That Origin Story must already have a +5 mod in it, otherwise you could mod it to 309.
Yup, I know.
That Origin Story must already have a +5 mod in it, otherwise you could mod it to 309.
People are steering to players they trust
So now player pools are shrinking and some becoming static or people just want to play with like-minded players
The mechanics of this Raid are unforgiving and people do not want to be stuck now on runs or encounters or even teach
Like sorry if you want to go in Blind, but now, it's really difficult to get 5 others in the same way as you
Most request to watch and figure out how the encounter work and will work refining thos with you if you join them
I've beaten the Raid every week since release x3 on all Guardians
So for me I don't need to run it, it's just stuff to do now.
Others gave up, no reason to get full set when other sets outperform Raid sets
Why would you as a Hunter run anything but Io set and get 5/5/5 in your abilities
I get invites everyday from players I've played and that search out for me (Even when I'm playing a different game or literally offline)
Sorry for humble brag, but I'm a little no-nonsense player to get shit done but also have fun along the way
So some will be in demand
Some have their cliques or crews or inner circle (nothing wrong with that), that just removes some of the more oriented base players wanting to get it done and not waste time
I think we're reaching that moment in time where people who run it every week several times a week will only do it with people who also run it every week several times a week. Most of them will be in predetermined groups of friends who they always run it with and the only way for someone else to get in is if one of them can't run it as scheduled for whatever reason. But they'll want someone who also has a lot of experience.
And then there's people who already did it and don't care to do it again.
So people who haven't raided are going to have to find the ever gracious sherpa or other elusive people who have never done it either but want to.
Seems kind of shitty, but the reality is that one single inexperienced player can hold back a team for hours or indefinitely. One person can easily turn a calm and chill 2 hour raid into a shouting and hair pulling 5 hour raid. Especially in this one.
Good luck to you.
Man that sucks for players like me. I have beaten the raid every week since the second week of it's launch but never played with the same groups. Guess I should have tried to but changing life schedules always made that difficult.
I enjoy playing with new groups as well and trying to teach them the mechanics. That feeling of completion is always great to share. I understand what is being quoted though... Many people want to get it over with quick and move on to the next thing.
I enjoy the raid so really sucks it is difficult to find groups.
Got the Titan Helmet and Towel this morning.
I've ranked up 22 times across two chars.
Are you saying thats the only gear you've gotten or are you just letting us know you got those this morning? Do you have a full set of gear for either?
I think someone said they did their Warlock and it took them 18 packages to get the full set.
Yep. That was me. I have a full Warlock set.
I have switched to turning in all my tokens on my Titan now. In the five rank ups this morning I got two armor pieces.
My total rank ups for IB is 22.
In case this hasn't been mentioned; there is a little work around for having nobody at public events. I noticed that as soon as you fast travel, you get dumped.
However fast travelling between planets does not have this problem. Neither does going to orbit and a fresh join. So if you want to play events with people, just do the ones near a spawn and go round the planets; it's a little extra loading time (not much), but at least I've been put into highly populated areas. If you want to farm a particular planet, you can go to orbit and go back. Not ideal, and has occasionally put me on my own.
But yeah the cycle planets trick works a treat to find players.
that's no good for a flashpoint though. would it be better to just ditch fast travel and sparrow around the map?
out of 4 IB rank ups I got 3 pieces of armor (helm/arms/chest)
now i'm scared I used up all my good RNG and it'll take me years to get the buttflap/legs![]()
Damn, playing control 24/7 in IB just highlights how bad some of these maps play with 4v4 in Control.
There is basically only one way to win on maps like Emperorss Respite or Vostok and if you dont capture the right two points youre gonna get trapped on the weak point and its a uphill battle.
Ive pretty much come to hate when those maps come up, I know if I dont win that opening fight on those maps its gonna be a longggggg match.
