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Destiny |OT12| Play. Whine. Repeat.


I think it's a mistake to add yet another faction vendor with Eris. All these activities just fragment the reward structure for the game.

I wish all of the various bounties fed one single rep progression (aside from the Cryptarch), and all marks were pooled into a single currency. Having rep meters for each faction, crucible, vanguard and now Eris is absurd, especially since it's vanguard commendations that are needed for the vanguard gear.

Layering on new rep, materials and currencies with each addition to the game is going to make the game really unwieldy. It's already almost there.

It's needlessly confusing, and quite irritating. I really did expect better from bungie on this front.


also final part spoilers

Crota only has one form. I thought Bungie confirmed there would be more than one of his forms to fight. I have a feeling they plan to lock more sections of the raid behind hard mode.

They might be referring to the last story mission
where he's a green crystal with eyes as multiple forms.
I hope that's not the case.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
It's needlessly confusing, and quite irritating. I really did expect better from bungie on this front.

Wait till House of Wolves drop and 3 new more currencies drop in on top the currencies we have

You would have to get your Masters in Accounting/Economics to figure out the whole set up by then


I'm locked out of the majority of vendors since I rarely play PVP. I can always level them up and hopefully get something out of packages but with the DLC that's a waste until I've exhausted my Vanguard opportunities. Some of the items I get from Vanguard packages is from other factions anyway...
Wow Skyshock is so bad too. Smh

Cauldron might be the best of a terrible bunch.

Won't be playing those levels again. Hope to god Bungie keep those playlists separate from the originals.
hey guys, i was playing with my friends last night (DLC) and they got a mission from that women in the tower but i didn't. something on earth walking around finding dudes and killing them is what they did but somehow i can't get the mission. we more or less did everything together so why can't i get that one?

i'm lvl 25 maybe i need to lvl up more?

anyone? i really want to play now but i don't have the mission.

Deku Tree

I've vented some frustrations regarding the game lately, but I am impressed so far with Crota's End. My team hasn't beaten it yet, but so far I'm digging the contributions both Titan subclasses can perform:

  • Fist of Havoc during
    dark and scary haunted house Thrall night light run, and the Aftershock perk buys you a couple more seconds while Usain Bolting to the next light.
  • Aftershock really helps out while
    defending the first circle to get out of the haunted maze.
  • Helm of Sainting with Dance Bubble during
    the construction of (Jeff) Bridges, blinding Sword Bearers and Gatekeepers
    really helps to tip the balance to the team.
  • I've heard Flashbangs are also effective with above, but have not tried yet myself.I enjoy the strategy of changing sublclasses, perks and armor for each encounter, keeps it fresh.

A few Titans in the party seem clutch out of the gate.

I am really liking Crotas end. Much better raid than VoG so far IMO. I am grinding to 31 now to help our team.


Wait till House of Wolves drop and 3 new more currencies drop in on top the currencies we have

You would have to get your Masters in Accounting/Economics to figure out the whole set up by then

I'm hoping for Destiny 2 they take a long look at a simplification of the overall economy. Especially since this is an MMO-light experience. I dont play MMO's never have, likely never will. So I had no idea this was a thing.

It's a huge damper on my enjoyment of a game, I just want to sit and play. The gaming loop is fun to me. I simply give zero fucks to learn all this other crap to play it.

I also will never buy a season pass again for a bungie game. They blew it


Why the hell are we doing the all the work? We should just send a bunch of Ghosts to do the work for us. They never get attack. All the enemies seem to ignore them.


I wonder what the hell Heroic Crota's End is gonna look like. I mean there's already level 32 enemies on Normal... and with Heroic basically adding way more adds, I can't imagine what some parts are gonna look like. Like, literally - pathfinding is gonna be haywire cause I can't conceive this areas having MORE enemies than they already do.


I wonder what the hell Heroic Crota's End is gonna look like. I mean there's already level 32 enemies on Normal... and with Heroic basically adding way more adds, I can't imagine what some parts are gonna look like. Like, literally - pathfinding is gonna be haywire cause I can't conceive this areas having MORE enemies than they already do.
Wizards, ocean. Wizards everywhere.
They might be referring to the last story mission
where he's a green crystal with eyes as multiple forms.
I hope that's not the case.
Urks post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=139703965&postcount=169

We can definitely scale standard enemy types, and do, but for special encounters the team creates new geometry, shaders and effects, encounter mechanics, sound effects, etc.

