon into the level 16 weapon to increase its attack power above the level 20 and that should make it better, right?
Pretty sure these are randomized, but I got an Exotic out of one today. It's possible you get nothing of value, but it's about 5 minutes of work (especially since you can go on Youtube and find a video with the precise location of each chest for that week) to potentially get a decent reward.
I think it raises the level. I'm sure while I was leveling an alt I infused a weapon and then could no longer equip it.