No preference tbh.Cool you want templar checkpoint or fresh? Also jrocca, same question
No preference tbh.Cool you want templar checkpoint or fresh? Also jrocca, same question
I've got a friend with me. PSN is coyquettish.This makes three. Any more takers for a hard VoG run?
Cool. So that makes give then. One more???I've got a friend with me. PSN is coyquettish.
Psn?I am up for VoG hard. lvl 31 Sunbro.
Cool you want templar checkpoint or fresh? Also jrocca, same question
Ive got the checkpoint. Psn is grimlock33.
Need a single to help with Atheon on hard. Xbox, tapiozona
I'll try. Lvl 30 striker. Tag is Ev0lved1
Dam it, 2 in the group just left and now it's disbanding. If you need the checkpoint let me know
Don't know how this happened, but my shoulders hurt from carrying the team.
XDI have two friends
*screaming internally*hard mode
first time
Fate Bringer
*screaming internally*
*screaming internally*
Bought an exotic helmet engram last week from Xur and it turned to be a Hunter helm. Today I bought another one from Xur and it turned to a Titan exotic helm. That's 46 motes of light down the drain and all I wanted was one new Warlock exotic helmet...
Doing weekly 24 strikes with Qwell for the bad juju bounty.
Join in if you want to do them too.
PS4 DekuBleep
I'm down.
PS4: Reluctant-Hero
Anybody wants to help out with the Daily heroic?
Why not wait for Xur to sell it?
Are you still doing the daily? I can try to help, although lightswitch us gonna be a pain
Psn dawnoflife
I've used 3 heavy ammo synths and they gave me 0 ammo...