0 kills gets you an exotic confirmed!
...of course it's on the asshole players. The strikes, except for maybe our friend on Mars, take like one glimmer expendable to beat the whole thing. Sometimes even faster. It's not hard.Let me start off by saying anyone who does that is a dick. You can't blame the player though. If Bungie is stupid enough to have the system not kick AFK players, it's on them. How small stuff like this hasn't been addressed yet is beyond me. Just kick players after 90 seconds of inactivity.
VoG Hard Raid--Fresh Run on the PS4 starting as son as we get six. Need two more as they backed out.
PSN: Da_1_hated_tito
Fig, cloud, look how happy you made me!
If you can give me 10 minutes I'll go.
PSN Tokunbo
...of course it's on the asshole players. The strikes, except for maybe our friend on Mars, take like one glimmer expendable to beat the whole thing. Sometimes even faster. It's not hard.
90 seconds wouldn't work, either, as you'd just rubberband the analog or something. That and it means I can't even go to take a piss with friends (I take my time, wash my hands).
Anyone up for VoG hard from gatekeeper? One more space
If you still need one, I'll go. PSN: GhostFaceDon
Sorry man, party broke up
0 kills gets you an exotic confirmed!
I wonder how much effect reporting someone actual has. How many players have to report someone for the same thing for it to matter?
What dropped?
Just got my second Husk of the Pit drop doing the Blades bounty. Already ranked my first one to Eidolon Ally, too.
It's a terrible AR in any of its iterations.How is that gun, anyway? Worth using or just waiting for the exotic version?
How is that gun, anyway? Worth using or just waiting for the exotic version?
They all have pro's and cons, but overall I think Primary Exotics are the least useful. In most every situation an Exotic special or heavy is a better choice. The Mythoclast is probably the only exception to this. That isn't to say there aren't some good primary exotics, because there are, they are just rarely the best choice.
Use whatever you enjoy. Hard light looks, sounds and feels amaZing as does the MIDA Multitool. thats how I used to keep the game fresh for myself. New Weapons.
VoG good for shards, is good, I always found decent people there. Ran it a bunch of times with people from there, only had one shitty group.
Listen to this man! This is great advice and exactly how I treat the game. Each new gun is a new toy and I like to play with them and discover them to their fullest. Heck, I just bought a new pulse rifle from the Crucible QM called "Three Little Words" just because I liked the perks and stats on it and wanted to roll with it for awhile. Treating the game like this definitely keeps things fresh.
0 kills gets you an exotic confirmed!
I think the thing that pisses me off the most with the commendations is that I have used zero of them in gearing up and now I'm already past the point of needing them.
Well we were sort of waiting on Boguester, we started up with 5 but he hasnt made it still. Feel free to join up, I'll send you a fr.
My turn to show off, Zoba. ;P
be 32 and have gjallarhorn isn't something special :|And now a Titan has solo'd the Crota Raid
Need 1 for vault of glass hard raid on PS4. PSN is btkadams
Fig, cloud, look how happy you made me!
Green Doctor Nope. It's fun, but I dunno about how useful it is right now.
What's the easiest way to make friends? My gf and I who play together are having trouble with the heroic Weekly and I myself need a third person to finish my exotic bounty at the Summoning Pitts.
Anyone have any advice? Clans? Destiny forums? We're both still pretty new, me being a 30 Titan and her a 29 Hunter.
huh? I didn't even know this was a thing.So my "Art of Destiny" just arrived and goddamn, this thing is huge, quite heavy too. It has over 200 pages of artwork, some I had seen online, but for the most part it was all new. Cool thing also is how some of the art has legends and explanations on the side, like why this is designed this way, or how this is supposed to look the way it does, and why.
Here's some pictures of the book with the cover (not taking any of the actual content, don't want to get myself in trouble):
Size comparison with a PS4 case
When you take it off all you see is this:
BUT. Refract a bit of light on it, and this what you see (tried my best to show it off, kind of hard though):
All and all, great artwork in here. If you are an artist, or if you like to look at concept art, I would definitely recommend buying this.
What's the easiest way to make friends? My gf and I who play together are having trouble with the heroic Weekly and I myself need a third person to finish my exotic bounty at the Summoning Pitts.
Anyone have any advice? Clans? Destiny forums? We're both still pretty new, me being a 30 Titan and her a 29 Hunter.
It's a pretty good design. So many games walk into that rich get richer pitfall. I think that if the player is already capable of beating an objective he doesn't need to be made ever more capable. It's pretty great for crucible too, so much less stress. I used to stress about being a useful teammate etc. but now I just hang out near the back playing it safe taking potshots while waiting for the timer to expire. I'm a support player like that because I'm not very skilled but I try to contribute safely. It's a great way to catch up on podcasts and gain some exotics for sure. I for one am glad Bungie keeps an eye out for the slightly less skilled and motivated player. I feel like they should increase the odds on drops for low kdr players so they can keep up with the better people.
Adding you. We just lost 2 so we need 2 more.psn pikapuff
What's the easiest way to make friends? My gf and I who play together are having trouble with the heroic Weekly and I myself need a third person to finish my exotic bounty at the Summoning Pitts.
Anyone have any advice? Clans? Destiny forums? We're both still pretty new, me being a 30 Titan and her a 29 Hunter.
be 32 and have gjallarhorn isn't something special :|
Adding you. We just lost 2 so we need 2 more.
Fresh run on VoG hard
be 32 and have gjallarhorn isn't something special :|
If its maxed with added stability, it is not doctor nope, that thing was fun to use by that stability, ugh.
Yeah just post here what you want to run and your PSN/Xbone username. I've had better success finding friendly groups here on GAF than anywhere else. Y'all are a friendly bunch.
huh? I didn't even know this was a thing.
brb buying now