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Destiny 2 PC Beta Thread - Codes are redeemable, preload starts Friday 25th, 10AM PDT


Game ruining?

It feels exactly the same as the console version: how is that ruining the game?

Are you not paying attention to the posts showing clear and obvious snapping, impossible focuses on headshots and wall sticking?

Are you also not seeing how people are taking advantage of this by mapping their KB/M to a gamepad and having near perfect aim?

If you aren't seeing these things, then please educate yourself, the facts are all over this thread and in destinythegame subreddit.

If you are and still not convinced its a problem, I must ask whether you play PVP at all.


Just because you won games doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. The aim assist on controllers is most noticeable on the hand cannons atm.

If it were as big of a problem as some of you believe, everyone would be running controllers, but their not. A good KB/M player is still going to run circles around a controller user, it's common sense.


Game ruining?

It feels exactly the same as the console version: how is that ruining the game?

Because its on PC now? Controller with aim assist where you aim no where near the head but still snaps to it takes 0 skill compared to mouse/keyboard. Its fine on console because EVERYONE is using a controller. I'm not saying to remove the aim assist, but it 100% needs to be lowered.



If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Wouldn't be a Destiny thread without the shitposting and ignorant posts like this.

No new classes, only 1 new raid.

Everything in this game screams "lazy"

IIRC they made back the budget of Destiny 1 in a day... where did all that money go? definitely not into this game.


If it were as big of a problem as some of you believe, everyone would be running controllers, but their not. A good KB/M player is still going to run circles around a controller user, it's common sense.

To be fair, I wouldn't run a controller even if the AA were legitimately OP. I just don't like playing FPSs with a controller.


If it were as big of a problem as some of you believe, everyone would be running controllers, but their not. A good KB/M player is still going to run circles around a controller user, it's common sense.

Because not everyone wants to play on a controller just to win games in a beta? I tested out a controller this morning using a hand cannon and the snapping is so obvious. I suck at console fps shooters but i'm pretty good on kb/m (CS, OW (Grandmaster+), PUBG) yet i was landing headshots left and right due to the obvious aim assist.


Because its on PC now? Controller with aim assist where you aim no where near the head but still snaps to it takes 0 skill compared to mouse/keyboard. Its fine on console because EVERYONE is using a controller. I'm not saying to remove the aim assist, but it 100% needs to be lowered.


And fuck over the people coming over from Destiny on consoles that still want to use a controller? Nah.


Does the auto aim work the same for kb/m? It seems like everyone I'm against kills me in 3 shots but I'm struggling to even register a critical hit

Yes. Need some tweaks & be used to mouse and KB on consoles but for most part...yeah.

Aim assist is not stronger on PC, it's the same as consoles (Devs have confirmed that).
KB+M is still easily the best way to play

PC Master Race Placebo Effect? Everything Stronger on PC! 30fps vs 100fps+ on Close Quarters Combat effect?? I doubt the Devs have played much mouse & keyboard on PS4 pro. General consensus on ximers and controller players I know on PvP is

Xim4 m&k > controller > m&k


Because its on PC now? Controller with aim assist where you aim no where near the head but still snaps to it takes 0 skill compared to mouse/keyboard. Its fine on console because EVERYONE is using a controller. I'm not saying to remove the aim assist, but it 100% needs to be lowered.

So what that it's on PC now? I plug my gamepad to the same USB port as you plug in your mouse and kb.

This sounds really funny but yeah i will stick to it.....


I'm not disagreeing, but to call it Destiny 2 is a bit of a stretch.

Did you have the same problem for the Uncharted franchise?
Or Halo?
Or Call of Duty?

Or literally, every other sequel that's the same gameplay wise, UI wise, making improvements where necessary?
Because its on PC now? Controller with aim assist where you aim no where near the head but still snaps to it takes 0 skill compared to mouse/keyboard. Its fine on console because EVERYONE is using a controller. I'm not saying to remove the aim assist, but it 100% needs to be lowered.


The line between PC and Console style gaming seems to be getting more and more blurred: I think Destiny 2 is going to be a leader in that field.

Any lowering of the AA will make the game feel 'not like the console version', and since Bungie are emphatic on making it feel the same as the other platforms...I don't think we're going to see any change (which is great).

Bungie could even be wanting controller to be the preferred input device, I know this isn't done really, but what if they are? Could be revolutionary IMO.


No new classes, only 1 new raid.

Everything in this game screams "lazy"

IIRC they made back the budget of Destiny 1 in a day... where did all that money go? definitely not into this game.

Three of the classes were reworked, and we still haven't seen the changes to the three from TTK. They've never shipped more than 1 raid, as the raids always tie into the story of the content.

It's like you're ignoring the revamped patrols, and all of the stuff you can do in them now. We still don't know how the mod system works, which is a completely new progression aspect on gear.

Calling this game 1.5 or lazy is just shit posting, fans of the original didn't want the gameplay completely revamped, so why would they make a completely different game?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Okay you know what, i don't even wanna argue with you guys over this.

