So I've had the game for a while now but have never really participated in the group content. I joined with two friends but they quit shortly thereafter, and I think we only got in one weekly strike together. Outside that one strike, all I've seen of the group oriented game is solo'ing the first chest in Crota's End. Never seen VoG, CE proper, done a nightfall or even a second weekly for that matter.
Are there still gaffers running non-hard VoG, although I guess I could do hard at this point too. I don't know the mechanics in depth, but I'd like to try both it and CE the "legit" way as I got the game primarily for the raids. I have one level 30 titan, who's gotten there solely off vanguard/xur gear. I'm down for either of the raids, the weekly, or the nightfall today if you guys are comfortable with someone brand new to all the endgame activities.