ive been randomly gaining subscribers all morning...
You made the front page of r/Destiny again lol
ive been randomly gaining subscribers all morning...
Uh huhnuh uh
I just turned in 10 bounties and used up a RL Telemetry but I didn't have my Gjallahorn equipped![]()
I just turned in 10 bounties and used up a RL Telemetry but I didn't have my Gjallahorn equipped![]()
I just turned in 10 bounties and used up a RL Telemetry but I didn't have my Gjallahorn equipped![]()
This Exotic Chest in VoG is too fucking nice...
20/23 Exotics gotten
Now only Red Death, The Last Word, No Land Beyond left to have
Uh huh
I just turned in 10 bounties and used up a RL Telemetry but I didn't have my Gjallahorn equipped![]()
You made the front page of r/Destiny again lol
Sorry to hear about that... one more question... is the person with the poor connection always the same person? If so might want to ask them to try flawless someplace with a better internet connection or... It is really hard to get flawless done if someone on your team has very bad internet unfortunately.
It usually is. But we have no choice. We're about to do Templar now. I hope it goes well.
........... I thought a 1.3 K/D was good. Silly me.
My understanding is that the smart loot is only relevant for that given character. So your loot drops for a brand new character won't have any modification for "fun loot drops" because you have no raid loot history. I don't know if a given account has an RNG seed or anything like that but I kinda think not.
yes wayno way
there's not enough facepalm gifs and jpgs for this post.FUUUUCCKKKKKK
I just turned in 10 bounties and used up a RL Telemetry but I didn't have my Gjallahorn equipped![]()
Edit: still in gorgons. PSN is DrDrizzay101.
Ah, sorry didn't see this post until now. I never know if people who join know all the chest routes, but ms hooked you up it seems.
And then you got an exotic! Awesome! Monte Carlo.
A 300 fatebringer is doing more damage then a 331 devil you don't at any level.
I just turned in 10 bounties and used up a RL Telemetry but I didn't have my Gjallahorn equipped![]()
Seeing these posts about flawless attempts being glitched makes my heart hurt.
yes way
Lol you should have been around when they first started happening. One particular group of chatty Kathy Gaffers got the trophy early on but nobody else really tried for it. I finally scrounged up a group of raggamuffins to try it a couple times. We had one run with Atheon less than 10% when a certain special someone blew themselves up with a rocket. No need to name names, history has forgotten (but I haven't).
They patched the "Atheon is afraid of fire that does negligible damage to him" cheese. But it required one wipe in the GK/Atheon room before it would load correctly. On flawless runs, his teleports would be super random and include anywhere from 0 (usually) to 3 (very rarely) people. Glitched portals could happen every time but it would usually sort itself out eventually.
Anything less than 3 ported, we'd run the relic outside and DPS without T's Vengeance. My first flawless had 8 straight portal rounds with only 0 or 1 (me) person. We killed him with no T's V maybe ~10 seconds before enrage. Good times. I'm like an old man telling the same stories over and over. ;_;
are too
Lol you should have been around when they first started happening. One particular group of chatty Kathy Gaffers got the trophy early on but nobody else really tried for it. I finally scrounged up a group of raggamuffins to try it a couple times. We had one run with Atheon less than 10% when a certain special someone blew themselves up with a rocket. No need to name names, history has forgotten ().but I haven't
They patched the "Atheon is afraid of fire that does negligible damage to him" cheese. But it required one wipe in the GK/Atheon room before it would load correctly. On flawless runs, his teleports would be super random and include anywhere from 0 (usually) to 3 (very rarely) people. Glitched portals could happen every time but it would usually sort itself out eventually.
Anything less than 3 ported, we'd run the relic outside and DPS without T's Vengeance. My first flawless had 8 straight portal rounds with only 0 or 1 (me) person. We killed him with no T's V maybe ~10 seconds before enrage. Good times. I'm like an old man telling the same stories over and over. ;_;
You sound like a fucking legend. I would of gave up. Hell this week when I got the trophy I was already admitting to myself that I probably will never get it through random bugs plus human error.Lol you should have been around when they first started happening. One particular group of chatty Kathy Gaffers got the trophy early on but nobody else really tried for it. I finally scrounged up a group of raggamuffins to try it a couple times. We had one run with Atheon less than 10% when a certain special someone blew themselves up with a rocket. No need to name names, history has forgotten ().but I haven't
They patched the "Atheon is afraid of fire that does negligible damage to him" cheese. But it required one wipe in the GK/Atheon room before it would load correctly. On flawless runs, his teleports would be super random and include anywhere from 0 (usually) to 3 (very rarely) people. Glitched portals could happen every time but it would usually sort itself out eventually.
