I pre-ordered yesterday and it showed an $11.97 Prime Savings right before checkout.Didn't know where else to ask this but is Destiny not going to get a prime discount? About to pre-order and it's still showing up as 59.99 for me.
I went through hell with this during the preload, took me forever to find a fix, and then on the next pause (if I wanted to play Overwatch or something) it would get stuck Initalizing again. On my slow download speeds it was very frustrating.
Eventually the fix that I found reliable in my case was
To go WINDOW KEY + R and type CrogramData
Then find the two blizzard related folders (blizzard entertainment and battlenet iirc), and find the cache folders in both of them, and delete the files inside.
I pre-ordered yesterday and it showed an $11.97 Prime Savings right before checkout.
Can someone tell me, I played the game when it first came out , I thought our characters were supposed to carry over? Is that part not in the beta or anything?
Is there like no character customization period in the beta? Cause I picked a class and it just went right into the game, no face customization or race select or my old character or anything.
No way it's Nvidia Shadowplay, they specifically mention it in the FAQs as one of the few overlays that should work with Destiny 2, especially since Nvidia is actively supporting development of the game with Nvidia tech.
so this is Destiny huh...that PVP is not for me.
the story thing at the start was pretty decent though.
So idk if the last NVIDIA drivers are responsible but now I'm always at 70 - 100 fps @4k with high settings. Did put textures at highest and light shafts at high, FXAA as far as AA goes.
But yeah I mean, 70 - 100 fps goddamn lol. on a single gtx 1080
PvE is what its for. I enjoyed the search and destroy mode but we either steamroll the enemy or they steamroll us. Not had a balanced match yet at all + fuck hand cannons.
I feel the maps are too small for ulties and rockets and one hit abilities but thats nothing new.
Beta has pre-made characters. Nothing carries over from Destiny 1. The Tower and your stash got blown the hell up.
Your character carries over, but the visuals only. No gear, no XP. You'll start at Level 1.
Can you find and upgrade weapons in the beta?
is the in-game fps counter accurate?...since I can't get Afterburner working this is my only way of checking and people are saying that the in-game counter is giving out incorrect numbers
is the in-game fps counter accurate?...since I can't get Afterburner working this is my only way of checking and people are saying that the in-game counter is giving out incorrect numbers
Anyone having issues patching?
mine has been stuck like this forever and a day
No, it's definitely wrong. Unless you drop to 30, it always displays 60 from my experience. I've had another frame counter running in parallel and saw the frame rate dip a few times, whereas Destiny's frame counter held to 60
The default bindings that destiny came with I found to be a bit strange to my tastes so I ended up rebinding a bunch of stuff.
I put push to talk on ~
I put weapon switch on C
I put air dash on Z
I put melee on E
I put use on X
Those last 2 I can thank warframe for out of habit lol. Any of you guys do any custom bindings that you think are great?
what about above 60 fps?...does it display accurately?...mine is bouncing around in the 70's and higher
The aliasing or shimmering on my equipment is bothering me, playing with SMAA.
Dunno about that. I've kept it fixed to 60. I'll check in a few minutes and post back.
Never played destiny before.
Get to the "leave the plaza and find the Speaker" get to the end kill the chunky guy, a spaceship appears, nothing happens.
Spent a good 10mins running around thinking I must have missed something, nope bugged apparently.
Yes, but it's super bare-boned compared to what it will be like in the full game. There's no character progression and only a handful of weapons to find.
None of the AA options are satisfactory atm unless you can brute force some downsampling.
It seems like a great PC-version, but not an especially good PC first person shooter.
Shooting enemies felt more like something you just had to get through than something enjoyable. I guess if the MMO-aspects in the end game are good enough you don't need super-fun shooting mechanics to enjoy the game, but the single-player parts in the beta felt really flat and mindless.
I love how fucking little input lag there is.
If I am remembering correctly, I did not see that in the console beta, which I played on a PS4 Pro.