A maxed 331 attack icebreaker one shots hobgoblins in normal VoG with body shots.
Crits? Maxed 300 IB was doing that as well.
A maxed 331 attack icebreaker one shots hobgoblins in normal VoG with body shots.
Husk... after 200 attempts, still forever Huskless![]()
Like non critical shots?
A crit to the belly always got them with the non upgraded one.
on hard?
Crits? Maxed 300 IB was doing that as well.
I agree, however, it would be oddly ironic considering the weight of the best loot drops towards people who do exactly that.
It is a great way to make those types of people quit playing their game. And yes, I'm sure that's exactly what they would be into.
I would definitely expect the crota cheese to at some point warrant a ban/reset.
put me down for this. If you guys are okay with me bringing my level 28 warlock, just through killing the Templar,I would be happy to grab my Titan or hunter for the rest to help out. Just want another shot at fatebringer. I know the encounter very well, I have done it before (sniping up top with ice breaker). Would that be cool?Would anyone be up for a quick Hard VoG tonight? I love that raid and wouldn't mind a chance at a 3rd Fatebringer + possible exotic from Atheon himself. Let's say 5:30pm Pacific .... hopefully I won't be late because my commute sucks. PS4 of course
1. Qwell
2. DaveS78
3. Coconut (PSN: KrugerrandMan)
4. EroticSushi
Groovy, just need 2 more
Would anyone be up for a quick Hard VoG tonight? I love that raid and wouldn't mind a chance at a 3rd Fatebringer + possible exotic from Atheon himself. Let's say 5:30pm Pacific .... hopefully I won't be late because my commute sucks. PS4 of course
1. Qwell
2. DaveS78
3. Coconut (PSN: KrugerrandMan)
4. EroticSushi
5. Thesoremaker
coming along nicely, see folks at 5:30pm PST
They likely wouldn't do anything unannounced. i.e. ban/reset players for current cheese methods, however, anything in violation of live/psn's ToS would be reason enough. I would assume quitting the game or unplugging your router (both would be network manipulation) to cheat the game would be something they would announce as a bannable/resettable offense.imo i have a feeling that's a huge chunk of the game population and would hurt bungie more than it would help them
On normal without doing critical damage. Any time you land a IB shot on the hobgoblin they die in one shot. I was also a 31 if that helps.
They likely wouldn't do anything unannounced. i.e. ban/reset players for current cheese methods, however, anything in violation of live/psn's ToS would be reason enough. I would assume quitting the game or unplugging your router (both would be network manipulation) to cheat the game would be something they would announce as a bannable/resettable offense.
But like I said, don't think they would do that without an announcement first.
well... resetting character progress sounds like a great way to make people quit playing your game, if that's what they're into
Maxed 300 did that too back in the day.A maxed 331 attack icebreaker one shots hobgoblins in normal VoG with body shots.
pretty sure an old one used to do that too
Yeah, honestly I don't see how they could reasonably punish people for this cheese. There is no manipulation of the network or anything. Somebody leaves and Crota stays sleepy. There are still plenty of ways for people to fuck it up.
If they were to reset character progress in any way because of it, I can't imagine it would go over well. This isn't Reach, where your rank is just something you get to show people. This game depends on your time invested into what you have done. The Crota cheese is a lot easier than the regular fight, but it isn't foolproof. Short of just taking away rewards earned from cheesed sessions (which I can't even imagine they can do) there is no real reasonable form of punishment.
Their entire raid can be solo'd one way or another. That is their fault for making us beta test their content. This is why Hard Mode is not coming until next month.
On normal without doing critical damage. Any time you land a IB shot on the hobgoblin they die in one shot. I was also a 31 if that helps.
Oh I guess I was used to playing on Hard where it took two shots. Been a while since I played normal.
I guess this is the "Christmas Event"?