In other news Im kinda happy you dont need to do the raid to hit 305. Im on the cusp of it with both of my characters and after playing up to dogs idk, just doesnt seem worth it. Id like to complete it one time just to say I did and speak from experience but the reward for doing it repeatedly just isnt there when I dont care for the type of experience it is.
Yeah, that's really good luck considering how big the loot pool is for the IB engrams.
So, we would have three "Newbie" raids running this weekend to get more people the ability to experience them, but we need some help from the greater DGAF community. We need both Sherpa's to donate a few hours of time, as well as some newbs that want to learn.
Also, if you want to be a newbie and learn the raid, post up and let me know and I will reserve a spot for you!
we were about to win a IB match and a patch comes out....BUNGIE!!!!
Hotfix is now available, which will address crashes experienced when loading into the Tower.
Kicked 2 players from the enemy team. Free win for me.
Patch notes:
Don't forget to tell them they need to communicate. I don't care about explaining things, but man does it get harder if people don't speak up.
WTF is going on with today's IB multi kill challenge? I have absolutely gotten what should be considered 2 kills in quick succession but I'm still at 0%. Does it have to be 3 all in one match or is it bugged or something?
I believe it only pops when you get the "Double Play" badge, they need to be really close together. At 66% currently so it doesn't need to be all in one match
I'm super confused. I killed 3 people with one Nova Bomb and I'm still sitting at 0%...
Don't forget to tell them they need to communicate. I don't care about explaining things, but man does it get harder if people don't speak up.
This is true, but with how this games pvp rewards defense this time around its a lot worse than in D1. You can literally crouch in the open in front of C on Vostok and basically anyone trying to cap it is walking into a shooting gallery, not to mention power ammo spawns about 10 feet away and that makes defending point A trivial.this isn't too different than the maps in D1. A lot of the time there was always 'prime real-estate' in the form of 2 specific zones. It's a little more noticeable on a map like Emperorss Respite though.
Huh that's strange, I wonder if supers don't count or something? I know the 2 times I got it too pop where due to grenade kills for me
How large is this Hotfix? I played yesterday, so the game was up to date, but now it's downloading a 5.3GB update.
Damn, lucky you. Done 7 packages so far and only got the arms and legsout of 4 IB rank ups I got 3 pieces of armor (helm/arms/chest)
now i'm scared I used up all my good RNG and it'll take me years to get the buttflap/legs![]()
Huh that's strange, I wonder if supers don't count or something? I know the 2 times I got it too pop where due to grenade kills for me
I got my mic ready for it, gonna watch some videos about the raid later on in the week to try and get some of the mechanics so atleast maybe I can grasp a few things before I jump in. Sucks hearing that many groups don't really want anyone new now though, knew I shoulda just gotten the game at launch and not have waited(but Yakuza 0 was so worth it lol)
Super double kills definitely count. Got 2 double Nova Bomb kills on my first Warlock game, the second one finishing the challenge.
dat IB pulse
it's a fucking laser
How large is this Hotfix? I played yesterday, so the game was up to date, but now it's downloading a 5.3GB update.
Funny how the Shores of Time remake is one of the better Control maps...
In case this hasn't been mentioned; there is a little work around for having nobody at public events. I noticed that as soon as you fast travel, you get dumped.
However travelling between planets does not have this problem. Neither does going to orbit and a fresh join. So if you want to play events with people, just do the ones near a spawn and go round the planets; it's a little extra loading time (not much), but at least I've been put into highly populated areas. If you want to farm a particular planet, you can go to orbit and go back. Not ideal, and has occasionally put me on my own.
But yeah the cycle planets trick works a treat to find players.
Is it the Hopscotch of D2?
Sounds more like the Clever Dragon. I'd love a Hopscotch / Nirwen's variant, but none of the pulses really fill that role quite well.Is it the Hopscotch of D2?
Nova bombing an entire 4 man squad is so satisfying... just saying. Go ahead after our "B" flag together.... good luck with that!