I'm out.


And fuck over the people coming over from Destiny on consoles that still want to use a controller? Nah.

1) Having such high aim assist on a controller opens up other ways of cheating.. Idk if you've been paying attention at all, but people have found a way to take advantage of the aim assist and add it to mouse/kb. No one is fine with this.

2) Aim assist is good and all especially for controller users, but it is TOO GOOD right now. I understand that its the same way on consoles, but this isn't a console. They can lower it a bit that way both sides will be happy.

3) Games like Overwatch had Aim Assist on PC during the beta and was subsequently quickly removed after it was brought to Blizzards attention about using the XIM4.


Because not everyone wants to play on a controller just to win games in a beta? I tested out a controller this morning using a hand cannon and the snapping is so obvious. I suck at console fps shooters but i'm pretty good on kb/m (CS, OW (Grandmaster+), PUBG) yet i was landing headshots left and right due to the obvious aim assist.

You don't need to play on a controller to win, that's the whole point of what I'm saying. If you're actually a GM on OW, then no one with a controller is going to challenge you, lol.

The xim4 thing is cheating, I'll agree. But what percentage of users are actually going to such lengths? Enough for Bungie to take AA off controllers? I doubt it.


The line between PC and Console style gaming seems to be getting more and more blurred: I think Destiny 2 is going to be a leader in that field.

Any lowering of the AA will make the game feel 'not like the console version', and since Bungie are emphatic on making it feel the same as the other platforms...I don't think we're going to see any change (which is great).

Bungie could even be wanting controller to be the preferred input device, I know this isn't done really, but what if they are? Could be revolutionary IMO.

Well.. they already stated they'll be balancing both versions of the game differently. So hopefully they do address it.

"This news comes courtesy of Bungie’s Luke Smith, who is the game director of Destiny 2. Speaking in an interview with PC Gamer, Smith was asked about the difficulties in balancing the game unilaterally. There, Smith stated that the game may well not be balanced unilaterally, with the game director explaining that PC and console gamers are “two consumer types with very different needs.”


Just played a couple of games with the controller, no wonder people are downing me so fast it basically follows your opponents head, I even fired a shot when the crosshairs were intentially not on someone's head and it registered a crit.

Anyway I've played enough of the beta now to know that despite many happy days on Destiny this game isn't for me whatever the platform, 4v4 crucible just sucks, and I don't like the weapon loadout style, having essentially two old style primaries ruins the tactics of the game, and I suspect they've only done it to try and combat shotgun running a bit, which although needed addressing this is the cheap way of them doing it.


I came here to post about how much I'm enjoying the Destiny 2 beta on PC, and that I'm seriously tempted to purchase Destiny 2 on PS4 so I can discover everything at the same time as everyone else before it comes to PC.

Instead, all I see here is baseless whining from people that, either, never played Destiny 1, or came into Destiny 2 expecting it to be absolutely shocking.

Some people need to get a grip.


Not a bad Strike. The final boss and his kicks lol.

So can I switch between sub-classes, or is it just the new Dawnblade for Warlock?


You don't need to play on a controller to win, that's the whole point of what I'm saying. If you're actually a GM on OW, then no one with a controller is going to challenge you, lol.

The xim4 thing is cheating, I'll agree. But what percentage of users are actually going to such lengths? Enough for Bungie to take AA off controllers? I doubt it.

Being a GM in overwatch doesn't prevent you from dodging bullets that lock onto your head. Sorry but your argument is terrible.


I like how after this game finds a game and is prepared for a fight while I do something else on the same PC (web surfing, etc), the icon of this game on the taskbar flashes, alerting me. Really neat.


I'm not sure how is this even an issue up for debate. Aim assist in pvp is non starter. Other modes? sure.

You can never balance m/k versus controller, somebody is going to be unhappy with it either way. It's only a matter of time that some people figure out how to use mouse with aim assist....


What class are you running? What are you having trouble with?

Warlock. I just can't get the aiming right, maybe it's because Im used to the console version with the auto-aiming. Maybe it's just practice? But I just played more than 10 matches and had 0 kills.


To innovate and keep things fresh?

it's basically Destiny 1.5

Bungie is lazy.
They're the only company offering what they're offering and they've taken the opportunity to refine the good parts of Destiny, cut the bad parts, and still add new things.

From what we know of Destiny 2, it's a huge step up from the first game and to say anything less is disingenious.


Being a GM in overwatch doesn't prevent you from dodging bullets that lock onto your head. Sorry but your argument is terrible.

Being a GM in OW makes you a flat out better player in decision making and aiming. You people act like a controller user doesn't have to aim at all, if this were true, there would be no skill gap on the console versions. The devs say the AA is the same on both, so what gives?
Any tips for PvP. I can't get a single kill in this game and it's running pretty smoothly on my PC.

