To innovate and keep things fresh?
it's basically Destiny 1.5
Bungie is lazy.
Wouldn't be a Destiny thread without the shitposting and ignorant posts like this.
To innovate and keep things fresh?
it's basically Destiny 1.5
Bungie is lazy.
Game ruining?
It feels exactly the same as the console version: how is that ruining the game?
Just because you won games doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. The aim assist on controllers is most noticeable on the hand cannons atm.
Game ruining?
It feels exactly the same as the console version: how is that ruining the game?
Wouldn't be a Destiny thread without the shitposting and ignorant posts like this.
If it were as big of a problem as some of you believe, everyone would be running controllers, but their not. A good KB/M player is still going to run circles around a controller user, it's common sense.
If it were as big of a problem as some of you believe, everyone would be running controllers, but their not. A good KB/M player is still going to run circles around a controller user, it's common sense.
Because its on PC now? Controller with aim assist where you aim no where near the head but still snaps to it takes 0 skill compared to mouse/keyboard. Its fine on console because EVERYONE is using a controller. I'm not saying to remove the aim assist, but it 100% needs to be lowered.
Does the auto aim work the same for kb/m? It seems like everyone I'm against kills me in 3 shots but I'm struggling to even register a critical hit
Aim assist is not stronger on PC, it's the same as consoles (Devs have confirmed that).
KB+M is still easily the best way to play
So what that it's on PC now? I plug my gamepad to the same USB port as you plug in your mouse and kb.Because its on PC now? Controller with aim assist where you aim no where near the head but still snaps to it takes 0 skill compared to mouse/keyboard. Its fine on console because EVERYONE is using a controller. I'm not saying to remove the aim assist, but it 100% needs to be lowered.
I'm not disagreeing, but to call it Destiny 2 is a bit of a stretch.
Because its on PC now? Controller with aim assist where you aim no where near the head but still snaps to it takes 0 skill compared to mouse/keyboard. Its fine on console because EVERYONE is using a controller. I'm not saying to remove the aim assist, but it 100% needs to be lowered.
No new classes, only 1 new raid.
Everything in this game screams "lazy"
IIRC they made back the budget of Destiny 1 in a day... where did all that money go? definitely not into this game.
No new classes, only 1 new raid.
Everything in this game screams "lazy"
IIRC they made back the budget of Destiny 1 in a day... where did all that money go? definitely not into this game.
And fuck over the people coming over from Destiny on consoles that still want to use a controller? Nah.
Because not everyone wants to play on a controller just to win games in a beta? I tested out a controller this morning using a hand cannon and the snapping is so obvious. I suck at console fps shooters but i'm pretty good on kb/m (CS, OW (Grandmaster+), PUBG) yet i was landing headshots left and right due to the obvious aim assist.
The line between PC and Console style gaming seems to be getting more and more blurred: I think Destiny 2 is going to be a leader in that field.
Any lowering of the AA will make the game feel 'not like the console version', and since Bungie are emphatic on making it feel the same as the other platforms...I don't think we're going to see any change (which is great).
Bungie could even be wanting controller to be the preferred input device, I know this isn't done really, but what if they are? Could be revolutionary IMO.
Lmao bye 👋🏽Okay you know what, i don't even wanna argue with you guys over this.
I'm out.
And fuck over the people coming over from Destiny on consoles that still want to use a controller? Nah.
Any tips for PvP. I can't get a single kill in this game and it's running pretty smoothly on my PC.
You don't need to play on a controller to win, that's the whole point of what I'm saying. If you're actually a GM on OW, then no one with a controller is going to challenge you, lol.
The xim4 thing is cheating, I'll agree. But what percentage of users are actually going to such lengths? Enough for Bungie to take AA off controllers? I doubt it.
But for real tho, you ll never be as accurate as mouse + keyboard even with the aim assist from controller
Ya know
What class are you running? What are you having trouble with?
They're the only company offering what they're offering and they've taken the opportunity to refine the good parts of Destiny, cut the bad parts, and still add new things.To innovate and keep things fresh?
it's basically Destiny 1.5
Bungie is lazy.
You can switch to void walker in the character menu. Top leftNot a bad Strike. The final boss and his kicks lol.
So can I switch between sub-classes, or is it just the new Dawnblade for Warlock?
Being a GM in overwatch doesn't prevent you from dodging bullets that lock onto your head. Sorry but your argument is terrible.
Any tips for PvP. I can't get a single kill in this game and it's running pretty smoothly on my PC.
For Control, your team should only hold 2 points and not try to cap all 3. Holding 2 points foreces the other team to spawn near the 3rd point, allowing your team greater map control. If you cap all 3 points, your opponents can spawn anywhere. Of course, with randoms, it'll be much harder to do this because a ton of people think, "Oh I must cap everything."
Try changing up your sensitivity, use the hand cannon and try to go for headshots. Stick with your team and don't lone wolf it.
Wasn't we superposed to get the farm today without it's vendors???
Warlock. I just can't get the aiming right, maybe it's because Im used to the console version with the auto-aiming. Maybe it's just practice? But I just played more than 10 matches and had 0 kills.
You can switch to void walker in the character menu. Top left
Why the fuck is the game refusing to work well on my notebook 1060?
20 fps at max WTF
Any solution?![]()
Being a GM in OW makes you a flat out better player in decision making and aiming. You people act like a controller user doesn't have to aim at all, if this were true, there would be no skill gap on the console versions. The devs say the AA is the same on both, so what gives?
The devs say the AA is the same on both, so what gives?
I believe Bungie when they say the aim assist is exactly the same as console.
The problem is that the aim assist was designed for 30 FPS gameplay. Higher refresh rates make the aim assist snappier and more responsive, so it's far more effective than the console counterpart.
I'm fine with them leaving it in, it just needs to be tweaked.
Turn off MSAA.
The clips you're seeing from guys like DrLupo and Lumi are from 120+ fps gameplay. The high frames actually improve the AA's tracking effect and make it snappier.
This makes sense. If that's the case they should tweak AA value according to your framerate. Should be easy enough.The clips you're seeing from guys like DrLupo and Lumi are from 120+ fps gameplay. The high frames actually improve the AA's tracking effect and make it snappier.
The clips you're seeing from guys like DrLupo and Lumi are from 120+ fps gameplay. The high frames actually improve the AA's tracking effect and make it snappier.
This makes sense. If that's the case they should tweak AA value according to your framerate. Should be easy enough.