Anything less than 3 ported, we'd run the relic outside and DPS without T's Vengeance. My first flawless had 8 straight portal rounds with only 0 or 1 (me) person. We killed him with no T's V maybe ~10 seconds before enrage. Good times. I'm like an old man telling the same stories over and over. ;_;
are too
You sound like a fucking legend. I would of gave up. Hell this week when I got the trophy I was already admitting to myself that I probably will never get it through random bugs plus human error.
You sound like a fucking legend. I would of gave up. Hell this week when I got the trophy I was already admitting to myself that I probably will never get it through random bugs plus human error.
Thanks to you and GraverobberX; much more fun with GAFfers.Anyone doing the weekly?
Okay. Thanks a lot. One exotic isn't so bad.
You already have the second chest in CE? I just need one more for that and I'm going to solo up to that point myself and if you want to join before I attempt to get it you can.
We had everything, we had bust ups, tiredness after trying for a solid week, people forgetting how to do simple things like which portal opens up when they get teleported, people trying things they normally wouldn't because we nearly had his health down, like trying to rocket Atheon in a new hiding place *cough*. Such a weight was lifted when it was done.
That was really exciting when we got it though..
Killing Omnigul in a weekly without any burn or Ghorn is painful. Let's hope we don't see this strike for a long time now.
You already have the second chest in CE? I just need one more for that and I'm going to solo up to that point myself and if you want to join before I attempt to get it you can.
Your crew was incredibly impressive for getting the flawless tropy without timesvengence during the extremely glitchy Atheon era.
Edit: I always look for cyborg1 in the OP ... That guy did the flawless with you and got almost all the way to the grindy platinum but then just stopped playing Destiny when he was almost there...
Killing Omnigul in a weekly without any burn or Ghorn is painful. Let's hope we don't see this strike for a long time now.
You made the front page of r/Destiny again lol
Umm... I had G-Horn with 2 Heavy Ammo Packs used, she's just annoying fight that's all
Dropping her shield with Arc, then she bolts so quickly, by the time you refocus on her, shield coming back...
Seriously there should be a goddamn cooldown on shields, they are too fucking strong on bosses
Not to mention that she shouldn't have a shield at all, she's a boss, it's not like she melts once we remove her shield, she is already as agile as fuck, then shield and ungodly health life...
Can you imagine Sponge Bob Valus with Solar Shield on top of his gargantuan fatass health, reload or adjust when he's shifting, all that work to drop his shield down the drain...
Seriously that Omnigul needs a nerf big time, also open up that broom closet, Jesus fuck, you drop 8 bajillion trash mobs in such close proximity, your wasting more ammo killing adds and recouping it all back for more adds, cause godforbid she loses more than 15% of her health she calls in next wave >_<
Thanks to you and GraverobberX; much more fun with GAFfers.
PSN down again?
that wipe right as she died was soul-crushing. :-(Umm... I had G-Horn with 2 Heavy Ammo Packs used, she's just annoying fight that's all
Dropping her shield with Arc, then she bolts so quickly, by the time you refocus on her, shield coming back...
Seriously there should be a goddamn cooldown on shields, they are too fucking strong on bosses
Not to mention that she shouldn't have a shield at all, she's a boss, it's not like she melts once we remove her shield, she is already as agile as fuck, then shield and ungodly health life...
Can you imagine Sponge Bob Valus with Solar Shield on top of his gargantuan fatass health, reload or adjust when he's shifting, all that work to drop his shield down the drain...
Seriously that Omnigul needs a nerf big time, also open up that broom closet, Jesus fuck, you drop 8 bajillion trash mobs in such close proximity, your wasting more ammo killing adds and recouping it all back for more adds, cause godforbid she loses more than 15% of her health she calls in next wave >_<
I have the 2nd chest checkpoint on two characters but need 2-3 more ppl to make it to the door.