I need to kill him too. U still trying?Why Urzok why. Why do you make me hate you so.
Adding you now.Starting a CE frsh run. We go as soon as we get 6.
1. Silvertonguebr
2. GibbShift
3. Cyberpunk-Psycho
Why Urzok why. Why do you make me hate you so.
PSN: GibbShift. I always need more peeps for Crucible runs.Ugh crucible marks are such a pain in the ass to get. Vanguard marks fill up really quick, specially if you farm public events. Crucible marks? You get 3 per win, 2 per loss. Fastest way to get them is through Skirmish really, although playing that solo isn't generally favorable.
Starting a CE frsh run. We go as soon as we get 6.
1. Silvertonguebr
2. GibbShift
I need to kill him too. U still trying?
Starting a CE frsh run. We go as soon as we get 6.
1. Silvertonguebr
2. GibbShift
I guess it's because it's a montage, but I usually never get this amount of stupid players in matches who charge head on despite all odds. Most of the time they will hide, strafe, run away if they are losing or use their super in desperation.
Can't wait for inferno, damn sick of supers.
The one negative thing about the re-introduction of the Fist of Crota mission as permanent means that there are now less people camping Skywatch and other places for Blades of Crota which means less people around to help when Urzok needs to be killed.
Each time I had to kill him, there were at least 3 of us in the area so he went down fast.
31 Titan here!
Psn: Astropoff
31 Titan here!
Psn: Astropoff
Add me i'm already dropping down on the raid. Trying solo while you guys get here.
Why Urzok why. Why do you make me hate you so.
I need too... can we make a group for that?I need to kill him too. U still trying?
I need too... can we make a group for that?
I need to kill him too. U still trying?
Need 4 more to do crota on my end. We can do crota and I can help u from beginning what u say?
I'm game if there's still room. Already on your FL - Kinezo
Need 4 more to kick her ass.
1. Dante316
2. Friend
can begin as soon as we have 6
Need 4 more to kick her ass.
1. Dante316
2. Friend
can begin as soon as we have 6
i just realized ive been up for 30 hours...
Lol. Got my 2nd and 3rd Husk of the Pit today.
Lol. Got my 2nd and 3rd Husk of the Pit today.
I got my 1st and 2nd today, just doing the normal Eris bounty grind BS. Already maxed an Eidon Ally, still sucks. Hopes are low for Necrocasm outside of trash situations.
Farming for Husk is one of the worst out of many possible bad Destiny-life decisions.
Please, Xur.Bad Juju and Obsidian Mind = Infinite Nova Bombs holy shit. So good.
I have an Eidolon Ally and 2 Husks. I don't know if there is any reason to keep them though.
Please, Xur.
Please. Don't be a dick Xur. Bring it to me.
Yeah the gun is terrible. I can't see necrocasm being anywhere near as useful as mythoclast.
So I had a spare Vex, Found Verdict, Fatebringer, Atheons Ep, and a couple other weapons sitting at my postmaster. I left them there to use as a secondary vault. Well, yesterday, I did a bunch of Roc strikes in a row which gives out a ton of blue engrams and other shit tier gear. Apparently, if you keep collecting stuff at the postmaster, it will push out your old inventory for the most recent, regardless of tier. So goodbye Vex (exotic shard), etc. Just a heads up in case anyone is storing anything valuable in their postmaster.
On another note, it occured to me that I should start stock piling legendary armor engrams in my vault for when the next expansion DLC drops since all my characters already have 31 gear. There's no point in getting more of it. Decryping later will in theory give a chance for whatever the next cap is (33?).
On another note, it occured to me that I should start stock piling legendary armor engrams in my vault for when the next expansion DLC drops since all my characters already have 31 gear. There's no point in getting more of it. Decryping later will in theory give a chance for whatever the next cap is (33?).