Ugh I don't want to wait for reset to get loot from Crota. Having a 2nd Warlock just shy of 31 is adding a dynamic I wasn't expecting before I made an alt. Now I want to play even MOAR
I'm ready to run the sword if you can get a group together.
If you're still putting a group together PSN zombiemortar
Sweet! Need three more counting lt519. PSN is ScaryG.
Sweet! Need three more counting lt519. PSN is ScaryG.
Sweet! Need three more counting lt519. PSN is ScaryG.
That doesn't look all too hot compared to other options unless you can completely whiff a headshot and it still registers. Even then, why would you choose that over other exotics?Any thoughts on how the hunter exotic ExoTac Angel Hunter will be?
Any thoughts on how the hunter exotic ExoTac Angel Hunter will be?
Sweet! Need three more counting lt519. PSN is ScaryG.
That doesn't look all too hot compared to other options unless you can completely whiff a headshot and it still registers. Even then, why would you choose that over other exotics?
Visually sexy as hell though.
Welp, that didn't went well... xD
Edit: Sorry guys, I don't have the time for another try.
1) Globehopper
2) Dhruv
3) lt519
4) Stereotype
5) Yukianesa
I think I can rope in a friend (31 Hunter) for the 6th.
Yesterday while grinding some XP, I had to go AFK for a moment and put my 6 year old in control of my Guardian.
She's messed around with the game mechanics a little here and there but always with some guidance.
My instructions ths time were simple, "Kill monsters and dont die". I got back after about 10 min to find she was hugged up into some weird cheese corner trying to pop shots at some Thralls.
Her reply "I can NOT kill anything, but I didn't die". After looking at how quickly she naturally went into cheese mode I told her 2 words..."You're ready" lol
Sure thing, friend. Just give me a minute to clean up before I log on.SharkJAW my comrade! Is it Roc Strike time? These last few weeks of no significant weapon upgrade has me bummed out, the only cure is gambling.
1) Globehopper
2) Dhruv
3) lt519
4) Stereotype
5) Yukianesa
I think I can rope in a friend (31 Hunter) for the 6th.
Any thoughts on how the hunter exotic ExoTac Angel Hunter will be?
Oh thought you guys finished it as I joined. Damn. Well if anyone wants to let's a 28 titan tag along on Nightfall or weekly heroic lemme know!
I'm already planning Nami's obituary.
Sure thing, friend. Just give me a minute to clean up before I log on.
Yesterday while grinding some XP, I had to go AFK for a moment and put my 6 year old in control of my Guardian.
She's messed around with the game mechanics a little here and there but always with some guidance.
My instructions ths time were simple, "Kill monsters and dont die". I got back after about 10 min to find she was hugged up into some weird cheese corner trying to pop shots at some Thralls.
Her reply "I can NOT kill anything, but I didn't die". After looking at how quickly she naturally went into cheese mode I told her 2 words..."You're ready" lol
omg i can snipe in the air with this.
Not the best perk but DAMN does it look cool.
That doesn't look all too hot compared to other options unless you can completely whiff a headshot and it still registers. Even then, why would you choose that over other exotics?
Visually sexy as hell though.
I feel like the other exotic piece will be more useful, transforming double jump into a triple jump.Any thoughts on how the hunter exotic ExoTac Angel Hunter will be?
Forrest I'll go with you in like 10 mins if that's cool.
I'm up for this. On your FL as coyquettish.Anyone else boarding this Roc Strike train? Once we start we don't stop.Until the "no Exotic for 10+ runs" depression sets in
In a harrowing rescue mission of chocolates and flowers... Nami' as known by the Destiny and NeoGAF community had quite an unexpected misadventure while flying over a typical suburban American community...
Parachutes known to many as safety devices, but to some as a means of an extreme sport were directly involved in the demise of this beloved gamer.
Some phone calls to police dispatch before the incident happened clearly show complaints of a high pitched girlish scream... that could clearly be heard as someone's name
or perhaps this overzealous yell was a last ditch wish for the wondrous snack that so many in the world love "Fig Newtons" before splatting upon the pavement as his shoot did not open.
Please take a moment to remember this rambunctious and rather funny 21 year old.
I'm in orbit.1) Globehopper
2) Dhruv
3) lt519
4) Stereotype
5) Yukianesa
I think I can rope in a friend (31 Hunter) for the 6th.
Anyone want to help me finish the thorn bounty? Psn same as here.
Still looking? 31 Hunter spyder_ur
She's a natural just like her Dad.
Just make sure she doesn't hold square while hovering over your ghorn or your favorite toon.
Any thoughts on how the hunter exotic ExoTac Angel Hunter will be?
Initially, I thought it might hold promise, but airborne targets are the easiest ones. If we're talking extreme close range then jumping may help.Lol, do you think the added stability will actually help with that? I'm thinking a mobile Hunter with a hand cannon could destroy so many people
Looks amazing, and the perk might be real good in practice but not on paper.
It looks so good that's why I want it. But being completely honest for me the Hunter exotics aren't all that good. I use Knucklehead for radar because in most situation I never have enough time to pull off the potential 4th gunslinger shot.
I feel like the other exotic piece will be more useful, transforming double jump into a triple jump.
Shop version has 97 max discipline. Bought DB & SP too.
Lol, do you think the added stability will actually help with that? I'm thinking a mobile Hunter with a hand cannon could destroy so many people
Looks amazing, and the perk might be real good in practice but not on paper.
It looks so good that's why I want it. But being completely honest for me the Hunter exotics aren't all that good. I use Knucklehead for radar because in most situation I never have enough time to pull off the potential 4th gunslinger shot.
Why to use coins, when you can do the lottery..2 Tries, 1st got Ruin Wings
Shop version has 97 max discipline. Bought DB & SP too.
The timer starts when the sword is dropped. The first sword could help or don't even bother picking up the first sword until the second sword bearer is also dead.Can the person who grabs the first sword chip in to destroy the 2nd Swordbearer that spawns? Or does the sword have a finite number of swings before it disappears or something?
Another day with no ballerhorn. RNGods why must you banish me from glory.