For Control, your team should only hold 2 points and not try to cap all 3. Holding 2 points foreces the other team to spawn near the 3rd point, allowing your team greater map control. If you cap all 3 points, your opponents can spawn anywhere. Of course, with randoms, it'll be much harder to do this because a ton of people think, "Oh I must cap everything."

Try changing up your sensitivity, use the hand cannon and try to go for headshots. Stick with your team and don't lone wolf it. Voidwalker has a seeker grenade and the Blink jump. The former is almost a guaranteed kill when the enemy is bunched up and in a firefight with your team. Blink lets you run away more easily, or flank someone.

I also played a ton of Destiny on PS4 a long time ago and struggled in my first couple of PC matches. But you adjust and improve.


For Control, your team should only hold 2 points and not try to cap all 3. Holding 2 points foreces the other team to spawn near the 3rd point, allowing your team greater map control. If you cap all 3 points, your opponents can spawn anywhere. Of course, with randoms, it'll be much harder to do this because a ton of people think, "Oh I must cap everything."

Try changing up your sensitivity, use the hand cannon and try to go for headshots. Stick with your team and don't lone wolf it.

Those are some good points. Thanks.


Warlock. I just can't get the aiming right, maybe it's because Im used to the console version with the auto-aiming. Maybe it's just practice? But I just played more than 10 matches and had 0 kills.

So are you new to M/KB? Hell, just plug a controller in! Otherwise, it's just going to take practice. I was really bad in OW when I first started last month, but now I'm getting decent at it. I would suggest turning the default sensitivity down, it's way too high, IMO. I think I changed it from 15 to 12, try that out.


I believe Bungie when they say the aim assist is exactly the same as console.

The problem is that the aim assist was designed for 30 FPS gameplay. Higher refresh rates make the aim assist snappier and more responsive, so it's far more effective than the console counterpart.

I'm fine with them leaving it in, it just needs to be tweaked.

Why the fuck is the game refusing to work well on my notebook 1060?
20 fps at max WTF

Any solution? :(

Turn off MSAA.


Being a GM in OW makes you a flat out better player in decision making and aiming. You people act like a controller user doesn't have to aim at all, if this were true, there would be no skill gap on the console versions. The devs say the AA is the same on both, so what gives?

Theres no point in arguing. I have enough experience on m/kb to know that the aim assist on controllers right now is too much. You could be the best player and have perfect aim, but the game is more than 1 v 1s.. it may not happen every match, but it does happen. There will also be people who abuse the aim assist to use it on a mouse/kb just to win which is the greater issue. I linked a clip earlier and I'l link it again..


Hopefully bungie lowers the aim assist or does something to address the issue.
Besides all this salt re: control methods: I'm enjoying the hell out of this Beta: KB+M feels great (1/2 time I've been on that, mech kb+logi mouse feels so good), Controller feels great (Just like the console brethren, el perfecto and how I want to play on release).

Bungie, based as always.

If only I could talk with Sweeper bot... I'm sure he's whistling more in this Beta than in the PS4 one.


I believe Bungie when they say the aim assist is exactly the same as console.

The problem is that the aim assist was designed for 30 FPS gameplay. Higher refresh rates make the aim assist snappier and more responsive, so it's far more effective than the console counterpart.

I'm fine with them leaving it in, it just needs to be tweaked.

Turn off MSAA.

It's not enabled. I don't know what is making the game work like this.
For example, I can play OW with no issue. So it's not the card or the drivers.


Crappy beta as there is no progression.
I think the end boss', from PVE content, burning ground is slightly overpowered for some movement abilities.
Movement could be better, it feels slightly clunky at times, feels definitely designed around controllers.
Menus and infos are crappy for a loot game as designed with TV and consoles in mind.

I liked the weapon feel, impact, some skills and time to kill. PVP was quite nice too, though sometimes too random from damage standpoint.
I see the appeal of the game though.


The clips you're seeing from guys like DrLupo and Lumi are from 120+ fps gameplay. The high frames actually improve the AA's tracking effect and make it snappier.
This makes sense. If that's the case they should tweak AA value according to your framerate. Should be easy enough.
The clips you're seeing from guys like DrLupo and Lumi are from 120+ fps gameplay. The high frames actually improve the AA's tracking effect and make it snappier.

So you're saying that at 120fps on a controller you have an advantage, but at normal 60fps it's fine?

Isn't just having 120fps in the first place a big advantage over 60fps?

I'm honestly asking here, I never play anything over 60fps on my PC or Consoles. If the advantage is only like this in the 120fps realm, surely that's a massive minority of PC gamers right? The minority argument must be flipped here then, since it's only advantageous for a very small minority of players (even though KB+M at the same FPS obviously would be better than people playing on lower fps too on KB+M...).

PC balancing with 2 control methods seems to be a bit damned if you do, damned if you don't TBH.

At least the game is super fun though and looks amazing: we can all agree on that surely haha :)

This makes sense. If that's the case they should tweak AA value according to your framerate. Should be easy enough.

Now this, this is the winner in my books although I have no idea if that's even possible: but if it is, make it so Bungie!
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