Pegasus Actual
It's unfortunate I didn't know about that until after I popped most of my pinnacles on my first character. Regardless doing all (normally labeled) powerfuls and pinnacles got me to the powerful cap on my first character so it's probably not a huge deal. Though a DSC probably would have been a fun thing to do regardless. My 2nd and 3rd characters are through the campaigns now, and they're -4 and -3 respectively, so a couple of powerfuls to hit 1550 on each tonight and then a Blitzkrieg of pinnacles before the reset. GMs are still a month plus away, and w/ the raid next week the pinnacle sources will be expanded, so it probably doesn't really right now, Deep Stone Crypt is also dropping Powerful loots, so you can do both DSC and VOG for higher level stuff. just a little something to keep in mind since no idea if they'll patch it or when.
But back to the issue of DSC dropping powerful but not indicating it. That's such a weird thing that Bungie has screwed up time and time again. How does the rewards metadata not directly inform what you see in the Director? It seems super obvious that updating reward levels and updating what you see in the UI are two separate processes. You'd think the first time it happened they would be like, "okay team we gotta clean this up".