I'll take it! I just need a few exotics to make my collection complete.Xur is going to sell crap again this weekend isn't he...
I'm thinking Four Horsemen will be the weapon (that no-one wants).
I'll take it! I just need a few exotics to make my collection complete.Xur is going to sell crap again this weekend isn't he...
I'm thinking Four Horsemen will be the weapon (that no-one wants).
I wondered what that was, I thought it was Destiny withdrawal symptoms or something.Have your internet ears been burning
Need 4 more to kick her ass.
1. Dante316
2. Friend
can begin as soon as we have 6
Need 3 for Crota
1. GraveRobberX
2. grimlock33
3. Hzoltan989
4. Ditters
Doing Crota, then 1st 2 parts
So I had a spare Vex, Found Verdict, Fatebringer, Atheons Ep, and a couple other weapons sitting at my postmaster. I left them there to use as a secondary vault. Well, yesterday, I did a bunch of Roc strikes in a row which gives out a ton of blue engrams and other shit tier gear. Apparently, if you keep collecting stuff at the postmaster, it will push out your old inventory for the most recent, regardless of tier. So goodbye Vex (exotic shard), etc. Just a heads up in case anyone is storing anything valuable in their postmaster.
On another note, it occured to me that I should start stock piling legendary armor engrams in my vault for when the next expansion DLC drops since all my characters already have 31 gear. There's no point in getting more of it. Decryping later will in theory give a chance for whatever the next cap is (33?).
any room? I'm a raid virgin, but I have a mic.2 spots
2 spots
Anyone wanna do Nightfall?
any room? I'm a raid virgin, but I have a mic.
The engram trick never worked. Or am I wrong? Same with packages from vanguard and such.
Cool, PSN squidhandsYeah 2 spots, but we doing Crota first then the first 2 parts
Need 3 for Crota
1. GraveRobberX
2. grimlock33
3. Hzoltan989
Doing Crota, then 1st 2 parts
Need 3 for Crota
1. GraveRobberX
2. grimlock33
3. Hzoltan989
4. Ditters1
5. Mr.-Stephens
6. squidhands
Doing Crota, then 1st 2 parts
You are correct. I tried it with this expansion and it doesn't work. The game seems to know what date you got the engrams and/or packages.
Has the +36 light version of Light Beyond Nemesis (warlock exotic helm) been at Xur already? I'm sitting on my +30 version as I'm quite attached to it and I don't recall seeing the new version at Xur, but I inspected a couple of random players with the same helm and they're already rocking the +36 light version. Did I miss it? If so, who knows how long it will take to cycle around in Xurs stock! It's the only thing keeping me from progressing to lvl 31 at the moment.
Didn't think about Bad Juju!Bad Juju and Obsidian Mind = Infinite Nova Bombs holy shit. So good.
Also finally did my first nightfall, two manned that bloody screeching wizard woman with a friend. Took a while.
I got Thunderlord and that was it.
Death and destruction.Didn't think about Bad Juju!
I have a 99% intellect raid gear and obsidian mind, gonna get bad juju out of the vault next time I do some roc playlist, to see how it goes!
hoo i missed some interesting pages during sleep
guys we gotta do 17 pages before 4:00AM EST Friday! i believe in us
make lots of LFG posts and complaints about RNG!
I haven't had fun in Crucible since IB 2.0 the first time for getting alts to L30, which was a blast. Nothing compared to that yet. Playing with a group here sounds fun. Hopefully I can join up the next time![]()
For anyone who needs Eris rep, be sure to do the Xur/Urn quest. I decided to do it today to get the green exclamation point off my screen, and I was on the Urzok step. Killing Urzok gave 125 rep, and I think when I can turn in the other portion after talking to Xur tomorrow, I'll get another 125.
I wondered what that was, I thought it was Destiny withdrawal symptoms or something.
I can't believe I actually went two days without logging in...
What were you saying? :3
Yeah I have upgraded. And then dismantled it because I got skull of ahamkara.
I want to start a crucible group now if anyone else is up for it?
1. Me
2. Xplicitone?
For anyone who needs Eris rep, be sure to do the Xur/Urn quest. I decided to do it today to get the green exclamation point off my screen, and I was on the Urzok step. Killing Urzok gave 125 rep, and I think when I can turn in the other portion after talking to Xur tomorrow, I'll get another 125.
Well arse. Nevermind.
Skull of Ahamkara looks fucking awesome, I'll wait until that pops up with Xuror drops, ha ha hahahahahahahAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA yeah right. I never get that sort of luck with RNGesus
Same for me.Well shit! Everyone kept saying it didn't so I did not bother doing it yet for the useless gauntlets.
Is anyone else here planning on leveling up an alt today?
Mine is Level 3 and I already am dreading the road to 20.
I want to start a crucible group now if anyone else is up for it?
1. Me
2. Xplicitone?
I only paid attention for sure towards the end, but the last 2 steps all gave 125 Eris rep apiece (100+NFall), the acolyte/wizard void kills and kill Urzok.
Sadly I need to wait for Xur tomorrow to turn in the last part to Eris, hopefully it gives another 125. If the first two parts (solar fusion thrall kills and melee cursed thralls) and the last one give the same rep, that would be 5x125 = 625 Eris rep for finishing it.
Even if the last step has no rep and only the gauntlets, the first two steps should definitely have some. At minimum it has to be ~450+ rep I would think.
Edit: Also, that last Urn missions is fucking FUN. I wanted exactly something like that on a huuuuge scale with 6 swords to go around and an unholy clusterfuck of Hive enemies of every type. I wanted true chaos.
For anyone who needs Eris rep, be sure to do the Xur/Urn quest. I decided to do it today to get the green exclamation point off my screen, and I was on the Urzok step. Killing Urzok gave 125 rep, and I think when I can turn in the other portion after talking to Xur tomorrow, I'll get another 125.
Well shit! Everyone kept saying it didn't so I did not bother doing it yet for the useless gauntlets.
Definitely gonna do the Urzok stuff this weekend.
Same for me.
But will do it for sure now!
Ok I gotta do this now...
And the random person who would float in and out to fill the 6th position if requiredI think he also died during the trip down to the gorgon maze which a certain person did before as well..hmm