YAY! A new member to the club. Glad to have you on board. It's been a bit lonely since we lost El Curo.
Don't worry, I will be the last one to leave and turn out the lights.
YAY! A new member to the club. Glad to have you on board. It's been a bit lonely since we lost El Curo.
VoG set looked so much better with Goldspiral, no contest.Hope so too.
Oh well, at least I'm having fun discovering the joys a being a voidwalker with a super filling up hella fast. ^^
Also, to back up my words from earlier: raid warlock with the last IB shader.
Don't worry, I will be the last one to leave and turn out the lights.
VoG set looked so much better with Goldspiral, no contest.
Have you given up on the Horn and come to peace with what RNG has blessed upon you?
Dear RNGesus,
I now have every exotic weapon currently obtainable in the game except for Gjallarhorn, Hawkmoon, Thunderlord, and Dragon Breath... I've been playing since launch day and I am missing some of the most OP weapons in the game and I don't care. I carried a 27 through Nightfall last week and they got a GHorn and I don't care. I can do more with less. I can take down Crota's shield with my Truth. I can spend a few more minutes DPSing bosses with weaker weapons instead of annihilating them with the horn. I can sneak up a little closer instead of terrorizing from a distance with a Hawkmoon. I can get by with my Super Good Advice instead of Thunderlord. And Dragons Breath is a meh anyway... So you can keep your OP weapons RNGesus. I become a better player the longer I don't have them as a crutch to fall back on.
Sincerely, Deku
Don't worry, I will be the last one to leave and turn out the lights.
that's fucking rad
Nice job!!!
That is awesome! Good job
Haha! looks like Cuco started something here with these letters.
The Mythocast should be on the list. I really like that one.
Cuco also convinced people that t-bagging a chest before opening it gives you better rewards.
Whatever happened to the "new found chest" from Crota that todd was posting about yesterday? BS?
Cuco also convinced people that t-bagging a chest before opening it gives you better rewards.
Need 21 radiant shard to reach 32. Already did crota on 2 characters... Either I have to wait til reset or maybe a team is kind enough to carry my 27 hunter through it?![]()
Mythocast for the win!!!!
Also, ironic that one of the players it has eluded for so long comes up with that name...
Dude that didn't fail last time! Between the tea bags, Crota and the Gorgon's chest 9 exotics between all of us. Gjallarhorn, Suros, Truth x2, Red Death x2, Patience & Time and Dragon's Breath x2. I'd never seen that.
There's a big problem in that for high level players, ass shards are useless. Neither raid gear not exotics use them, but Nightfalls and Dailys and engrams (fuck!) keep spitting them out. I'm about at the point where I don't need to do dailys anymore (all my gear is leveled, and they give no weapon xp). I'll only do them from now on if they are related to a bounty or something.
I just looked up your Hunter on DestinyStatus.com
Here is what you do: get to Vanguard rank 2, buy some 33 light boots, do the Eris Urn quest to get some 33 light gloves, max out all your armor, then your a 31. But you need to get the urn quest done before Xur leaves.
I showed Hawkian last night. We couldn't reach it either.So has anyone managed to take the Crota sword up to the third level and kill that gatekeeper yet?
Going to jump into a fresh Crota raid, currently need 3.
PSN is lupin23rd
Huh? Where is he?So has anyone managed to take the Crota sword up to the third level and kill that gatekeeper yet?
Lol you should have been around when they first started happening. One particular group of chatty Kathy Gaffers got the trophy early on but nobody else really tried for it. I finally scrounged up a group of raggamuffins to try it a couple times. We had one run with Atheon less than 10% when a certain special someone blew themselves up with a rocket. No need to name names, history has forgotten ().but I haven't
They patched the "Atheon is afraid of fire that does negligible damage to him" cheese. But it required one wipe in the GK/Atheon room before it would load correctly. On flawless runs, his teleports would be super random and include anywhere from 0 (usually) to 3 (very rarely) people. Glitched portals could happen every time but it would usually sort itself out eventually.
Anything less than 3 ported, we'd run the relic outside and DPS without T's Vengeance. My first flawless had 8 straight portal rounds with only 0 or 1 (me) person. We killed him with no T's V maybe ~10 seconds before enrage. Good times. I'm like an old man telling the same stories over and over. ;_;
I can't wait for the hard raid. But here's a thought. If again Only Crota drops weapons then the rest of the hard raid will be useless to everyone who's a 32 already. Meaning Crota checkpoints galore, even moreso than now. Unless there really are extra exclusive hard raid sections....
I showed Hawkian last night. We couldn't reach it either.
Huh? Where is he?
People will still need radiant shards and energies for their alts when it is time for Hard Raid.
I just watched the "solo the deathsinger" video, and it shows that the invisible wall is continuous. The guy actually platforms over the wall, not through a hole in it. Sadly, I can't imagine that kind of platforming would be necessary if there was an intended secret up there. Probably something silly in the code left over from the bridge that requires a gatekeeper to spawn with a swordbearer. So the just stick the gatekeeper up there and out of the way. Would have been nice to put him in a closet so we don't waste time speculating.
Going to jump into a fresh Crota raid, currently need 3.
PSN is lupin23rd
Fuck you, heart of Praxic Fire Plz Xur.Nice my warlock is 4 shards and a exotic helm away from being 32. Hopefully xur has a helm tomorrow![]()
I can't wait for the hard raid. But here's a thought. If again Only Crota drops weapons then the rest of the hard raid will be useless to everyone who's a 32 already. Meaning Crota checkpoints galore, even moreso than now. Unless there really are extra exclusive hard raid sections....
Likely energy more than shards by that point. I'll have 2 level 32 characters at minimum before the hard raid comes out. If I'm lucky all 3.
Just like ass shards and energy. Shards will be useless first.
Wow Templar checkpoint just gave my friend 2 fatebringers?? WTF I've never seen it reward two of the same gun.
Edit: I see that's not that weird. Crazy I've never seen it
doesn't hard have a different armor set?
seems like a moot point considering that you can trade them in at eris
Oh, I've seen multiple dead ones in that upper level after killing Crota.I just watched the "solo the deathsinger" video, and it shows that the invisible wall is continuous. The guy actually platforms over the wall, not through a hole in it. Sadly, I can't imagine that kind of platforming would be necessary if there was an intended secret up there. Probably something silly in the code left over from the bridge that requires a gatekeeper to spawn with a swordbearer. So the just stick the gatekeeper up there and out of the way. Would have been nice to put him in a closet so we don't waste time speculating.
In the room directly above the hug it out crystal.
On one of my runs 6 fatebringers were distributed between 5 people.