You got it??????
Tower Transmissions
Notes from the Speaker
Mote the Merrier
Gjall Listening?
Most of those suck. But, puns, alliteration, in-jokes, portmanteaus... we can come up with something.
Need 1 for the weekly 30. Half way through it.
Ps4 gdt5016
Tower transmissions is actually not that bad. I like it. We need to have a vote or something once we think of a bunch.
Not bad. Keep going.
Want to curate a list and we can keep adding ideas? Google doc or just quoting posts and adding?
Tower transmissions is actually not that bad. I like it. We need to have a vote or something once we think of a bunch.
Err, on a serious note. The Last Word kinda works.
Err, on a serious note. The Last Word kinda works.
Yeah thats not terrible
Been grinding them for 3 days: only ever got blues.![]()
Podcast is a great idea!
I would be down to help however I can.
Name suggestions:
-The Loot Cave
-The Guardian
-The Mythocast
Dear RNGesus,
I now have every exotic weapon currently obtainable in the game except for Gjallarhorn, Hawkmoon, Thunderlord, and Dragon Breath... I've been playing since launch day and I am missing some of the most OP weapons in the game and I don't care. I carried a 27 through Nightfall last week and they got a GHorn and I don't care. I can do more with less. I can take down Crota's shield with my Truth. I can spend a few more minutes DPSing bosses with weaker weapons instead of annihilating them with the horn. I can sneak up a little closer instead of terrorizing from a distance with a Hawkmoon. I can get by with my Super Good Advice instead of Thunderlord. And Dragons Breath is a meh anyway... So you can keep your OP weapons RNGesus. I become a better player the longer I don't have them as a crutch to fall back on.
Sincerely, Deku
The Mythocast should be on the list. I really like that one.
You use a rocket launcher on crota? Man, why do you need that 'crutch'?
You use a rocket launcher on crota? Man, why do you need that 'crutch'?
Well I tried to use the Husk of the Pit but my team-mates were going to boot me so...
Dear RNGesus,
I now have every exotic weapon currently obtainable in the game except for Gjallarhorn, Hawkmoon, Thunderlord, and Dragon Breath... I've been playing since launch day and I am missing some of the most OP weapons in the game and I don't care. I carried a 27 through Nightfall last week and they got a GHorn and I don't care. I can do more with less. I can take down Crota's shield with my Truth. I can spend a few more minutes DPSing bosses with weaker weapons instead of annihilating them with the horn. I can sneak up a little closer instead of terrorizing from a distance with a Hawkmoon. I can get by with my Super Good Advice instead of Thunderlord. And Dragons Breath is a meh anyway... So you can keep your OP weapons RNGesus. I become a better player the longer I don't have them as a crutch to fall back on.
Sincerely, Deku
Mythocast is good. Definitely.
Khvostov and No Land Beyond are too tier Crota shield killers. Stranger's Rifle is alright too.
I'm getting excited. I'll start work on it tomorrow after work.
Welcome to the mythocast.
Too OP. EZ Mode.You're forgetting Universal Remote
You use a rocket launcher on crota? Man, why do you need that 'crutch'?
VoC works surprisingly well. I can get it down to about 20% while no one is looking.
Podcast is a great idea!
I would be down to help however I can.
Name suggestions:
-The Loot Cave
-The Guardian
-The Mythocast
Tales from the MothyardsSo I've mentioned this before, but I really think we should make a destiny podcast. Just like how personagaf has an amazing podcast. I can take care of everything, but I need a good name before I try to make it happen. Would you guys like a podcast? Would you like to be on the podcast? If so, give me a name we can be proud of.
I like the loot cave. Seems like a fitting name.
I'm getting excited. I'll start work on it tomorrow after work.
Welcome to the mythocast.
Hope so too.They seem to be a lot better than the Tiger Playlist was prior to the expansion. Hope you get something soon
Is that like the guy from Mystery Men that can only turn invisible when no one is watching him?
Tower transmissions is actually not that bad. I like it. We need to have a vote or something once we think of a bunch.
Urzock was alive for about 8 seconds, as well.
Hope so too.
Oh well, at least I'm having fun discovering the joys a being a voidwalker with a super filling up hella fast. ^^
Also, to back up my words from earlier: raid warlock with the last IB shader.
Concur.The Mythocast is a great name.
Do you want to buy the URL or should I?
I'll do it.