Rather that than this dumbshit stasis..rumors next one is poison based
Rather that than this dumbshit stasis..
Not bad, ideallyrumors next one is poison based
Riot and Bungie team up to sue cheat maker
The lawsuit claims GatorCheats cost the makers of Destiny 2 and Valorant 'millions of dollars,' and now it's payback time.www.pcgamer.com
interesting. actually going after the cheat creators. wonder if that'll actually make an impact/improvement.
Lol at wanting credit for bringing back guns we literally just lost, hoping there is a solid new loot pool for other activities. Of course we won’t get upgrades to our god rolls of the moon and dreaming city guns we still have, we will have to re earn them from activities we already grinded a thousand times the first time.Bungie.net
giving some reason for people to go play stuff in Moon and Dreaming City is always nice. I still need to get the Dreaming City shotty for collection purposes. and nerfing Shatterdive is much needed from what I heard from PvP. overall, it's nice to see Bungie at least working on fixing some of these, even if they're slow to get on it.
Yeah, I stopped playing. Game has turned into a shitshow.
Because what I really want to do IS GRIND BACK THE SHIT I ALREADY SPENT MONTHS GRINDING FOR. We spend FOREVER on the moon while we waiting for the expansion, and then they took the majority of the guns out of the game.
I'm fucking out. The expansion wasn't enough to justify the sunsetting.
had not play much this week but I'm wondering if this is an issue for real or just some isolated occurrence.
It's legit, Shatterdive is still OP as shit and killing from a distance. This is what the PVP experience is going to be until they hire people who actually care about PVP to work on it. This won't be fixed til likely next season, and then we can start the clock on how long it takes to do something about Behemoth Titan lasting half a match and being able to get around the map with little energy loss.
They need to separate PvP and PvE more.It's legit, Shatterdive is still OP as shit and killing from a distance. This is what the PVP experience is going to be until they hire people who actually care about PVP to work on it. This won't be fixed til likely next season, and then we can start the clock on how long it takes to do something about Behemoth Titan lasting half a match and being able to get around the map with little energy loss.
They need to separate PvP and PvE more.
Trailer did nothing for me at all. I'll probably not buy this season
Unless battlegrounds is your bag why would you even buy this pass? It's kinda meh isn't it. They really should have included last season's pass with the expansion. I think it would have brought lots of good will. Buying an expansion only to have to immediately buy a season pass didn't sit well with many, myself included. Not sure when or even if I will come back.The next season looks on par with curse of osiris. The trailer was meh. And the roadmap is dreadful.
It should only be the beyond light stuff. The season pass is separate. But the current season is ending in 2 days.If one upgrades to Beyond Light (currently €22) is the season pass extra rewards included or do one have to buy a more expensive upgrade (I can't really tell by looking)?
Thanks.It should only be the beyond light stuff. The season pass is separate. But the current season is ending in 2 days.
On steam I see:
Beyond light
Beyond light + season
Beyond light deluxe edition (4 seasons)
Ok this is probably a dumb question but how do you get Cabal Gold ?
Logged in for just half an hour yesterday and the literature in the mission felt circular. Equip the hammer to receive Gold but you need 15 Gold to equip the hammer.
Edit : It said, by destroying a cache . What cache ?
Crow is my favorite character right now. I love listening to his dialogue. He's such a nice guy. He's nothing like Uldren.tried the somewhat mandatory Battleground thing. not too bad I guess. I don't mind grinding it a little. also, even thou I knew it's coming, freaking "Crow" now officially taking Cayde's place and wearing his gun just rubs me the wrong way. HELM is nice I guess, being able to grab my stuff from the vault and the post box and all. thou I wish they put a firing range or something in there so we can test some weapons out and maybe stock up on ammo like the old Tribute Hall.
Someone needs to take Shadowkeep out of the title and just leave it as Destiny 2...
A subtitle of "There ain't shit to do this season works"
Remember when "new" activities had unique encounters, mechanics, and locations? Feels like a distant memory the game has been circling the bottom of the toilet for so long
Jeepers, they are worse than Bethesda nowadays. I uninstalled the game. If something cool comes along I'll drop it back in but I'm starting to think destiny is now really good for 1-2 months a year only when the expansions drop.Even one of the strikes they did give us is already offline because it was broken..
This is great news!!! If they're abandoning the cosmodrome then the janitor will have more time to work on the next expansion
The first game is just fundamentally a more rewarding experience on every level, everything they've tried to innovate has been a step in the wrong direction.I'd argue the best thing they could have done was re-embrace all the D1 content and add what worked from D2 into it, since everything "new" they have developed has been hot ass outside of one or two things. I fully don't believe they have the talent to design a top tier experience anymore. I'd take Cosmodrome and Venus over any of these big boring zones we have in D2. Hell if they turned D1 "Live" again with Trials and Banner, the only thing I'd miss from D2 is Mantling...how sad is that?