What you're seeing in the prologue is one of Crota's forms. We'll have some more info dropping soon, but we'll be pretty tight lipped about the Raid and Raid boss for obvious reasons.

THIS is what they meant about the raid unlocking over time. We don't have the complete raid.

The rest is locked behind hard mode.
Really wish I could upgrade my Fatebringer.

Oh well my dream loudout is:
Upgraded Hawkmoon/Primary Legendary Weapon from CE/Necrochasm
Upgraded Ice Breaker/Murmur
Upgraded G'horn/Legendary Machine Gun from CE

Time to grind.
I think it's a mistake to add yet another faction vendor with Eris. All these activities just fragment the reward structure for the game.

I wish all of the various bounties fed one single rep progression (aside from the Cryptarch), and all marks were pooled into a single currency. Having rep meters for each faction, crucible, vanguard and now Eris is absurd, especially since it's vanguard commendations that are needed for the vanguard gear.

Layering on new rep, materials and currencies with each addition to the game is going to make the game really unwieldy. It's already almost there.

I called this happening like five threads ago, it's a convoluted system that virtually requires you to keep a spreadsheet out in order to determine personal goals. It's also not helped by a U.I that hides specific data points you kind of need to know two or three layers deep into a menu system. Then there's the fact that outside of running up to the specific people in the tower there's no way to figure out the rep for characters at a glance virtually requiring you to use the website if you want to know which faction would be closest to the level up goal. I think you've said you're pretty casual in how you approach this game so I don't know if you have multiple alts but that makes it even more infuriating since none of that progress is shared.

As an anecdote: I was partied up with a bunch of guys while we tried to figure out how we could most efficiently reach lvl31 to complete the raid and it was a laughable prolonged 20 minute sequence of back of the napkin math.


Today would be a no go since I have school, otherwise those are my hours. After 10pm I have to go to work. If I'm not available, I'm perfectly fine with being replaced as I won't be 31 until Fri anyway....well I can possibly hit 31 tomorrow if I can squeeze in a little playtime tonight.

Sorry no that's EST.

Added both of you. Saturday seems to be the good day to do it, and we should all be 31 or close to it by then.


Come from behind victories on Control are some of the most satisfying moments this game has. I'll live, but I'm still disappointed.

I thought I read they switch those two game modes up top every week. So maybe next week will be Control and Salvage or something like that.
I called this happening like five threads ago, it's a convoluted system that virtually requires you to keep a spreadsheet out in order to determine personal goals. It's also not helped by a U.I that hides specific data points you kind of need to know two or three layers deep into a menu system. Then there's the fact that outside of running up to the specific people in the tower there's no way to figure out the rep for characters at a glance virtually requiring you to use the website if you want to know which faction would be closest to the level up goal. I think you've said you're pretty casual in how you approach this game so I don't know if you have multiple alts but that makes it even more infuriating since none of that progress is shared.

It is mind boggling they don't have an advisors tab in the UI. It is nice the mobile app has it, but that needs to be in the main game. It should also clearly label your current faction. I was one of those folks leveling up a faction and couldn't understand why my Vanguard wasn't ranking up. Just simple things that could go a long way.


it's weird that Dinklege isn't back, right? Regardless of how you feel about his voice performance it's weird to not hear his voice.


So yesterday my buddy gets a bunch of level 31 gear from Vanguard package level ups. Today I get 2 motes of light.

I think Bungie really screwed people over by not having a level 26 version of Crota's End. If I struggled doing Normal VoG I'd be pissed I paid for the expansion.

After all the grinding I've done since update I'm not even looking forward to getting new gear at this point. And Iron Banner next week means potential 32s and needing new upgraded weapons... This game is dying for me.
Tried out some of the DLC yesterday, it's nice that I don't have to hold Square to Dinklebot. Nothing super exciting though. The strike where you just move backwards through an area you already had been felt kinda lazy, but the boss fight was fun.

I played some Crucible yesterday, got a 3.67 KDR on Skyhook using VOC and a sniper rifle. But we still lost.

Deku Tree

Looking for two for Nightfall.
Ready to start when full (after visiting the tower)
Either you have it unlocked or I can start it on my Alt and then switch characters immediately.

Just join my fireteam if you want

PS4 DekuBleep

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