Before we kick off, we should note that you should be on the lookout for some small stocking stuffers sometime after the Holidays have come and gone a small token of our gratitude.
all those flawless runs taught me a lot of things
So I needed some Plasteen Plastic (whatever that's called) to upgrade my Titan's gear but since I have the Bad Juju bounty on my Warlock, I decided to run the strikes on him and transfer all the blue engrams I picked up to my Titan. I can confirm, the Cryptarch decrypted all my Warlock acquired blues into Titan gear. winning
Can't wait 'till Bungie bans the filthy scum that logs out & back into a Nightfall to avoid wipes.
They reset a TON of Reach player's ranks just for afk'ing in firefight. No network manipulation or "cheating" of any kind. Simply making the game less enjoyable for others. Some of those people spent hundreds and hundreds of hours ranking up that were reset to 0.
Cheesing is not at all the same thing as network manipulation which likely will be considered cheating and will get you banned/reset/etc... but with Bungie, you don't even have to "cheat" to get punished as was the case with Reach. I would definitely expect the crota cheese to at some point warrant a ban/reset.
They likely wouldn't do anything unannounced. i.e. ban/reset players for current cheese methods, however, anything in violation of live/psn's ToS would be reason enough. I would assume quitting the game or unplugging your router (both would be network manipulation) to cheat the game would be something they would announce as a bannable/resettable offense.
But like I said, don't think they would do that without an announcement first.
Can't wait 'till Bungie bans the filthy scum that logs out & back into a Nightfall to avoid wipes.
Yeah, did this for both alts and oddly enough i need the plating for my weakass Titan....sheesh
I wish they'd do something similar to people who afk in Crucible or Strike playlists.
"We at Bungie have heard you loud and clear, so in your mailbag this week expect to find a little holiday cheer in the form of an equippable Santa Hat for your Guardian!"
"We at Bungie would like to apologise following the "going to Orbit while wearing a Santa Hat has deleted my equipped helmet" bug that we found out about after we came back from our vacation in the Swiss Alps. We'll get to it sometime around Q2 2015.
Given the way that Bungie treats AFKers on the strike playlist and in crucible now it would be really awful for them to just start resetting people who put 100 of hours into the game without giving them prior warning to stop. If they want you to stop playing in certain ways they should make an announcement. So far they have been condoning everything except PvP cheating heavy ammo exploits etc. they make jokes about cheese in their recent weekly update. Doing bans like people are suggesting would be an 180 for modern Bungie IMO. And I would hope if they ever did it then they would give people a heads up fair warning. Right now people are playing with the assumption that what they are doing Is OK.
I doubt it very much.
-It doesn't affect other players like PVP exploits.
-They have DLC to sell.
Then again, Bungie has shown time and again how out of touch they are with their community, so who knows? it'll be an interesting meltdown if it happens.
Tito you could swap in with me right after Templar, unless you're hunting db too in which case you can have the slot
You're not implying AFK'ng through Crucible or the Strikelist is okay, are you?
"We've Awoken the Hive!" for all your bounty needs. Seriously, there are so many bounties you can complete here. It's almost comical.
No, as I said, its a result of a grindy random system, they have to look at these problems and fix them first. Punishing AFKers and not fixing the system will get more people to leave.
Notice how they handled the loot cave. While it was patched in mediocrity they added a few things to encourage people to actually play the game. Now doing strikes will actually grant you a healthy pile of engrams for the same amount of time you get them from shooting at a doorway of enemies. If they just punish players it will cause them to leave. I'm explaining this from what I would assume to be their point of view. I hate AFKers but I realize its not that simple.
"We've Awoken the Hive!" for all your bounty needs. Seriously, there are so many bounties you can complete here. It's almost comical.
At a certain point, though, you just have to say...."Guys / have to put in the work. If not, then this is not your game."
You're not implying AFK'ng through Crucible or the Strikelist is okay, are you?
was watching a Datto video about leveling the Husk, and he said, "so naturally you're going to have to AWAKEN THE HIVE to level this up."
It's like a community eye-roll now; watching that stupid cutscene basically every day and never letting the Hive get any damn rest.
We can play it by ear, but we definitely have a full group now, I'll invite to party chat when we get home to figure out the last slot.I was aiming to take down the Templar specifically, but I could try to find an earlier an earlier group as I'm free now.