Titans also lie dead outside the tempel of Crota because Unleash the hive is too hard for them.
Titans also lie dead outside the tempel of Crota because Unleash the hive is too hard for them.
a walk down memory lane
lol getting thunderlord from a green engram.
Lack of glimmer is starting to become a real problem for me now, tons of weapons I could upgrade but just don't have the glimmer for it and when I do build it up a little it's gone almost instantly.
On a plus side, I finally got Husk of the Pit doing the bounty today.
watching that video i just remembered there was a time hand cannons were considered special weapons
CE raid gear breaks down to rad shards, correct?
Sardon commands the hive spawn on earth
I'm down for doing vog.looking to do both Vaults back to back, speedrun style. any experienced takers?
start in about an hour from this post. 14:00 GMT. PS4
1 Noisepurge / lvl.31 Hunter
THE FEELS.a walk down memory lane
lol getting thunderlord from a green engram.
Look at all those people in the public event. I wish Destiny felt as alive as that.a walk down memory lane
lol getting thunderlord from a green engram.
That helmet. So good.no more ships, rng. Please.
Played the Undying Mind strike for the first time.
There is so much unused space. You sprint though a huge section that's ripe for interesting enemy placement. Instead of spreading out the encounters and having some variety and/or slowly ramping up the tension, the majority of encounters are restricted to horde mode spots where you grind through waves before sprinting through sparsely populated environments.
And then the walls...
Could have been one of the best strikes in the game.
I get the feeling the better you are at PVP the crappier the teammates matchmaking puts you with :/
I know it's been a week since Titans had an extra bounty.That's been the case for a long time. Gotta balance out somehow. Should really work in tiers or, you know, skill level like Halo 3 did.
edit: How many days straight have hunters had the extra bounty for Eris?
Eris is compensating Hunters for the ugly potato sack of a class item she sold us
I think it's the best looking one since all the other ones look exactly the same. lolEris is compensating Hunters for the ugly potato sack of a class item she sold us
no more ships, rng. Please.
Have...have you seen the welcome mat she gave to Titans?
Still better looking than that potato sack.is that not a tea towel?
Still better looking than that potato sack.
Has anyone else noticed an increase in drop rates for legendary engrams during Roc Strikes?
I've got the Bad Juju bounty so am working my way through the 25 strikes. I've done 13 so far, and I have had at least 6 legendary engrams drop for me in that time. That's almost one engram for every two strikes!
Have I just been especially fortunate or has anyone else noticed something similar?
Well you're right on that.everything is
I have yet to get one new one from TDB.
Where have you been getting them? ROC strikes?
I wish it was like the faction class items and have all bounties + Nightfall + Weekly rep gain go towards Eris Rank.What's bad though is i would wear it if she was like EVERY OTHER VENDOR in the game and it gave extra rep. -_- instead I'm stuck doing the same 3 75 rep bounties...endlessly.
So is there a reason to do Eris bounties after rank 4?
Like, is there a reward package?
So is there a reason to do Eris bounties after rank 4?
Like, is there a reward package?